I'm feeling positive

It's one of those days where I start the day with nice things-studying a bit and do free writing. Now I'm left with abundance of positivity which I don't know where to channel it to. 


I feel like writing, but I don't know what to write. To be honest, I don't feel like doing anything, but I don't want to waste any more time. I wasted a lot of time so I want today to be different. Because I make a good progression from this morning till now so I want to keep it up. And I hope to keep this spirit until days of me living. 


So, I'm hoping to get some suggestions as to what should I do with my positivity while it last, but actually I just want to spread my spirit. 


Anyway, have a good day everyone. Live happily and always be positive. :D




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Glad to hear that! I hope your spirit last long for good~ ^__^