That was a terrible night

Ah dudes, here I am again, still not completely over my ex, right. I mean, I was doing fine and on the verge of probably moving on from him and all. It's been almost a month since our break up so, yeah, I kinda need to get over him.

So last night, I was playing League of Legends with some friends. So my ex, 'B', joined a discord server with my friends and I there. I don't know how he got in the server??? But it's kinda uncalled for since they knew that we had a relationship before. So here we are in a discord call with 10 other people. I got so quietly irritated by the way 'B' talks to my friend 'F', and I know that sounds petty as frick buT JESUS he talks as if he knows her. Anyways, I got over that and something worse happened.

After a while, 'F' left for the night and I stayed in the call for a bit. 'B' started to call someone on his phone and he placed her on loud speaker. Apparently he forgot to 'mute' so I heard everything quite clearly. I don't know if he's intentionally doing this or what but it pissed me off so much. 

So they're talking right and I have no idea who it was, she sounded like a old filipino lady probably from his youth group. But after he started like flirting??? with her I was like ohhh it's that girl.

Oh my god, if I had to recall snippets of what he was talking about he was sayng like, "I could wrap my hands around yours" since apparently, she wants to learn guitar and 'B' is offering to teach her or something. They just started flirting about how nice each other's hands are???? I think.

And idk, I think the girl was writing some cringe- letters and 'B' was saying no it's not cringe and added  "If anything I'd be jealous." AND I WAS SO TRIGGERED. 

BUT NO WAIT, THERE'S MORE. He literally just asked her right then and there to be his formal date. And since they go to different schools they're gonna go to formal twice...together. And so, they started discussing plans during that call. 'B' was mentioning to go together alone to the venue and I just lost it inside. I literally just ing died.

And when the call between them ended I think he said 'I love you' to her? duuuude killlll meeeeeeeee

I don't have the right to be jealous. He's not even mine anymore but this hurts. My mind is so scattered right now. I tried sleeping it off but all the words are still ringing in my ears.


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