Utopia | SJ's (Triple Threat) Kwon Aeri



a label sj trainee project

kwon aeri

character's name: kwon aeri
riri —
Made by using the last syllabes of her name. used by those close to her, which in Aeris case is almost anyone. 
⇒ Tokki —she tends to bite her lowerlip showing few of her teeth. Many think she looks similar to a bunny. 
⇒ Erika —her english name. used by her family exclusively. though the sj members bring it up here and there. Is considering using it as her stage name.
age: 21
date of Birth: december 14, 1999
place of birth: los Angeles, Ca, usa
gender: Female
hometown: Mapo, Seoul, SK
⇒ English — (
fluentShe spent her first 11 years of her life in the us. this was her first language and one she feels comfortable with. 
⇒ korean — (fluentthe second language she learned and spoke at all times when at home. shes confident in her ability but lacks certain understanding
⇒ japanese — (semi-fluent) began learning it at her first agency. continued learning in her new agency. Not perfect but can survive.


(+)Hardworking, Respectful, Caring, Passionate, Friendly. Easy-going, Confident
(=)Shy, Reserved, Adaptable, Witty, Silly, Tactful, Tolerant,
(-)Mischievious, Stoic, Sensitive, Self-Counscious, Insecure, Angry

♦  Aeri is hardworking, respectful, and sometimes gets in trouble eventhough she really didn't mean to. Might seem shy at first, but can be outgoing and fun when comfortable and excited. Is highly affectionate and caring towards those she finds dear.
♦  At times reserved and rather thoughtful. She likes thinking things thru, and is passionate about what she wants. Adaptable to any sudden change or situation, though she might freak out for a bit. Has learned to be witty and silly with her comebacks and comments thanks to her sponteneous mentors. Being friendly and approachable allows for those younger and older than her to confide in her and be their close friend.
♦  Being the only girl and growing up with two older brothers, Aeri didn't like being left out from the boys fun. Hence her down to earth and easy going attitude. She is confident in her abilities, but tactful and couscious of her actions.
♦ Rather patient and tolerant of her unnies/dongseangs and hyper/weird mentors. When in a good mood sometimes joins the younger members in causing mischief. Her silliness brings lots of laughter.
♦  Having grown up as the only girl and a foreingner of sorts, Aeri tends to be a bit cluless about somethings. Sometimes her cluless moments help lighten the mood and make her seem cute. Its not annoying but actually quite adorable. Not because its funny, but becuse of how cute she is.
♦ Rather stoic to others actions around her, one would think Aeri won't take it to heart. But turns out she's actually quiet sensitive. She does not only perceive others emotions, but if they're towards her, well she cares and a lot. The words repeat in her head no matter how long its been making her feel insecure and self conscious. Sure she can play it off as nothing wrong, but those words haunt her at the back of her head. Lost belief in her potential as a result of her experience in her previous agency.
♦  Usually mild in temper and quietly going about, Aeri gives a gentle touch everywhere she goes. Its kinda creepy how she could walk in and sound goes down three decibles.
♦ When comfortable with the people around her she begins to tease and speak in fluent sarcasm. Sometimes being sarcastic to show her anger or displeasure, in some cases annoyance. Acting helps hide her anger and other emotions, but all that repressed anger suddenly burst and its better for others to stand out of her way.
♦ Aeri might seem like an angel ,but be prepared. Meaning she has a limit and if she exceads that limit, well hide.She fumes and walks out, not speaking a word to anyone for a good two or more hours until she gets her senses and reason back. Beware all obsticles in her path, they will be pushed aside quite forcefully.

