Update on Me

Normally I don’t do personal/life updates but I thought I needed to or at least I should, especially since a lot has happened this Summer. For those of you who don’t know, I work two jobs, one is out of town (city I’ll refer to as “O”) and is 30 minutes away by car. Another is in town (I’ll call it “C”) though I’ve just turned in my two weeks because something happened and I’ve made the rash decision to suddenly move city (“R”). I’ve found an apartment and already applied (and accepted) for a job in said R city, so I will be moving soon. R is 50 minutes away (1hr+ if there’s heavy traffic) from my current location C. And before the week is up there’s a high possibility that I’ll be working three jobs… Unfortunately I had June planned out hoping to get reviews completed then just focus on writing. But of course it’s August and reviews aren’t done and I’ve only completed and published two one shots so that’s disappointing.

Now I just want to rant a little because of everything I’ve put myself in and what has been put on me. >_<

For the past months or so I’ve only been working, carpooling (other than my uncle and aunt who also works out of town, I’m the only ride for my two sisters who also works. And my grandma who raises chickens and pigs, so buying animal feed and transporting them is lowkey my fifth job, if you count carpooling as my fourth) or running errands, and with any free time I try to write or listen to music to relieve stress. I don’t know why I dug myself a deeper hole but I entered three writing contests this Summer, two of the three deadlines are this month and the sad thing is I asked for extension on both submissions, but with this schedule I may have to drop out in the end. It really because I had both stories planned out, but gah… (To the two contest hosts, this isn’t me giving up yet. I’ll try to push and if I fail then I’ll let you know ASAP >_<) And I guess it’s everything building up but I’ve been so mean, easily pissed, and nasty to my coworkers and friends.

Seriously, I’ve been so unnecessarily moody to my managers and today I told my managers and store manager that if they talk to me I’m walking out, and that I could care less about their wishy-washy f****** rules (this is the job in C I’m quitting). Though the workplace has been toxic lately and it is getting to me, I don’t want to use it as an excuse for my attitude because I’ve seen worse. Just a few month ago the place was barely functioning. In my little-over-two-years there I’ve seen four different store managers come and go and even then I stayed positive. I came in putting in 200% doing the job of two people and more, but it’s been so annoying. Right before I go into the store I’m already mad because I know what’s expected and is waiting for me. Like I don’t know if it’s because I know I'm leaving that I’m acting up or if I’m just fed up in general. I even got called out for making a “racist” joke, like I’ve been making racist jokes since day one..what? Also now that I’m quitting my store manager wants to give me more hours because she wants me to teach the new 100 or so hirees, like are you kidding me? You promised to only give me 42 hours for last and this week but now you want to give me 42 this upcoming week too? Gah I swear I’m starting to hate my job and the people there.

What’s more annoying is that for one week I worked 9am-6pm at my job in O, it’s 30 minutes away like I said so I got to get up at 8. For that one week both my sisters work too, one does her 9am-5pm and the other 7pm-11pm (sometimes 6am-10/10:30pm), BUT the thing is after 6pm I was also schedule for 7pm-2am in C. So when I leave from O, I have one hour to pick my sister up from her 9-5pm shift, take her home, get ready, pick up the other then take her to work at 7pm and then I’ll go to work as well. Unfortunately sometimes my 7pm-2am shift runs till 3 or 4am whenever we’re done with closing/cleaning. Then I get to go home and get back up at 8am for my job in O. Because I only worked four days in C and though I did seven days in O, my aunt still urged me to ask for more hours. When I finally agree to 42 hours from my store manager my aunt then wants me to request certain days off for this and that. Like make up your mind woman! (Jokes, I love her to pieces.) Anywho the purpose of this rant was to let a few of you (you might know who you are >_<) know that I didn’t intend to be distant or short with my words. It has been a very painful Summer but I will get through it, plus ranting about it here made me feel better xD If you have anything to rant/share please do~ I’ll gladly hear you out as you’ve read through my concern >_<

Ahhh before I forget, the main point of this blog was to address my gifts to the special eleven people who requested a one shot from me. Please know that I’m slowly working on them and haven’t given up yet~ As you’ve seen it’s because of my hectic agenda that I’ve been slacking. The order they’ll be written has been decided a while back and it was based on the number of words in the form you’ve filled. Please be patient with me~ After moving I think I'll have more time to write.


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I hope you are doing better and is still accomplishing goals!!! Don't worry about writing and working on the stories too much. In due time you'll get them all done and you'll be satisfied with what you've written because you took your time :]
Aww Leelo.. it's okay, you can take your time~ and I hope everything will go well~! Fighting~! b^-^d
I think you need to focus on what job you like and you will really do and also won't stress you since you have three jobs now and other things to do~
Woah~ I love how you really care to your family~ ♡♡♡ but I think you need a time for yourself too~

Once again fighting, Leeloo~~!! \^-^/ you can do it~!! ^-^d *send you a virtual hugs* ♡♡♡♡♡
Omggggg Kaihlee stay stronggggg >.< I hope everything works out once you do end up settling and working at your new job :( don't put too much stress on yourself about writing, I'm sure people will be able to understand! Do that at your own pace, and whenever you feel comfortable doing it.. and as for C, it's good you're leaving there it sounds hella toxic..
It's ok, *pats your shoulder* It's a little hard to relate since I've only just started to my first job part-time and still studying full-time but I hope everything gets better for you. Take some stress relievers, like taking deep breaths, yoga exercises (that helps me a lot when I'm stressed out) and maybe even listening to songs. You can take your time with my request. I won't mind if you do it last :) health is always important. I wish you good luck. Fighting!
I want to tell you that it's normal for you to be cranky and pissed off of the world around you. You've been working your off. You've been doing your best. And sometimes life gets to you. Sometimes the hardships and the expectations others have of you become too much. And that's okay. You're only human after all. You need a break. You need to distance yourself a bit and just simply relax. Hopefully this new place you'll be moving to will offer you a better environment and that you'll new job will be better than the last. Just don't overwork yourself, okay. Think about your health. Your mental health most importantly. Because your mood affects your work. If you're feeling good then things will be a bit easier to tackle.
That being said, I want you to stay positive and hope for the best.
I wish you the best in everything you do.
Fighting love!
TBH it sounds like it's a good thing you're quitting your job in C, it seems like a ty environment. Just reading your schedule makes my head spin, I only work in one clinic and I thought my job was hectic. I've never been a situation like yours so all the advice I can give is hang in there, things are bound to get better.
Plus I'm sure your friends and coworkers will understand the reason behind your attitude. We're only human, and it really sounds like you're going through a lot, it's not weird that you would lash out eventually.
As for the writing part, as you said it's a way for you to relax so don't stress yourself out over it. Again I'm sure your readers would understand what you're going through, I'm sure they'd want you to be happy and healthy first xD
The only thing I can really do is wish you luck, I'm sure you'll manage to work this out :)