
yukiboo  |  yuki  | 10/10


BIRTHNAME  Eleazar Jimeno ortega
— After Adoption Name ;; Eleazar jimeno banner
— Nickname ;; Wolf boy - he hates it along with puppy, so don't call himthat unless you want to be his chew toy.
BIRTHDAY 1992/06/8 + 25
BIRTHPLACE seattle, washington (It is where Bruce found him).
HOMETOWN New York city, new york
ETHNICITY mexican-american
— Spanish // native // it is the first language that he has spoken, before bruce has found him. he was lucky to know that bruce understood spanish.
— English // Fluent // he learned under an english tutor and was able to retain his knowledge efficiently due to his growing-yet-broad mind.
— Hindi // Fluent // Studying along side his father Bruce, he has learned to speak the language as he helped young children as a nurse.
UALITY heteroual

faceclaim Tyler posey
back-up diego boneta
appearance Eleazar is born with whiskey-yellow eyes, but they turn red when talon emerges. his incisors appear when talon is slowly appearing from him along with his hands forming into sharp claws.


POSITIVE — Honorable, peaceful, loyal, modest, intelligent
neutral — Ambitious, Formal, Reserved, Solemn, Busy
Negative — neurotic, cynical, unpredictable, moody, harsh

description — Despite his rather dark upbringing, eleazar is an honorable person. He follows ethics and doesn't allow his other self dictate the decisions that he makes. He keeps himself on a steady path and tries to keep himself from succumbing to the loathing and the hatred towards himself and what he has become. It is simply a path that he does not want to catch himself on or tumble downward. He is also very peaceful, which can come off as a surprise. He maybe a brute in wolf form, but he is actually pretty nice and does not wish to engage or intiate conflict. It is only seen when you know him very well. Just like his animal counterpart, when he is not seething with rage, he is actually very loyal. It's like you can see him as one of man's best friends. It can come from either his human side, or his animal side when he knows that he can trust you. Modesty is a usual thing about him. He doesn't like to exaggerate or take all of the credit for himself. He simplifies it because...when it gets down to it and he pulls down his barriers, he is a team player. Lastly, he is very intelligent. From the use of weapons around him, the ability to survive for so long, his adaptational skills and even his mental capacity are at a high level. He continues to learn which gives him an advantage over those who go against Him.

On the neutral side, he is an amibitious person. He is not the kind of person to give up so easily and he refuses to let anyone tell him know. from his experiences of surviving he works hard and he does not stop until he is on the top of his game. ambition helps him stay on the path of his goal and he channels in his focus perfectly so he does not get distracted from anything that might stray him from his goal or vice-versa. If he doesn't know, or know someone he is formal. when he gets angry, he drops the formalities...but he is usually very polite and formal. thanks to his father, there is no disrespectful bone in his body. he is also very reserved. he is not as outgoing as the others who are around him. he is the kind of person who prefers to stick on the sidelines then to put himself on the open. his solemn attitude can also be seen when he is given a task or realizes something or someone that maybe at stake. he does not takes important aspects as a joke or play around with it. Lastly, he is very busy. there is not a single moment, minute or our when he is not doing anything. he is always seen working on something so he keeps himself preoccupied.


He has his vices as well, which is normal for every being that lives on planet earth. He has a neurotic side to him, which comes from his anxiety of being around people and even the risk or hurting or killing someone on the spot. he tries to cut himself off from others, while envying those who have it easier in his eyes. He gets depressed along with his neuroticism due his desire to be held, or touched but the risk only keeps him isolated from others. He is also very cynical because he does not trust the government's involvement with a team full of superpowered beings. He has seen public leaders do shady crimes and do things under the radar which shows how unreliable they are with important and even personal information...because he believes that can be used them if he is forcibly made as a liability. He can also be very unpredictable with himself due to his other side. It's like you can't really tell if it is talon himself or eleazar. he can be very tame at one moment and he can be feral the next which comes with the territory and nature of being a natural and deadly predator of the night. He has his moods as well, which he tries to let the people around him know. it's not like him to lash out at people, he does warn the others around them so it does not escalate. last, but not least, he can be very harsh. honesty with a harsh tone can cut like a knife, his fighting skills, his powers can prove to be a force to be reckoned with...but it can also be an unpredictable way to wreak havoc.


When it comes to eleazar, his origin wasn't a very positive one. he was the only child of a young couple, who wasn't ready to have a child but had one due to the recklessness of their ual relationship. he was a youngling back then, but what he did not know was that he inherited something from his father. it something primal and something that would be even more dangerous when he is born.

Eleazar was a very curious and happy boy who actually had a positive look on life, but there was an underlying consequence to his bloodline which will come to surface after he reaches his first year of life. as a child, he loved nature, he loved living near the woods and to always be intune with the serenity of the environment that was uninterrupted but fragile at the same time.