character's background

  ♦Aeri was born December 12, 1999 in Los Angeles, California. Her family had just settled in their new home having just immigrated from Korea.  Her dad had been given a higher position in the new American location of his work. While her dad worked as head administrator to a bank, mom gave piano and vocal lessons from home. She had two older brothers and the three grew up being taken cared of by their grandparents, who thankfully lived in LA as well, when both parents were busy. (Grandparents from dads side.)
♦At age four, Aeri began learning piano from her mom and by her dads request, she also joined a community cheer team. Her mom wanted to spend time with her and her dad wanted her to gain some courage and athleticism. She and her brothers attended a public school on weekdays and on weekends would attend a korean school to learn korean and korean history. At both schools Aeri's studying skills were just a bit above average.
  ♦Aeri grew to love playing piano and won a few competitions. Cheerleading allowed her to create many friends and not be afraid to try again. Both activities seemed to have sparked a passion and love for a crowds cheers. Growing up listening to her mother's vocal lessons, Aeri naturally picked up singing, but declined receiving lessons from her mom. She saw her give lessons and preferred not to be scolded by her mom. Instead deciding to learn properly by joining her church choir. Eventually becoming a beloved member of the church group. Around that time she discovered idol music thru her friends from choir. Immediately charmed and interested by the catchy songs, flashy outfits, and great dancing. 
  ♦In August of 2010, unbeknowst to her, a JYP scout was visiting family and attended church. The same church Aeri was part of in Choir. The scout was there for the JYP Global audition LA stop that would happen the next weekend. It happened to be the day Aeri was given a solo. Immediately interested in the young girl, the scout quickly asked around for information on Aeri. Eventually walking up to the family and asking for Aeri to audition the next weekend. Her parents were heasitant at first, but after seeing Aeri's excitement and interest they couldn't refuse. So that week Aeri was taken to the hairsalon and the mall in search for what to wear. Her dad and brothers helped her pick what songs to sing and dance to as well as fill out the application form. And her mom helped her practice singing. 
  ♦The day arrived and Aeri walked in prepared to perform.
Though stuttering in introducing herself, the nervousness dissapeared as she began to sing. Her confidence in singing did not match her confidence in her dance routine, despite her cheerleading background. But she survived and was ready to walk out of the room to wait with the other hopefuls outside for the results. Instead she was surprised to hear that she was acceped immediately. Apperantly the scout from that day had gotten videos of her other performances from her choir instructor and sent them for approval. The audition she had done was for the other scouts to see and for their records. Aeri walked out with the lady scout to give the news to her parents. The family was obviously surprised and needed time to discuss the sudden situation. After talking things thru as a family, it was decided that Aeri would go to Korea on her own and would be under the care of her maternal grandparents and moms older sister. By mid-September, Aeri had arrived in Seoul and moved into her new home with her grandparents. She officially began training and was helped in finding and incorporating into a school by the agency.
  ♦She began classes at an elementary school and later a performance middle school were she continued piano lessons and other performance lessons as well. Her training at JYP continued and she quickly incorporated herself amongst the trainees. Being still quiet young, Aeri did not dorm and instead stayed with her granparents and aunt. They became an important support, since Aeri was not sure how long it would be until she would debut. All she could do was continue practicing, training, learning and hoping. 
  ♦After Got7's debut in early 2014, there were rumors of a new girlgroup being formed amongts the very excited girl trainees. Aeri, just like the others hoped they were true and that she might be included in said group. Unfortunately, in mid-2015, after being considered, but not selected as a candidate for Twice, she began doubting a singing debut and considered leaving to focus on studies instead.
  ♦She left JYP in January 2016, much to the sadness of her friends and teachers, as well as the dissmay of the agency in losing a potentially great artist. After not being allowed to join Somi in Produce 101, Aeri felt really let down. Thus her desicion to leave was made. Her family supported her decision and her brothers even offered to help her retun to LA. She thanked them, but Aeri wanted to stay a bit longer. Maybe finish her studies in Korea and attend a US university later. Aeri focused on her studies and helped her grandparents around the house. She took the time to think what she really wanted to do and she really wanted to peform in front of a crowd. Aeri relized that it would be hard to start from zero at a new agency, especially being a 18(17) year old. But fortunately fate was on her side.
  ♦Aeri was attending Seoul Arts High School along with other active idols and trainees, a few who she befriended. One day while on her way out of school to her part-time job at a cafe near the school, an SM scout spotted her.
The scout had attended the schools showcase and grew interested in her talent. Apparently her good friend Mark of NCT had shown a video of her class performance and that futher interested the scout in recruting Aeri. He decided to followed her and handed Aeri his card and told her the date for the audition for her. All she had to do was show the card at the entrance and she will be allowed in. After much thinking, Aeri had not really given up on being an idol and considered this her last chance. She auditioned and much to her surprise was immediately casted, and began training just as fast in July of 2016. Aeri quit her cafe part-time job and focused all her free time and energy on training. She wanted to give it her all on her last chance.
  ♦Aeri graduated from high school and was accepted into Kyunghee University as a theater major. She adjusted quickly into the SM way of training, but knew it would be hard and long until they planned their next girl group. And true enough, SM had no plans of a girl group any time soon. But with the project Label SJ plans to do Aeri saw hope. So she voluntered to be part of the project. Shes older than some of the new trainees coming into SM an is begining to feel akward. And since shes pretty comfortable with the majority of the SJ members that frequently stop by and visit, why not give it a shot. 


