My First K-pop Bias

Even though the title of the blog might sound cheerful and promising a nice blog but unfortunately that is not the case here. For many of you might not know but Lee Sungmin from Super Junior posted on his intagram, nearly an hour ago...

The post is as follow:

안녕하세요 성민입니다. 여러가지 사정으로인해 오랜만에 인사드리게 되었네요. 우선 많은 팬분들께 걱정을 끼쳐드려 죄송합니다. 최근 저로 인해서 이런저런 안좋은 이야기들이 많았는데,  혼자 판단하고 행동할 수 있는 일이 아니다보니.. 답이 늦어져서 죄송하게 생각합니다. 그점에 대해서는 저도 늘 속상하고 미안하게 생각하고있습니다.  돌이켜보면 결혼을 준비하는 과정에서부터 10년을 넘게 수많은 팬분들의 사랑으로 자라온 아이돌인 저의 입장이 결코 일반적일 수는 없다는 사실을 외면했던 것 같습니다. 좀 더 세심한 배려와 진실된 자세가 필요했던 그 시기에 그렇게 하지못했던 부분에서 상처입은 팬들과 점점 눈덩이처럼 커져가는 근거없는 오해와 소문으로 또 한번 배신감을 느끼셨을분들께 보다 적극적인 소통이 있었어야 된다는 생각이 듭니다. 군대에 있으면서 하루하루 너무나도 기다렸던, 꼭 하고싶었던 멤버들과의 활동이지만 슈퍼주니어의 중요한 이번 앨범이 잘 되길 간절히 바라는 마음에서 이번 활동에는 참여하지 않기로 하였습니다.  저는 슈퍼주니어의 멤버로써 오랫동안 우리 슈퍼주니어가 사랑받기를 원합니다. 그렇기 때문에 저에 대한 논란이 계속되고 있는 현재의 상황에서는 슈퍼주니어를 먼저 생각하는 것이 옳은 판단이라 생각하여 이번 앨범에 제가 참여하지 않는 것이 팀을 위한 길이라는 생각을 했습니다. 모두에게 중요한 이번 컴백에서 저로 인해 엘프들이 저희를 진심을 다해 응원하지 못하게 되는 상황만큼은 만들고 싶지 않았습니다. 저를 사랑해주시고 응원해 주시는 팬분들께는 죄송하지만 제가 좀 더 시간을 가지고 노력을 해야 될 것 같습니다. 엘프 여러분들 이번 슈퍼주니어의 컴백을 진심을 다해 응원해주시고 지켜봐 주세요.

A post shared by 이성민 (@sungmin1209) on Jul 6, 2017 at 2:27am PDT


TRANSLATION (By Naver Translate)

I have come to greet you in a long time because of a variety of circumstances.
First of all, I'm sorry to bother you so much.
Recently, I've had so many bad stories about myself that I can't seem to judge and act alone. I'm sorry to hear that the answer is delayed. I'm always upset and sorry about that.
Looking back, I think that my position in the way that I grew up, in the process of getting married, for more than 10 years, and that I grew up in love with tens of thousands of won, was never normal.
I feel that there should have been more active communication among those who felt betrayed by injured fans and unfounded rumors and unfounded rumors that they had failed to do so at the time of need of more careful attention and a genuine sense of attitude.
While I was in the military, I wanted to participate in the activities that I longed for, but I decided not to participate in this activity.
As a member of Super Junior, I hope our Super Junior will be loved for many years. So, in the context of the ongoing debate, I thought that this is the way I'm going to play for the team.
In this comeback, I didn't want to create a situation where the elves couldn't really cheer us up because they were so important to me.
I'm sorry for the guys who love me and cheer for me, but I think I'll have to work with them more.
Please feel free to cheer up and watch the Super Junior comeback.


Of course there are a lot of parts that don't make much sense to me but I have come to understand one thing (I might be wrong, correct me if you know any better);

Lee Sungmin not participating in Super Junior's long waited comeback

Just because some petty and stupid girls had nothing better to do in their life and started a strike against his involvement in the Group!!!
Just because THEY felt like they won't be able to cheer Super Junior as a whole because Sungmin would be standing on the stage with them!!!

If I could, I would punch THOSE PETTY GIRLS in the face... I swear to Lord! I wanna kick their asses!


Lee Sungmin is my First Ever Bias in K-Pop. I didn't fell for his pretty face, on the contrary, I fell for his talent. A lot of people (even some E.L.Fs) won't know much about Sungmin since he is a shy and silent kind of guy... but he is full of talents...

♦ He has a beautiful voice and sings like an angel

♦ His dancing abilities are unbelievably amazing

♦ He is a superb actor

♦ He can play guitar

♦ He knows Martial Arts

♦ He can learn knew things in a blink of an eye... because he is that dedicated... because he is that hard working!!

♦ He has a really caring heart... for his family... for s... for his fans...


But apparently he made a mistake (sarcasm intended)

He fell in love
and then got married

But wait!! There is a twist!!

He got married TWO AND A HALF YEARS AGO!!!

But the *injured* and *betrayed* fans just realized that they should demand a removal for Sungmin from SJ.
Right when they announced they would be making a comeback as soon as EunHaeWon returns from army?!?

Excuse me?! But am I the only one who thinks that it is more of a work of an ANTI FAN than a FAN??


But beside that fact... what hurts me is the pain in Sungmin's words... a tear did fell down my eye (and I am a person who doesn't cry easily)

And the question lingers in my mind...

Would he be only sitting down for this comeback??
Would those HATERS rest knowing they succeeded once so they should try and make more trouble for SJ, after this??


I am confuse and I am sad...


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That is cruel. People should give importance to talent not their personal life
This makes me LIVID. Crazy ELF have been wanting Sungmin out of the group since the day he announced marriage and now they're halfway there, booting him out of his first comeback since TIL. You can bet these fans-turned-antis won't ever accept him no matter when he tries to return. He was so excited to comeback and showed zero signs of wanting to drop out before and now because no one at SM seems to give a crap about defending him, he's out. It makes me so mad I could scream.
I'm really disappointed with the news :( he's one of the sweetest person & some crazy idiotic so called fans wanted him out...I don't get this knetizens obsession over idols...they can get married & can date but not idols..really Idiotic of them...
I feel that haters helped some of the kelf too...
I'm truly hurt from this turn of events, poor sungmin, he must have made that decision with a painful heart, I will miss him so much, I even sent SM the email for supporting him, looks like they still don't care for SJ, I wish those fans would be more mature, understanding and forgiving, I don't understand the concept of devoting an idol's life to fans just because they are in the fandom, I mean they are as Normal as us, if fans can get married or date then why can't those idol's????
I'm truly speechless and hurt cause of sungmin's​ withdrawal and even more upset that Label SJ actually accepted his decision
Abhirami #5
I'm with you on this Amy, Sungmin is my first ever bias in kpop too.. it saddens me so much that these stupid people are making him hurt
this is really really really sad...
out of all the people, the fact that ELFs themselves who did this is breaking my heart...

no, you're not the only one who think that way.
this is look more like an act of haters rather than a fans..