Going to China...

Hello everyone!


I don't usually share too much about me, because I like having privacy and well... It's the internet. You never know xD

A little piece of information about me is that I am going to spend almost a whole year, starting this upcoming month, in China, Beijing, since I'm studying Mandarin.

I live in Europe and never went to another country. I've been studying Chinese for only a year, so I'm very excited but nervous at the same time ahah.

If there's anyone here who would like to talk to me, to tell me anything that you know about the country, give me tips, or if you're learning Chinese as well and want someone to train with... You're free to send me a message and we can chat :)




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I'm learning Chinese as well! I've also been learning for only a year ^^
Isavis57 #2
congratulations!!!! sorry i can't give you any advice but i really do wish you the best! and i'm sure you'll have an amazing time! don't be afraid and have strength i know you'll fit right awaay ^_^
Well I hope you have a safe traveling and good luck with your studies fam x))
zoebyunnie #4
I'm going To China this year too ! After 5 years of learning
Do you go alone or with your school ?
Honorifics is important but I think that you already know that ;)
If you have someone who you supervise you, ask him about anything. He will surely help you more than you think.
Have a great year outside Europe~~ You will come back more mature :)
I hope that you'll have fun !!! Take care of your health (it's important), make some friends and ENJOY YOUR LIFE !
I'm sure it will the best experience in your life :)
Do not give or present clock to anyone in there cause it have bad meaning and you might offend them. Do not poke your chopsticks in the middle of the bowl. Thats not acceptable and consider as rude. Usually they are meant for the dead..
Jacinthill #7
What are you going to do there?? Are you going there for vacation or are you going to work??? Teach for example:)