Sweets: She might be slim, but she loves her sweets. Especially cookies and ice cream. Sour Candies are acceptable too.

Flowers: Wether she buys them or receives them, she loves flowers. It could be a bouquet or just a single flower, she'll love it. Favorites are sunflowers.
Food: She loves a good meal. Like a full meal. Its amazing how much she can eat and not gain weigth. Anythings good pizza, burgers, french fries, sangyetang, bibimbap, fried chicken, and sangyupsal are some of her favorites .
Music: Nothing calms her down or pumps her up like listening to her playlist. Her phone, ipad, and laptop are full of her music. Library full of a wide range of genres. She makes an effort to purchase some of her favorite artist albums or merchandise and even attend some concerts.
Fashion Magazines and Blogs: Being in the lime light means needing to dress well. And these are the best leaning material. She loves keeping up to date on current fashion do's and don'ts.
Films and Dramas: Enjoys watching them and takes the opportunity to fangirl over her favorite actors. Park Sejoon, Nam Joo Hyuk, Zo Insung... Good stress reliever and learning opportunities.
Shopping: Be it clothes, shoes, accesories, basic necesities, or food. She likes going to farmers markets, flea markets, thrift stores, anywhere she can find a bargain or arrange a bargain.
Stuffed Animals: Especially teddy bears! Ok, so shes a kid at heart. But what girl can say no to a stuffed toy no matter how ugly it might look.
Light/ Soft/ Neutral Colors: Any color is seriously fine, she'll wear it if she has to. But there are obviously colors she prefers. Those colors usually consist of light soft shades of color. To be a bit more specific maybe pastels, like femine colors. That doesn't mean she won't go for bold colors, but there is only so much she can allow herself to wear.
Hot Chocolate, OJ, Tea, Iced Coffee: These are the drinks that keeep her awake. For some reason she can only enjoy drinking iced coffe or those frapps, even in cold weather. And she's more than happy with a glass of OJ in the morning and a cup of hot chocolate during a hard day. If she has to work late, hit her with some kind of tea, even strong bitter ones.
Fall, Winter, Spring: She loves these seasons. Being able to wear her favorites. Being able to stay indoors. The holidays. Being able to do nothing even just for one day depending on the mood the weather brings. She loves when it rains or snows, preferably lightly of course.
Skinship: This girl loves to cuddle. She's not clingy, but if she notices you suddenly sulking or stessing out she won't hesitate to pat your back or head, or give hugs. Back hugs are her specialty though. She might suddenly hold your arm or hand to walk and put her head on your shoulder if shes tired and you happen to sit next to her. Will blush if kissed on the forehead and given an unplanned hug or back hug. (She loves this when its the guy she likes!)


Summer: She dislikes the heat of this season. She hates how sticky she feels and the humidity it brings. She struggles enough to take care of her skin and hair, the summer weather makes her want to shower more than twice a day. She thanks whoever invented air conditioners for making the season bearable.
Unnecessary Noise: Like don't most of the members have enough with the loud music in the dance room? Do they need to blast it also in the dorm? Or their head phones? If they did there would be no need for yelling to get ones attention. Reason why she then has to come in between to mediate. Things would not escalate if they would just tone it down.
Hot Coffee/ Energy Drinks/ Apple Juice: She dislikes how they all feel going down . Either too bitter or too sweet. Aeri dislikes the after tastes of them and how concentrated they sometimes are. Just don't hand her any, you'll save yourself from seeing her glare at you.
Open Water: She knows how to swim and enjoys it. But she is terrified of swiming in open water or deep water. She is tramatized after an accident she had were she fell into the water and due to shock could not bring herself to swim. So very close to drowning.
Beer: She'll drink anything else, just don't force her to drink beer. She dislikes the sour taste and horrid smell it has. The most shell drink if she feels like it is one can or one glass when eating fried chicken. Because in all honesty, that chicken tastes great with beer, unfortunately.
Messes: Sure her side of the room might not be the neatest, but all the important things are neat and clean. She knows whats where and why the stain on the floor was caused by the makneas. Fell free to ask about it when she is not busy.
Neon Colors: NOPE! Well... unless the concept calls for it. But otherwise, no. They really aren't her favorite tings to wear. But are nice colors to accesorize with.
Fur / Synthetic Fur/ Animal Print: She loves animals, so why would she like wearing them. Sure she does own a pice or two, but she does not enjoy wearing them. Besides they were gifts from family or friends and its rude not to accept them.
Salty or Too Spicy Food: She loves food, but she can't and won't eat it if its salty or too spicy. Eating too much salt makes her feel extremely thirsy and wake up with a bloated face. She likes spicy food and normaly enjoys it, but there is only so much spice she can handle. If she reaches the point were her tounge goes numb at the first bite, she'll drop the spoon and never raise it to again
Pointless Arguments: Even with whining and failed ayego, the girls still have to practice. No point in arguing when one wll still end up doing it. Be it both at the SJ building or at the dorm. Come on, we are a girl group we can't be as messy as a boy group, right?


