Future Husband Prediction

So you ever predict what kind of husband you will have? Well I do but this one on my mind I really truely believe this is going to happen I predict that my future husband will be an older man in his late 30's or early 40's. We will meet in a quiet place either a library, park or museum. He will catch a glimpse of one of my drawing I am working on. He will compliment me and ask about my artwork. I will find out that he is an artist too. We will work on some type of art project together and slowly fall in love. I will find out that in the past he has had bad relationship with women and longs to have a family. At first he is hesitant to date me because of our and because he thinks I wouldnt be into him because of his race. Eventually we get past that and marry and have 3 children. So..? You guys have any predictions about you future husband/wife???


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