To you,

Yes I have done one of these before, written some months ago but it never hurts to address it again. For a blog with more varying topics for encouragment kindly go here. If there's something else you'd like me to talk about please do let me know, I'd be happy to oblige.










1...2...3... HELLO! HYO HERE

Bunbun, that smile didn't seem natrual at all ಥ_ಥ .

SIT DOWN (Sh*t down ಠ‿↼) and listen up doe. 

Many people in the world constantly worry about not fitting into the "ideal/ perfect girl" / "ideal / perfect guy" image the world has made. Everyday is a fierce battle for them to try and squeeze themselves into being a replica of this image and it's heartbreaking to see how many insecurties stem from this. 

When I was younger around the ages of 7-9 my stomach began to grow and I became obese. I was pretty thin earlier on so it was a shocker, my stomach was round like a pot and I had about 2 love handles plus I was really short then so it didn't really affect my appearance positively but despite me not fitting the public's opinion on "beautiful", I wore whatever I wanted to. For whatever reason only God knows, I fancied really tight t-shirts that made my love handles even more prominent! ;- ;. Back then I was unaffected by the harsh remarks, I stood proud and comfortable in my own skin not shying away from things or from people. Unfortunately as I grew up my overflowing confidence began to fade as I was more exposed to the world, surrounded by; unwelcome opinions, brain-washed mentalities, scrutinizing glares, photoshoped pictures, scarring experiences.

I hid behind baggy tees, loose pants and anything in general that covered up the ugly mess I've become. Over and over again my mind was fed with the ridiculous and non-achievable image of "perfect". The world told me that I'll only be pretty, only be attractive when I looked a certain way and I believed it. I believed that I could never be found attractive if I didn't look like that perfect. So I began to loathe myself. I hated looking at the mirror, I hated seeing myself in the shower, I hated my body for not allowing me to wear what I liked that in the process of the self loathing I slowly started to lose myself. Tilll one day I paused, took a deep breath and really thought on this subject.

I looked around me and no one I saw looked exactly like me. I have dark brown eyes, a small nose, really puffy cheeks, dimples and untamble wavy-ish curly hair. My sister has lighter brown eyes, a parrot nose, less puffier cheeks, more prominent dimples, much straighter and longer hair. The lady I met at the store had dark skin, almost black beetle like eyes, earthy colored lips, big ears and choppy hair. The foreigner that smiled at me had paper white skin tinted with red, dirty blond hair, blue eyes, rosy cheeks, a higehbridged nose and light pink lips.  The little boy was skinny, his hair shaved fully, his muddy brown eyes darting to and fro, he had a jumbo-shaped nose, freackly skin, sunken cheeks and plump lips. The cute guy in the book store had brown hair, lively green eyes, a sharp jawlines, slightly puffy cheeks, and a nice wide smile. His taller friend had sandy blond long curly hair, inviting coffee brown eyes, a rather squashed looking nose, a shaggy beard and thin lips.

The differences were clearer than it was before. So how can the exact same "ideal girl/guy" image fit us all?

Some are petite, some have broarder shoulders, wider hips, thicker thighs, bigger or smaller s, shorter / longer hair, different colored eyes and skin, different types of hair. We are so damn different. So damn unique. We are just so damn ... beautiful.  

When this realization hit me like a wrecking ball I just smiled like a maniac. Why should I worry about what other people, most of who don't even know me think? I have the right to be comfortable in my own skin and the right to wear what ever the fudge I want to. I'm working on growing back to the self confident little I was.


We all have unique things that will suit us. 

Don't let this messed up train wreck of a world tell you what to look like.

You are you.

You look like you.

And you know what?  That's okay.



In conclusion:







3:00am Hyo's out. Stay happy~



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bts-infires-me #1
GOOD SHIET, GOOD SHIET TALK TO WHOLE WORLD DEAR (Yup, I just wanted to say you talk really wisely and congratulations in being so brave to win with yourself in fight for your confidence <3 keep going~)
igotausername #2
That "I hated looking at the mirror " just just.. took me aback and I realized "I do actually hate myself, huh? "
It was just a few days ago, a friend told me, "why you don't like to take pictures? why you don't like to look at yourself in the mirror? It's like you hate yourself" and that's when I realized that I do actually hate myself and that's why there's no love in me, That's why I'm sad, that's why I'm depressed..
I always thought I loved myself, but at that moment I realized that I didn't. Why? It's because I have been comparing myself over this, that and everything and that was so wrong of me to do. Because each being is unique and wonderful and beautiful, we can never compare one to another. All people are different and unique... So, from now on I'm going to love myself:)

I'm sorry for blabbering too much here. And I would surely love to talk over this with you again.
that ending sentence was just perfect like GUYS SERIOUSLY DON'T GIVE A CRAP WHAT THE WORLD THINKS ABOUT YOU
I feel like a lot of people who diet and exercise and do that type of stuff don't do it for their own happiness and that's what makes me so sad. For me, I exercise because I love being active when I'm bothered to, so when I see people forcing themselves to exercise ... it just breaks my heart. Of course there are exceptions, there's this guy that I know who's already having heart problems at the age of 21 or something, and he HAS to exercise to live a healthy lifestyle and to prevent anything getting worse.
I think it shouldn't be the BEAUTY standards that the world should be focused on, but mainly HAPPINESS and HEALTH
THIS IS SO TRUE!!! No two people can look alike, having this "box" where your appearance has to fit into is actually pretty unrealistic. Also, if everyone looked the same, wouldn't it get boring? If everyone fit into the same "beauty" standard, would it really be beauty at all? It's our differences that make us stand out, and the REAL YOU is more important than your body.
Sadly, in this messed up world, our appearances matter more than the real us...
But gosh, this post is inspiring, I LOVE IT!!!
THIS WAS BEAUTIFUL honestly I rlly needed to hear that bc I'm not the same size as my whole family and it's sometimes disheartening but this rlly helped I LOVE 3 AM HYO AND ALL THE TIME HYO but like WAS the lil purpose necessary bc I already know I'm a little :p