IM STILL ALIVE (talking about my absence on aff)

Hey guys! ♡♡♡


YIKES! Its been awhile hasn't it? I was gone for like 2 months straight. (don't know if anyone noticed lol) 

I kind of wanted to explain myself to you guys since I went ghost on everybody. Well, life has been chasing me with a knife lately. Still is. It's been hard to find a place to write while being chase by life of every minute of the day. Especially since I'm constantly moving to one place to another. It's really exhausting. 


I was able to get a job near my college I'll be attending in the fall. It's been great for my financial needs. The money I earned from my job is going directly towards my college funds. Sadly, it screwed up my writing time/me time. I don't remember the last I really sat down and enjoyed myself. I use to be all up to date with the fanfics I would read. I would be able to fracking take a bubble bath while writing my story. I would even be able to watch a marathon of the saw series. But guess what? I'm becoming an adult and I have more responsibilities that I need to take care of. ;c 


I've been emotionally unstable due to the changes in my life. It's really hard for me to adapt to change, especially since I'm gaining more responsibility and going to a new school. I like things to stay the same since it gives me a sense of security of "i know what to expect type of thing." So when something changes I tend to break down and shut myself off from the world. (I'm in the process of handling it better.) 


It's been taking a huge toll on my writing. Everything I would write just didn't satisfy my standards that I have for myself. As a writer, I want to post my best work online. I don't want to half something just to have something posted. I genuinely love writing even if my writing is at an amateur level. It's thrilling to construct an plot line and watch it evolve overtime. I still hold a certain standard for myself. You don't know how many times I have rewrote the 8th chapter for my story. At the end, I ended up starting over again and again until it become a vicious cycle of bringing myself down. Telling myself that I'm not a good writer blah blah blah. 


BUT that does not mean I'm going to stop writing. I'll still be writing but definitely not very frequently. I decided to go on a semi-hiatus period. I think my well being just needs a break from writing. I would LOVE to have a break from life but life is still alive and ready to pounce on me. ♡ Once I find a balance in my life for my job, school, and time for myself than i'll be writing more frequently. ♡


Thank you guys for all the love and support I got from my story. I really didn't expect for people to actually read it? ♡♡♡


I'll still be alive on here by catching up on the stories that I follow. Come talk to me on twitter as well. I want to get to know my readers. ♡

Some of you guys might had already know that I was going to announce that I was going on a semi-hiatus period if you follow me on twitter.


Here's my twitter:


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It's okay to take your time:3 life can be busy and stressful... Be strong!! I love your story so don't give up:333
All the best <3
im glad ur alive and well~ i was kinda of worried what happened to u ! o(^.^)o