Friday, 11 August, 2017

Hey guys! My God it's been so long - Almost a year! So happy to be back though, so much has changed!

For starters, I feel really really bad for just kinda leaving you guys in the dark about everything. I know I promised tons of stuff and never delivered, and I feel really ty about it...

But never fear, for I am here to hopefully stay! I hope to get back into a normal posting schedule, especially with Ice and Fire and the Other Diary. I want to rewrite My Roommate's a Vampire (By Accident), and *hopefully* I can get to a new story for the Autumn/Winter seasons that may or may not have one of my first OCs...

I'm really so excited to be back on AFF; I've had so many good ideas for stories recently that are almost ready to be posted! Can't wait to share them with you guys~





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