Walking or Sitting in the Park: With or without music, its all the same as long as she feels the soft breeze play with her hair, some well deserved sunshine, and the smell of nature. The best way for her to forget about school, training and stress. A good way to think if she needs to or to not think at all.
Taking Pictures: It's not like she takes professional pictures. NOPE! She just likes taking pictures of things she finds pretty, cool, or interesting. The pictures range from flowers, food, animals, that cute baby or kid over there, Jungsu and Heechul arguing, Hyukjae pouting at Donghea to go out, or the trainees doing their lessons or chatting, and selfies. You know, the usual.
Reading: Be it a fashion magazine, an online blog, essays, books, or even fanfiction Aeri will read it, if shes interested of course. It relaxes her brain and eyes from having to read scripts, songs, and hearing :"Ok! Again! But this time hold the note a bit more", "Good! Lets do it from the top again!"
Composing: Being able to play the piano allows her to mess around with the keys. Especially enjoys when she messes with her laptops music program. And loves it when SJ Oppas give her the chance to use the company computers and sound systems. She has a decent amount of compositions, but doubts they are any good.


Nose scrunches up and her nostrils widen a bit when focused.
Blushes when emberrased or teased.
♦ Her tounge tends to stickout a bit when she daydreams.
When she speaks and gets exited, might begin using her hands to describe.
If a song she likes is playing, be it in the car, on the street, or in front of a camera; Aeri wont hesitate to lipsynch or slightly dance.


♦ Not debuting. Be it as an idol or actress.
♦ Drowning. Trauma as a result from an accident.
♦ Losing her voice.
♦Being unable to dance due to an injury.
♦Not being able to perform at all. For whatever reason.
♦Dissapointing others/ not meeting others expectations.


  Is Korean-American
Was born and raised in Los Angeles, CA.
Was a cheerleader since age 4. Stopped when left for Korea.
Learned to play piano at age 4. Still plays it.
Was member of her church choir.
Scouted by a JYP epresentative at her local church.
Auditioned thru the JYP Global Audition stop in LA.  
Is a former JYP trainee. Began in Sept. 2009- Ended January 2016. 
 Knows Japanese.
Was one of the youngest trainees at JYP for some time.
♦ Still remains in contact with some JYP artist, especially Got7, Twice, and Somi. Since she trained with them.
Reason for leaving JYP was that the lack of interest in allowing her to debut. 
She was unble to paricipate in SIXTEEN due to an injury.
When Somi was announced as a contestant for Produce 101, Aeri was not allowed to participate despite her long trainee period
♦ Decided to leave the company and focus on her studies. As a way for her to rethink what she wanted to do.
♦ Attended Seoul Arts High School.
Close friends with some 99-line and 98-line idols who attended the school.
July 2016, was street casted by SM represenative thru her friend Marks suggestion.
♦Auditioned two days after and began training two days after that.

Close friends with some of the english speakers in the industry, thanks to  Jackson and Bambam, of course.
♦ Family consist of Mom, Dad, and two older Brothers, all who live in LA.
In Korea, shes been staying with her maternal grandparents
Her English name is Erika Choi.
♦ She has a card provided by her parents and brothers. DON'T TELL THE OTHERS!!!
♦ Owns an iphone, an ipad mini, and a mac book. (Courtesy of her parents.)
Likes wearing colored contacts, usually picking hazel, honey, and brown as her favorites.
Owns several pairs of eye glasses. Each a different design in frame and color.
She has astigmatism.
♦ Her hands are very cold during the winter. Shes warm all over, but her hands don't seem to heat up. Gloves don't help either, but enjoys messing with others by placing her hands on their warm neck.
Currently attending Kyunghee University and is majoring in theater.
At the dorm she is usually in charge of washing the dishes. That does not mean she cant cook.
Music playlist is a decent balance between boy groups and girl group, and soloist
♦ Though her favorites include Got7, NCT, BTS, Monsta X, Red Velvet, GFRIEND, Twice, DIA, Blackpink 
♦ Soloist include Crush, Dean, Heize, Ailee, Zico, Beak Ahyeon, Taeyeon


