Hello all my y, pretty, beautiful lovelies out there! how is everyone? everyone doing good? are you guys still there?! Cool Cool! now..... Damn.... i know i took an unofficial long haitus. I know i know i know. I didn't even wanted this to happen really. Let me explain why. First off one of the reasons that followed this hitus were my writing blocks. I started having these writers blocks and i couldn't be more clear with my stories. Sometimes when i come up with stories, tittles, or writing plots, sometimes i just get confuse and take a short break, That break get turned into a long break to 3 or more months. So i come up with these stories, and never finishing them. I don't know weather to continue to update them because it been so long apart and i'm just now updating. Then i don't want to make you guys upset because you have to wait for me to update which i am truly sorry for making you guys waiting so long and patiently. Second'y, i started working, even though it's non excusable even though it kinda is.... I don't know. I started working and i been too tired to do anything really. From taking care of moms, to working everyday, then try to get a little walk in every now and then and it just got to a point where i forgot about my stories. Like, they were on my mind but i just didn't bother to write anything because i was working and what do people do when they work and have their own money? Shop til they drop. I wasn't really shopping that much just getting small stuff. like hats, acessories, little clothes here and here and etc.  been nowhere and ll i been doing is working but that was two months ago. As of right now, i'm in a depressed stage where i can't find a job right now. i have been searching and applying and it just got me like hopeless. The reason i lost my job was due to an allergic reacton i had and i was not feelng well through the week. So they fired me.... i been upset and angry with myself all this time and it just... hard for me. So that's what i have been doing, thats what i been feeling, and thats what been stressing about. Work Work Work and plus school because i really want to go back to school as of now. So yeah. A lot of emotions and mentally stress things going on in my head right now. hopefully it becomes better. I hope you guys don't hate me. I will trystil to be more active because finish and create more stories. I hope you guys love me and i will catch you all soon!

August 2, 2017 Sincerely BreBre


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