Despite the unknowing fact that he will begin to develop signs of a newborn wolf, it came to light that he was developing more behavioral signs of being a wolf. he was a little more active than a normal child, was restless and even a little more aggressive to the point where he bites his pacifier to the point where it was broken. His mother was worried, but his father decided to tell her when he reached the age of one.

the only problem was that his father, who is only a blur to eleazar now...never told his mother that he was not human, but a werewolf. he was a hunter of the night and the image of nightmares and a monster in certain storybooks. he knows it all, but it doesn't really apply to him since stories tend to exaggerate things, especially when it comes to weaknesses. Anyway, he has kept the secret from her for so long, that it will be a risk for their relationship and eleazar's future if she knew the truth....but the truth came to light much quicker than he expected, but not the way that he liked.

he was hunted by werewolf hunters, who tried to track him for many years but found him at the dead of night with his son eleazar. despite, being one years old, he only had images of his father forming into a werewolf, a spear piercing his body...blood, his mother above him...trying to kill him only to be stopped by a man with glowing eyes.

the twist in his life happened in his life so fast that he doesn't remember much when he was born. he only held memories of the man with green eyes (now bruce who was called the hulk). he had similar abilities, but turned into a green man with beserker strength. after that moment on, the only memories that he developed where his growing relationship as father and son with bruce, the avengers and simply controlling his abilities.

he doesn't really know about his biological parents, but from what bruce told him (about a traumatic incident and stopping his mother from killing him) pushed him to not even want to remember. he was fine where he was and was actually happy to have someone who understood him. however, he feels like something was missing in his life which involved interacting with people his own age.

he was not for the idea of doing so, but something told him that he would not have a choice.

IMPORTant relationships 

Bruce Banner | Adoptive Father | Retired

Bruce is basically the only person in his life and the most important person in his life. When his mother gave him up, he was the one who stumbled across his path and found him. He overheard about his biological mother trying to get rid of him because she thought that eleazar was a monster because of his activated powers. However, he stepped in and stopped her. His biological mother, who knew exactly who he was, instantly backed away and strangely he did not care. He picked up the one year old child who changed into a puppy after many scratches and tears at his skin. It was like he was going to be dissected, which made him angry however he did not change due to the sad and fearful look in his eyes. It was that instant that he decided to take him as his own son. It was like he was seeing himself through his eyes and he knew exactly what s\he was going through. As eleazar grew up, he stood on the sidelines as his father used his alter ego the hulk to complete his missions as an avenger, while learning to control his abilities. he was surrounded by the other members of the avengers, but stuck by his father most of the time because he knew about his abilities inside and out. Also, he did not wish to hurt the other members.

After his time as an avenger ended, eleazar in turn took the time to look after him to show his appreciation in what he has done for him. he has never had someone love him like he did and he would not hesitate to rip apart anyone who comes close to his father. When the sokovia accords happened, his father was missing in space. that meant that he had to go into hiding so secretary ross and his pompous son don't look for ho,. since they should have known from the last time they tried to put his father in a cage. let's just say that it did not end very well for the both of them and the blood extracted from his father created a homicidal maniac that wanted to kill him and his daughter betty ross.

— Like his father, he can be very hostile and unpredictable.
— What sets him off is cages, shock collars or anything that tries to contain him. ross tried to do that in attempt to use him as a weapon...let's just say that it did not work so well and he destroyed the facility. he did not kill anyone luckily.
— he hates secretary ross and his son. Plain and simple.
— he wants nothing to do with a secret organization that can possibly make him a liability and dispose him if things do not go their way.
— he is afraid of  being touched or being close to people because he does not want to hurt people.
— If anyone tries to threaten or hurt him father..run. No seriously.
— "You wouldn't like me when I am angry." It is a saying he took on from his father.
— he doesn't think he is someone who is worthy of being loved. if they get him to open up, then that makes the former pretty damn special.
— he took on a profession like him father, a scientist and a medic.
— he prefers to work alone.
— he is very sensitive to sharp objects, loud noises and sharp movements. mostly it can make him feel threatened, uneasy or set off himm predatorial instincts.
— he growls. It basically tells you a couple things. 1) Go Away 2) You are pissing me off 3) try me, 4) run.
— he loves the colors green and purple.
— he likes quiet environments.
— he loves classical music.
— he is a walking contradiction. despite his looks, he is not a flirt, ual and has no idea about intimacy.
— despite not wanting to be touched, he yearns to touch the people he cares for. the only contact that he had was with his father. from forehead kisses, protective hugs, arm rubs and simple acts of affection.
— he is very quiet on his feet.


hello wassup, i'm jacob fury. do you know me? lol maybe. wait, it rhymes! *laughs* so anyways, tell me more about yourself.
"my name is Eleazar jimeno banner, son of retired avenger bruce banner." eleazar cautiously greets, while sitting a good distance away from this jacob character. If jacob was watching his movements, he would guess his habits are similar to the hulk. "Nothing really important, I am simply a scientist and a doctor on the side." he answered briefly, not really trusting the guy in front of his with personal information.