Kwon Yian (Ian)/ Middle Brother / 27 / Fashion Photographer/ Fun, Determined, Caring, Blunt / 8/10  The middle Kwon was more adventurous than his sibilings. Sure he wasnt a rebel, but he made sure to study abroad every chance he could. At one point even studying in Korea. Now settled in LA, snapping pictures for magazines and ganing some fame. He enjoys spoiling his sister alot. Aeri enjoys Ian's video chats and texts, she really misses him when leaving. But supper glad he comes to Korea fo some of his shoots.   
Kwon Hyunsik (Alexander) / Older Brother / 31 / Architect / Ambitious, Hard Working, Caring, Silly / 8/10 The most responsible of the three Kwon sibilings. Being the only one to get a very goob job. His original liveliness was pushed away and now focuses on finding a girlfriend to marry. Aeri misses her oppa and is happy when she can video chat with him. Alex loves his baby sister and looks after her as more of a daughter than sister. He too spoils her, but also scolds her for this or that.
Kwon Minseok (Matthew) / Dad / 54 / Bank Administrator / Reserved, Hard Working, Understanding, Soft Hearted / 8/10 / A definate fool for his daugther and tried to always be there for her as much as possible. Well for all of his children. It was hard to let Aeri go on her own but he saw how happy Aeri was at the news and did what had to be done. Aeri loves her dad and always looks foward to calls. And if shes lucky maybe a visit.
Choi Joohyun (Julie) / Mom / 51 / Piano and Vocal Teacher / Loving, Understanding, Kind, Opinionated / 8/10 / Mom and daughter were inseperable. But with the time they spent apart they are more like cute pen pals. Aeri looks foward to the pakages her mom sends with goodies and such. When they talk, Julie is always encouraging and ready to give advice when needed. Aeri knows her mom will always have her back and just wants what best for her.  
Choi Jaeseok / 78 / Grandpa / Reserved, Hardworking, Caring / 7/10 / Despite not having met each other until Aeri arrieved to begin training. This grandaddy-granddaughter duo got along quickly. This man here is a complete fool for his granddaughter and lets her get her way most of the time. He does not like seeing Aeri struggle so much and often suggested she stop training and focus on something else. But eventualy gave up, knowing he ould not win. Aeri visits her grandpa often and enjoys  his company and support. 
Park Jisoo /Grandma / 75 / Kind, Wise, Dedicated / 7/10 / Aeri's sense of comfort after the move from LA to Korea. Adjusting was slow and hard. And Granny Jisoo helped Aeri feel at home and was the one to encourage her to focus on training. Aeri owes her Granny a lot and deems her responsible for helping the homesickness lessen. Tries to call or visit as often as possible just to feel some needed comfort. 
► Choi Mina (42) / Aunt (Mom's Sister)/ Flower Shop Owner / Creative, Sweet, Honest, Dedicated / 7/10 /  Having her own flower shop, well the used to be family flower shop. She hasn'gt married yet, but should soon. The two act more like sisters than anything else. But Mina tends to act like a pushy and embarrassing mom every now and then. Which makes Aeri wish she hadn't called her to meet up.


