so it's been a while

Whats up everyone! Im not sure how long it's been tbh, maybe a few months since cheking on stuff and like an actaul ing yr of no updates intil receny lolol. Which oh yea if you havent read my meanie update on the dandelion affect go do that :P but where have i been? I left on a dramatic, if not well thought out, note.  I havent dont much besides school and work and gping between my family and boufriends house. I mean, things have been going really well in my life compared to before, and next spring I'll graduate with an associates and from there i gotta decide where to go. 

I mean, all things considered i dont have much troubled compared to my past self. The only reason i decided to update was because i felt guilty about leaving everything unfinished for my subscribers. I dont love weiting any more than before, and my writing style has changed but i blame being gone for so long. Anyway dont expect regular updates but maybe I'll try and finish a story or two who knows.

As for you guys, how have you been? Some i talked to pretty regularly before i died lol but how have your lives been? at the very least i hope exceptionally okay like mine. also im doing this on my phone so if the font is small im sry;;


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Hey!! I'm so sorry, number one, for not seeing your message before. I feel really bad about one, not even noticing it, and two, taking over a month to reply like holy ?? In other news, I'm really glad things are going well. It was, and still is, totally understandable to take time off (even from messaging people, you don't need to feel obligated to tell everyone where you are all the time - sometimes alone time is the best time) and I'm really happy it worked out for you! Seriously, props to you for pulling through your rough spell before. You deserve all the praises in the world for being so brave, honestly.

Once again, sorry for my negligence and I'm really glad things are going well (decent? hopefully well) over there!
We miss you!!!!!!!!!!!