Foodie Problems

I love food but food doesn't love me and it's such a problematic relationship. Basically I'm stuck going out all the time because dorm food and has too much bread and processed stuff that I can't eat but it's okay because there's this Korean tofu house down the street and now I go there so often they know my name and ask me if I want the usual. It's so sad.

Also it's so hot here and if anyone looks at my location they'll be like yeah right but there were fires in Canada and the wind swept down all the smoke and it's making the asmatics have a really hard time to breathe. 

Exams are next week (kill me now) so of course I thought it would be a good idea to start a new fic. It's called 88 and it's an OC x Jongin. Honestly, writing this fic has been super relaxing in comparison to my other ones because this doesn't have the action/psychology/insanity that the other two do and the snapshot style is fun to mess around with. 

Does anyone have any tips for actually staying focused while studying? I'm awful and have to take breaks all the time.


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With studying, I noticed that I can't stay attentive for long for what I do is take five minute breaks after twenty minutes of studying. Also, I use a lot of coloured pens and highlighters to color code my notes. I remember the colours during my exams and the information with it. Also, I chew gum when I study. It helps me focus instead of shaking my feet so much.
Hope this helps! ❤
I don't think this would be much help but -
1. Do newspaper reading first that is read all the questions&answers without trying to get them completely , just read them once fastly as if you read a newspaper. This makes you know the conclusion answer and basic summary.
The second time you read, you will know the final answer while reading the question and now read the answer thoroughly which makes you understand the reasons for the answers. (this will be useful for theory subjects)

2. While studying, if you can't get a answer after reading so many times, just WRITE them in a book, not as a paragraph but as a
Steps or points. And then Reread.

3. Make sure you have a basic grip on all the subjects.
In case of a subject you are weak in, take it as a challenge and make a day or few hours specifically for it and try to get all the basics of it. For this you have to read actual text book rather than summary notes. If you have time, try to read previous year relevant basics of that subject too.

All the best for your exams, in advance.
I've used a piano/hip-hop study playlist from YouTube on repeat so much while writing essays that I've just associated it with school so it keeps me more focused than if I were listening to k-pop or something. But for actual study tips...? Man idk, I cram in the like three days leading up to an exam with word/concept lists. Flash cards work well for me too, but making separate cards is a pain. I suppose I could use Quizlet though....
neonflowers #4
Study when you really need to HAHAHAA
Ok this is not a tip and it's not exactly a good idea and i'm fully aware i might not survive uni if this keeps up but this is basically how i lived through high school

Btw are u canadian? Which part do you live in that has fires? Haha i'm going to move to canada for uni aloooone in like 3 weeks and my brain just jumps every single time it comes across the word canada