Mark Lee / Platonic Best Friend / 22 / NCT Main Rapper / Passionate, Dork, Friendly, Charming / 9/10/ These two met when starting high school. They got along quite nicely and became friends. Having come from a foreing country by themselves at a young age, the two really understood each other. They share a platonic friendship, so both of their close friends enjoy teasing. Like come on, sure they care for each other and worry for each other's well being but nothing more.
Somi / Best Friend / 21 / Ex-IOI Member/ Silly, Loving, Hardworking, Passionate / 9/10 / The two plus Twice Chaeyoung were a trio no one wanted to mess with. When Twice debuted, Aeri was there to cheer Somi up and the two trained in hopes of debuting together. Unfortunately things didnt go as planned. But despite it all the two continued being good friends. They cheer each other on and often meet up to hang out. If not endless exchange of messages is being done. 
Yeri / Close Friend / 22 / Red Velvet Maknea / Silly, Friendly, Level-headed, Reserved / 7/10 / Being of a similar age the two clicked immediaetly. It took a while but Yeri just couldn't resist befriending the new trainee. Sure they cant meet up as muc since shes busy and all. But when they do they can talk for hours. Having trained since a young age the two relate in some ways. They are willing to listen to each other worries and try to help in any way. 
Heachan / Close Friend / 21 / NCT Vocalist / Silly, Friendly, Savage, Hardworking / 7/10 / A pain in the when he is super energetic. But a sweet guy when he knows hes gone too far. The two act like tom and jerry, but can sometimes agree and when that happens pity their target. Aeri sometimes wishes he would sometimes dissapeare, but quickly wishes him back. Heachan makes her feel like hanging out with her friends back home.
Got7 / Close Friends / 24-27 / Idols / A Huge Mix of Everything / 9/10 / She has trained with all of them and worked with them at some point while training at JYP. She's really close to all of them, but especially close to the maknea line. Shared some beautiful moments while training and hanging out. Jackson and BamBam are her go to just to chill and have a fun talk. Openly adores Yugyeom and firmly claims he is the cutest and most hard working, leading the others to get annoyed. A bit of a sibiling relationship with Youngjae and Hyung-line. To the guys, Aeri is their go to girl when they want to talk and is a really special sister that is on their speed dial. They are ready to confront anybody who messes with her, even if its one of them. To Aeri they are her brothers away from home.
Twice / Closest Friends / 22-26 / Idols / Another Huge Mix of Everything / 8/10 / She is pretty familiar with all of the girls but obviously closer to some more than others. She is really close with Cheayoung, both close in age and friends with her for some time. The other girls knew Aeri was a hardworker and wanted to debut just as much as them. Saddened when she left, but knew it was for the best. And just like the guys of Got7, they are ready for any emergency girl talks thru conference calls, group chats, or (god forbibd) sleep overs.


back up - chungha

love interest

back up - jaehyun


► A cool and confident guy on stage and in front of a camera. But off camera he is just a silly dork. When it comes to work and being the youngest in a group full of crazy members, he won't hesitate to take charge and be firm about his choices. Though he tends to follow the example of his hyungs.
► He is serious about his love for dance, but sometimes is self-concious about his abilities as a performer. He is scared of failure and sometimes lets his fears and doubts get the best of him. 
► Pretty good at hiding some of his emotions, but not the best. Mature for his age and than some of s. He might have a calm and cool demeanour, but when his repressed anger is released its terrifying.
► He is very kind and caring towards s and worries for their well being.  Focused and hardworking to keep up with all activities and schedules. Might come off as rude or mean to his hyungs at times, but thats just him being blunt and honest. 
► His sweet and dorky side come out when having fun. Humble about his talents and abilities, but still eager to learn from his mistakes.

interaction with love interest

► Met as trainees  under JYP. Often found practicing dance together until late. They become really close friends and have a cute oppa-dongseang relationship. Though Aeri sometimes  treated him like a  kid. He didn't mind at the time and followed along. 
► After his debut with Got7, Yugeom and Aeri struggled to talk face to face as often. Aeri began to focus on trainnig a bit more and Yugyeom focused on his accumiating group activities. Only meeting briefly in between hallways, but both knowing they had each others back.
► Soon Aeri began to struggle with her training and fill her mind with doubts. Yugyeom finally began to see Aeri as the younger girl she was and felt the urge to protect and support her in away. In Aeris mind Yugyeom became a reliable oppa, no longer a kid, she could depend on.
► Things were going great for Yugyeom, but Aeri was fed up with her condition under JYP and decided to leave. Much to the surprise and dissqapointment on Yugyeoms part. But he understood her reasons and they promised to check up on each other as much as possible.
► So when Aeri announced her new begining as a trainee under SM, he was oe of the first to know. Right after Somi and Chaeyeon. Sure he was kinda upset after finding out it was thanks to NCT's Mark. The guys of Got7, began teasing him about his jealousy. Which he just claims is a brotherly affection.
►Years have passed and Yugyeom has finally caved in and admitted his attraction towards Aeri is more as a woman than a little sister. He came to relise his feeling towards Aeri after she left JYP, unfortunately. His hyungs are proud for him seeing the light and are now hoping he tells Aeri.
►Aeri on the other hand, knew she had developed feelings towards Yugyeom after he debuted. Not having him around while training and only seeing him on a tv screen or a glimps around the company really irritated her.  She definately has feelings for Yugyeom but is unsure if things would work out. Especially when theres another guy in her company thats been just as nice. 
► The two meet up when posible and text quiet frequently. Their mutual friends are honestly quiet irritated and frustrated at how slow and stupidly hesitant they are at admitting their feelings. Even they guys of SUJU were able to catch on and about it.  

