Too Much Free Time

Well, before I start this post I just have one question to ask, is it free time or freetime? I can never tell the difference... Maybe it's both? Hn, who knows. Anyway, back to what I was saying. 

I think I have too much free time (freetime?) I am just bored out of my f-ing mind. Like seriously, I have nothing to do and I secrectly wish this is not what it is going to be like when I am at college cause I think I will go out of my mind. Life is too short to be alone and I know most of the responsibility is mine when trying to fill all that empty time. 

That is okay though! I will fill it with friends and activities-


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I get worried and scared too if I have too much free time :(
YuzuruH #2
this is currently my situation too =w=