so what exactly is your specialties? or, powers?
"i can turn into a werewolf." he explains vaguely with a cold gaze washing upon his facial features. "If you Try to put me in a cage and i will destroy everything here in an instant. I don't like being in small cages or in tight spaces. It pisses the other girl off." he refers talon as the other guy, like his father refers the hulk as the other guy.

that's dope man! anyways. you are specially recruited by main world special force unit or ( MSFU ), so what can you give us back in return?
eleazar's eyes narrowed in suspicion, put off by his rather enthusiastic but somewhat ignorant attitude towards the information that he just shared within. "I don't really see what is so "dope" about it. I am a predator who will snap if you anger me or in my safe space. however, the only thing i can think of is that i can be the back up and provide a little muscle. Just don't piss me off, or you will be my chew toy." he sharply retorted towards jacob fury and ending it with a serious warning. he does not say anything without backing it up.

so, is there any weaknesses? i mean, i'm afraid of snakes, and *coughs* margaret. so how about you?
" To connect myself with the mythical creature that people like to fabricate." he answers dryly, with a narrowed gaze. " The solid Silver can harm me and weaken me, but it cannot kill me. with my power to be stronger by using anger, i can also lose my human self and not be able  differentiate from friend or foe.it would only happen if i get too pissed off. it is the reason why i close myself from the rest of the world. you must be crazy if you think that recruiting me and training me will be easy."

so, for background checking and clarification.. what is your origin story? like, how did you become the dopest dude of all?
blah blah blah

okay, so, how would you contribute in capturing the death-bringer again?
"Giving all i got to kick the death-bringer's . You need the muscle, right?"

okay, since this is not a one time membership, you'll be a regular hero now! yay! anyways, here are some situations we have prepared for you: you and your team are assigned to stop some excaped convicts that are armed and some has mutations as well. what would do in order to capture them?
 eleazar chuckles, shifting from a cold gaze a rather amused one with a hint of mirth in his eyes."i have a ballistic scream which can paralyze them in their place and subdue them to level the playing field. it allows me and the other members of the team relieve them of their weapons and bring them back to their cells. it can also leave a mess, so we would need to get another place to hold them." eleazar said simply as if getting in tune with the other guy. his eyes began to glow red as if hinting talon's presence looming within him.

he nodded shortly, tapping his chin for a moment. it took a while to conjure an option or plan of attack, before hia eyes flitted towards jacob. " with the advantage of Having enhanced hunting skills, i can find the group easily while avoiding the trap. i am very aware of my surroundings and i can tell when something is not right. call it a predator's intuition."

his sighs a little in annoyance at the mention of a fallout. he tries to avoid it, since it might trigger his anger and temperament. a growl seeped through gritted teeth, before crossing his arms. " i tend to avoid group confrontation because i am still learning how to handle people. however, since i am here i have no choice but to deal with people. so....i would try to be reasonable because a superhero team can not work if we are fighting and chewing each other out. i would suggest for the team to talk it out." eleazar responded pointedly. "if anyone tries to be a smart . i know how to quiet them down. Or threaten them to be quiet."

"i have an ability to work with my computers, so i have no problem with analyzing the material that comes from the gunpowder and connecting it to the gun model that is properly matched and commonly used with said weapon. I would let the others work on it as well because i do not like doing on my own, with teammates sitting on their asses and doing nothing."

that is all you needed to answer. anyways!!!! *coughs* my little youngling, are you ready to mingle or nah??
"I'm not." eleazar responded with a deadpanned expression.



alias  Talon
universe marvel
<3 Eleazar would prefer this uniform because it hides his whole body and it fuses with his bipedal wolf form.
type of powers

 Werewolf physiology ;; he has the abilities of a werewolf. he can transform into the bipedal form of a werewolf that is placed under the curse.Sometimes, his transformations can be amplified and spiked by the presence of the full moon.
  ANGER EMPOWERMENT ;; he has the ability to become stronger, faster and more durable through ansger, whether it is his own or it is coming from others. he can unlock abilities related to the affinity or enhancing his abilities. If he gets strong enough, she can slow or stop aging.
uses of powers
— As he is a werewolf he can move at an inhumane speed to take out the enemies without them knowing.

 his roar is a very dangerous to the point where he can damage eardrums, paralyzes his victims, induce fear, make things shatter, crumble and explode.
  he can get in tune with a feral mind that can really help him take down his enemies and even his targets. he does not kill, but will if he has to or if it is for the greater good.
  he has a predator instinct, which enhances his tracking and even hunting.
other skills
— his agility is inhumane to the point where no regular being or a superhuman can match.

  he has been learning martial arts which helps him in the time of need.
— In human form, he doesn't have a specific weapon. However, if he had to choose one or two it would be twin katanas and a bow staff.
theme song
— Legend has it by run the jewels

anything else? Nope
scene requests
— eleazar and his father were approached by the organization. it is a cautious move since they have both beserker abilities. bruce maybe retired but he can still pack a punch.
comments and concerns i hope you like him ^^



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