training background 

At JYP Entertainment-
   Began training in mid-September of 2010, she was 10 or 11 . Some of the trainees there were the future members of Got7, Day6, and Twice. Some of the other members of these groups joined later on. Thanks to Aeri's experience in cheerleading, dance lessons were easy to adjust to. Vocal training was easy to follow due to her experience in church choir and the piano lessons since young. Aeri began taking Japanese lessons provided by the company as well as other required lessons. Along with attending school and having to go back and forth from school, to agency, to grandparents home was hard but worth it.
   For the first year or so, there was a steady and noticible improvement in all her trainings. Especially in her variety lessons, she was more natural now. And her korean had improved as well, no more sounding like the foreingner she was. Half way thru 2011, the vocal trainer recomended acting lessons for her singing emotions to come out. What was unexpected was her natural talent in acting. Sure it needed some polishing, but it was rather promising. Evaluations kept happening and she kept improving, but her acting began to stand out for some reason.
   Aeri saw two of her close friends debut as JJ Project in 2012, and believed her turn would come soon. But as her training continued, she hit a wall. The teachers call it a slup period, basically Aeri was stuck, her skills had really not changed much compared to others. The only things that did improve were her japanese and her acting. The excecutives suggestd an acting debut instead of a singing debut. But Aeri declined and remained firm in debuting as a singer, as did many of her trainers and even JYP himself. Acccording to them, many go thru a bit of a slump, but if one can fight thru it and push themselves they can grow more and become stronger. And thus two more years went by and Aeri saw more of her close friends debut as Got7 in early-2014.
   Then there were rumors of a girl group debut spreading soon after, but eventhough it was true the idea was scrapped due to agreement issues with excecutives and JYP. Now age 15(16), Aeri continued to train and even participated as an exra in a few JYP artist MVs. Like Got7's "Stop Stop It", MissA "Only You", and 2PM's Junho's "FEEL" to name a few. As time passed by, Aeri still struggled vocally, but was able to find comfort in her dancing and rapping. Yes, rapping. At first she just rapped as to allow her vocal cords to rest and strecht. But Aeri found herself enjoying it. Of course she's not the best but she's good enough to leave an impression. 
   When 2015 arrived, news of JYP's trainee reality show brought hope to many girl trainess especially to Aeri. All this time, Aeri had improved slightly in her lessons, and the company excecutives weren't too pleased. They knew she had potential, but they were slowly losing interest in her. Aeri could be great and garner much attention and popularity, but she was not meeting to expectations. The excecutives wanted more from her, so they kept placing her name lower in the list of debut candidates. At least until she showed noticeable improvement.
  Aeri's name was finally posted on a notice board as a potential candidate for SIXTEEN, but was later broken hearted when she did not make the final cut for the show. She finally had a chance to debut, but luck was not on her side. Poor Aeri had injured herself while dancing and wasn't allowed to dance for two months. So all the work she put in improving her vocals was wasted after a nasty fall while practicing. She injured her right knee and had to wear a knee brace to recover.
   Aeri watched more of her friends prepare for their debut, while she was stuck training. Her chances at debut grew thin and when the next evaluatuion came, she almost suggested leaving, almost. But instead thought it over for some time and even talked with her close company Sunbaes (Got7 & Twice) about it. Aeri felt it was time fof her to move into the trainee dorms and moved in in hopes to focus more on trainng.
   Unfortunately, the last straw came in the begining of 2016. Produce 101 was casting trainees and Somi was the only JYP trainee allowed to participate,  no one else. Disheartened and frustrated, just as much as other female trainees, Aeri decided to part ways with JYP. She had been working long enough, had left her family behind at a young age, and could  not believe the injustice. So at the January eveluation insted of performing, Aeri announced her leave as a JYP trainee and gave her thanks. It took a week to get her things out of the trainee dorm she boarded, sort out paper work, and say her good byes to her saddened friends and teachers. Aeri had to promise to attened every Seoul event they had and text them back when they messaged.

