An Astro Fic Recommendation!

I Won't Tell A Soul
by coldnewdles

Moonbin and I just had our first anniversary and he has been sweeter to me ever since. He had the day planned out; breakfast in bed, morning shower together, and he gives me all the sweetest things all through the day, not to mention surprise kisses when he had the chance. It was great and I love him for that and while we snuggle he took me on a little throwback story on how he felt about me exactly a year ago. If I had to tell people about how we met, I would tell them that I met him in a coffee shop, he was with his friends and I was alone. He was clumsy and cute. It was a typical mistake where he spilled his drink on my pants and well I had to stay because he insisted that he wanted to make it up to me and I couldn't say no. 

Check out the story by clicking the link below.

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