Such Beautiful Lies - Apply

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Username : --icecream--

Character Information

Name : Miyako Tsukiyomi

Nicknames : Miki

Age : 15 years old

Birthday : 13th June 1997

Ethnicity : Full Japanese

Languages spoken : Korean – Fluent || Japanese – Fluent || Chinese – Fluent || English - Fluent

Personality : Hyper. That’s the main word to describe Jin Ae. She is seriously hyper and full of energy. She is enthusiastic and excited about almost everything. Well, except for falling sick and homework. Those are the only times where you will see her being lazy. Sometimes, out of excitement or nervousness, she screams. She screams really high-pitched. She doesn’t get tired easily so running around the school or not sleeping for eight hours is alright for her. I mean, she does have insomnia. Because of her enthusiasm, she excels in both academic and sports. She’s one of the best runners and top student in her school. Even though she is always very energetic, she still listens attentively to the teacher’s instructions. However, she is paranoid. She goes around asking the same question at least thrice. An example would be her going around asking ‘So we are leaving at 1pmright?’ Many people criticize her for this annoying characteristic of hers. But she’s open-minded and she doesn’t care about what others think. Having her around just brightens up the atmosphere. She is fun to be around.

But, that is just one side of her. There is another side of her.While in this different personality of hers, she is very grumpy and gets irritated easily. Yes, ever hyper people get sleepy and tired. She doesn’t care who you are and will just be sarcastic. In actual fact, Miyako is a very ‘frail’ girl – she is very sensitive and emotional. One little sarcastic comment about her and she cries. However, over the years, she has learned acting skills and doesn’t show how ‘frail’ she is anymore. She hides it being her acts. She is very stubborn though. Once she decides on something, it’s hard for her to change her mind. Basically, to summarise the details up to now, Miyako has two personalities – the nice and kind one, and the evil one. Some people call her the ‘Devil behind the innocent face’. She is known to be ruthless to people who have harmed her friends and family. She is very rude to others, even if you are a highly-respected person. Another nickname for her when she has this personality is ‘Troublemaker’. (Troublemaker~ Awesome song!) She goes around creating loads of troubles and ends up getting into trouble herself.

Looks : one || two || three || four || five

Ulzzang : Kwon Su Jeong

Background : Miyako was born into a wealthy family. Everyone adored her – her parents, her brother, the servants. She was the little girl whom everyone fussed over. Unfortunately, her mother died during a car accident when she was 6. The house was thrown into depression. But being a always-happy family, they got over it quickly, with Miyako being the last since she was the closest to her mother. A year later, her father started dating another woman. He brought her over to their house often with the intention of marrying her. However, her father was too blind to notice the woman’s real colours. When she was left alone with Miyako and her brother, she would bully them. It got worse when she finally moved into the house as Miyako’s new step-mother. She stayed at home with the job of housewife. During the hours the father was busy with work, she gave the excuse of ‘letting the servants take a break for a month’ to torture the siblings.

Without servants around, she forced Miyako and her brother to do all the work, sometimes even abusing physically. Whenever the father would see bruises or scalding on any of his children’s skin, the step-mother would say that they were too clumsy. This went on for years. Although her brother always tried protecting Miyako, it always ended up with both of them getting hurt. The step-mother was a total without the father and an ‘angel’ with him around. This disgusted Miyako. She badly wanted to protect her brother too since they were close to each other. Slowly, she developed ‘Dissociative Identity Disorder’. In her case, she had two sides – the original cheerful side and the evil troublemaker side. She would remember all her actions though. Because her bad side appeared more often with her step-mother around, her father concluded that Miyako was rebelling. He didn’t dote on her as much as before and in the end, it was only her brother left who trusted her, cared for her and loved her.

Family / Siblings :

[Dad] Hiroshi Tsukiyomi || 50 years old || CEO of a famous food and beverage company || Was once loving to Miyako but now dislikes her || Alive

[Biological Mom] Ayumi Tanaka || 49 years old || Designer || A understanding, kind and loving woman who was close to Miyako || Dead

[Step-Mom] Natsumi Suzuki || 50 years old || Housewife || Two-faced person; a sly without Hiroshi and an angel with him around || Alive

[Brother] Hikaru Tsukiyomi || 18 years old || Student || A funny, understanding yet charismatic athelete. He is very close to Miyako and over-protective of her || Alive

Likes :

01: Stars

02: Colours

03: Night-time / Staying up late

04: Music – especially J-Pop, classical music and Electronic

05: Sleep

06: Food – especially ramen, cheescake, sushi, sandwiches, green tea and iced lemon tea

07: Sports – as long as its outdoor games, she’ll love it

08: Books / Manga or Anime

09: Rilakkuma

10: Skinship – doing it makes her feel safe


Dislikes :

1# Heat / Summer – it gives her rashes

2# Her step-mother – she hates her actually

3# Being in the dark alone

4# Strong perfume

5# Different coloured lights – she may like colours but she only wants white coloured lights

6# Loud sounds

7# Blood / Gore – she likes it when she’s in her ‘Troublemaker’ side

8# Being accused wrongly

9# Two-faced people / Betrayers / Liars


Hobbies :

01: Doodling / Drawing

02: Reading books – mainly supernatural ones

03: Sleeping

04: Listening to music

05: Playing outdoor games


Fears :

1# Horror movies

2# Being alone in the dark


Habits :

01: Hugging her knees while sitting down when she is bored

02: Smirking instead of smiling – when she’s in her ‘Troublemaker’ side

03: Saying ‘Aish!’ really loudly when she is angry

04: Locking herself in her room when she is depressed

05: Remains silent when she doesn’t want to answer others

06: Smelling things before touching them

07: Doing skinship


Trivia :

1# Animals are attracted to her naturally

2# She gets sick easily

3# She gets hungry very easily

4# She likes to hug people

5# She gets sleepy whenever someone starts giving a long speech

Alice Information

Alice : Her main Alice consists of other branches. Basically, Miyako has a rare type of Mark of Death. Usually, a Mark of Death would allow a person to kill someone and only do that. Miyako’s Mark of Death, as said earlier, branches out into other Alices. With the Mark of Death, she can kill and revive beings in any way she likes. Either by singing, touching, hitting and others. Also, this Mark of Death creates a shield around her. Such that whatever weapon or Alice is being used against her, it’ll be taken away from the owner and added into Miyako’s collection of Alices. Some who know about this Alice of hers says that she is the reincarnation of the Devil and Angel, since she is able to kill and revive beings silently.

Alice type : Dangerous

Alice shape : Intermittent

Control device : The first control device is a bracelet. There are beads with black, white and purple ‘hearts’ connected by metallic rings. Since there was a time when Miyako’s conrtol device just suddenly broke by itself, the authorities have taken extra measures and put on a 2nd control device on her. It is a cartilage earring . There are blue and silver metallic chains with a small metal bead and a small glass seed bead hanging from each earring.

Alice stone : Miyako’s Alice stone is similar to a malachite egg. It is green in colour and its pattern often changes. It doesn’t remain the same pattern forever. Sometimes, it also changes its size. [ one || two || three || four || five

Author information

Bias : L.Joe AKA Lee Byunghyun!

Anything extra to add ? Nope! :)

Questions concerns ? None! :D 


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