At SM Entertaainment / Label SJ -
   Aeri began her training in August 2016. When discussing what she wanted to focus on, Aeri asked to focus on everything needed to debut as an idol. Be it singing, dancing, rapping, acting, or even modeling, anything. As long as she was given time and mayb a pinch of patience, Aeri knew she could improve and meet their criteria. The excecutives said theyd think about it, but would first have to see how she does for some time. If they did not see what they wanted, then they'd suggest other career options.
   Thankful and aware, when Aeri wasn't at school she was at the company training, usually being the last one to leave. Once school was finished she would rush to spend as much time as she could practicing, be it by herself or with the other trainees.
   Aeri surprisingly adjusted quickly to the SM way of training. Though she did face some backlash for being a former JYP trainee, Aeri did not let that bring her down. It took sometime, but she did make some friends both within the trainees and amongst some of the SM artist. Her abilities were noted and a few were surprised she hand't debuted yet. She explained why and many were mind blown by such unjustice. 
   With the guidance of the SM vocal instructor and her determination, Aeri was able to improve and even expand her vocal range and lung capacity. Apperantly she had been using a wrong vocal method and slowly fixed it with the right help. Her dance became more precise and natural, eventually being the one sought after to help with some dance formations. Her rapping became a nice surprise to the trainers and quickly helped her learn properly. They even suggested she begin writing some bars herself. Her versitiity really helped in keeping Aeri in the trainers good eyes as well as an interesting prospect in the SM excecutives mind. It did not matter that she nearly bled or lost her voice or that her knee injury came back, it would all be worth it when she debuts.
   As time passed Aeri began to see things differently. This being her last chance, Aeri began considering other career options. One career option she liked was a musical actress or a theater actress. Theses choices would allow her to use the years of trainig shes had. Sure Aeri won't have her own music but she would at least have an audience and a stage to perform. If anything were to go wrong then Aeri had a back up plan in mind already. 
  Despite her age, Aeri was rather wise, having experienced rough patches as a trainee made her the sought after Unnie. She wouldn't scold or nag but knew how to keep some from trouble and focused, and was always willing to help out, if they asked nicely. Aeri was always willing to listen and ready to comfort anyone who needed it.
   Aeri was not one of the best trainees or a favorite among the SM trainers, but there was this unknown charm that made her interesting and likable. There seemed to be a determination and passion within her. And the fact that she was good at many things made her an interesting trainee. Aeri had a mission or goal in her mind. To prove her previous agency wrong, that she had more than enough potential to debut. Shes someone that with years of training and practice, can be an excellent performer and if possible, why not?, a star.
   It did not matter that Aeri kept improving if SM had no plans for a new girl group yet. So when news came of the trainee project under Super Junior's Label SJ, Aeri saw a chance. Aeri volunteered to participate in the project and asked for permission from higher up. They were hesitant, but after disscussions and Aeri agreeing to return to SM and debut as a musical/theater actress if she failed she was allowed to. Why did she agree. Simple, Aeri saw this as the true last opportunity. Aeri had been thinking and feels shes getting a bit too old to debut as an idol, and since shes already studying theater theres nothing wrong. Well, none of the SJ members know this, but that shouldn't be a problem. 

comments or scene suggestions

 I am FINALLY finished!!! OMG! I am SOOO sorry this took so long. I seriously could have turned this is a little sooner but things came up and yeah. But here it is. Apoligies for how long it maybe. Im sure i did a bit too much in some parts, but hopefullu its okay. This is a bit of a remake of an old app I did for another Label SJ apply fic that the author discontinued. I hope shes okay. I look foward to this apply fic to get going. Hopefully I dont need to cahnge too much and if I do let me know. Im surprisingly not busy this week. OK. So I think I fixed everything. The things that were added or changd are in violet. I changed all of her training history. Hopefully it clears somethings you were confused on. Thanks for pointing out the acting thing. I honestly reread and noticed it made no sense as well. Im glad you liked everything else and relieved most of this made sense. Once again thanks for the feed back it really helps me learn for my future charecters. If there is still things you think need to be chanaged or explained please let me know. Ill try to fix or clear it up quickly
So i changed her birth date. I didn't feel the need to change her birth year, but if needed I can. Ill have to rewrite somethings, but i can do it. Also, I just realized this section is not just for comments, but for scene sugestions as well. I dont have anything in mind right now but if i do, ill be sure to add it here. 


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  PASSWORD   (This was so hard to pick! But went with my repeat comfort lipsynch song)



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