Black Friday Shopping ?

So for the last 2 days i've been lazying around instead preparing for monday. I'm wasting my times by watching some youtube videos about black friday shopping !

I'm from SE Asia and i'm never been on black friday shopping obviously or that kind event before. Altough there're been several midnight shopping events. The youtubers bought clothes mostly and is it really become inexpensive like they said ? I'm just curious..


So my question is.. have you been to black friday shopping event or something similiar like that ?? and if you did, did you ever regret bought something from that kind of event ?

*sorry for bad grammar 


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I did it once in the US (because I guess one has to try) and it was the same things as one could buy every day, just at an insane price. There's too many people, though, so it's not something I would do every year. ; _ ;