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remplace with face claim 120*120

birthname Hachiman
other names

— Syncretic divinity of archery and war ; It is what he is known for and his title among the shinto deities.

— Michael Akimoto ;; It is basically his human name in order for him to blend in to the human world.

birthday He is the physical age of 29
birthplace Tokyo, Japan
hometown New York City, New York
ethnicity Japanese
languages spoken

— Japanese ; It is the first language that he has ever spoken ever since he was born. It isn't rocket science to know that his first language isn't english.
— English ; English is the second language that he has learned as he learned to adjust himself as a being who lives among mortal humans. he doesn't mind it anyway, but it took a while for him to adjust.

face claim Kento Sakurai
back up face claim Anthony Thornburg
height6 feet and 1 inches
gender Male


personality traits

— [ positive ] Intelligent, Calm, Resourceful

— [ neutral ] Mellow, Quiet, Enigmatic

— [ negative ] Unforgiving, Brutal, Harsh

Origin story

Hachiman was born said to be brought into the world of the Shinto Era, which was also a growing religion in the 1600's of Japan. However, he wasn't initially born with the name Hachiman. He was born within the era of medieval Japan, which was during the era of war between Japan and Korea.

He was born to the Empress Jingo and the Emporer Chuai, under the name of Oijin. Ojin was said to be in his mother's womb for three years, while finishing her late husband's war upon the three korean kingdom's which connected to his father's death during 200 c.e.She used this opportunity to swear vengeance for her husband's death.

It is unknown as to how he gained his powers, but he grew as a very proficient and formidable soldier. He led armies to war and succeeded with his highly conducted military prowess and knowledge in the art of war. He followed his father to become a samurai who put's their lives on the line for the people of Japan.

When it comes to an important event, it did not push him in the way to want to use his powers for good....it was simply in his blood and the goal of the samurai. The samurai fight with honor and fight by a code that keeps them on the path to be a very respected warrior to the public.

Hachiman used his powers through his prowess in the art of war and his high charisma through his leadership, which gained him the respect of his comrade and the people who looked up to him. Although his powers of war manipulation brought about fire, blood shed and even anguish, he knew that it was with the intention for victory and to protect.

When he grew to be a full-fledged adult he was honored by the people of his era and deemed as a protector of the youth and prosperity. He became respected among the minamoto clan, the samurai, the shogun and even the peasantry. He has faced the dark sides of war that earned him many scars, losing important people in his life...

However, that did not stop him from guiding his country to victory over the oppressors.

He was not the perfect warrior, but he continues to grow as a person and continues to fight by the code of the samurai.

After his era and family passed, he watched the development of his country and the wars that happened throughout history, he even seen his country as the oppressors towards Korea and even China, but it only encouraged her to stay by the code that was embedded in his beliefs and desires as a warrior.


important relationships

Shinto Gods and Goddesses | Comrades
Although they are individuals who are responsible for various aspects of the lives in Japan, they come together as if they were like a family. He doesn't really have any connections with any humans as of now, so he simply lays content with his fellow deities.


— Hachiman is seen cleaning and sharpening his swords, thanks to his reputation as the ideal samurai.
— Hachiman is seen meditating a lot.
— He is an early riser.
— He is a tea lover.
— Hachiman likes a lot of war movies. Accurate war ones.
— Hachiman is seen shirtless and practicing his martial arts.
— He is actually a very quiet person, but he tends to preoccupy himself with things.
— Despite being used to participating in war, he comes to appreciate peaceful environments.
— Hachiman is stronger than any modern assassin, since he has many years of war experience and knows how an assassin operates.

— He does not really put love high on his desires, but someone would have to be special to enter his heart.

— When he is not engaged in war, he is a very calm and mellow kind of guy who is very eloquent and diginified.

— Hachiman is deadly with a bow an arrow, who is able to pierce three men with one arrow.

— He speaks very formally with the people around him.


Alright. Good morning, my name is agent cameron adams with the united nations. my specialty is in military psychology, so i'm here to determine if you'll be a good fit for our project. Now, Can you tell me about yourself?

"Well, Agent Adams. I am a well respected Shinto Deity of War and Archery. I have been given many titles and many honors but being a well respected samurai and leader, the art of war and archery are the aspects that the samurai and the common folk respect me as." Hachiman sits elegantly, looking him straight in the eye. Despite having a youthful face, his mind is very broad and knowledgeable of the advancement of society.

i understand that you have some special... abilities. Can you describe what those are for me?

" Just like the greek god Ares, I am the Shinto Deity of War, who also specializes in archery. While some of my abilities are catalysts of chaos, I use them to my advantage to win wars and battles." Hachiman answers simply with a tone full of knowledge and eloquence.

do you have any weaknesses that i should know about?

"A few weakness that I have are connected to my emotions. I have an ability to manipulate anger, but sometimes at very inappropriate times I have a hard time of controlling it.While I can be empowered by fear, I can also be overwhelmed by it. For primal rage, I can lose memory of activity in a primal state of rage." Hachiman replied, while playing with a dagger in his hand. "It can be deadly towards my friends as well."

What would you consider your "origin story"?

"I was born into a royal family, who followed my father to become a well-respected Samurai. Education was accessible to me, since I was the son of the emporer while I had the ability to learn the ways of the samurai in order to protect the people of Japan. I can manipulate war at will and use it in favor to the freedom and prosperity of my country."

Can you tell me about your family, friends, and work or school relationships? anyone important or close to you in your life, really. There's a confidentiality agreement at stake, here.

"My family and my friends are long gone, sadly." Hachiman solemnly replies, with his eyes clouded with sadness.

is there anything or anyone in your life, past or present, that may compromise you or project hero in any way?

"The loss of comrades and my family still haunt me to this day, which prevents me from making any connections with anyone in the modern time because I worry that I might lose them."

let's change the subject. what can you do for project hero?

"I know the ways of war and battle. I know how the opposition thinks, which can give us an advantage on missions or assignments to protect civilians."

how do you work best? do you prefer working in a team or alone?

"I've lead soldiers to war, gaining their trust and respect for many generations. I have no qualms with working with others, as I honor and treasure the art of teamwork and comradary. So, I prefer working with others."

you're one of very few to get to this stage of screening to be a hero. Why didn't you reject our invitation?  why are you here?

"Usually, heroes inhabit good traits or ability, but I think this organization can use a bit of chaos to take out the opposition. I am a god of war, who has years of experience in the battlefield, so I am sure you would need someone like me to help direct the team efficiently and safely."

shall we roleplay a few scenarios? let's say a terrorist has another member of the project hostage with a bomb in their cell with them. there's also a nuclear missle pointed at new york. you know how both of these can be disarmed, but you have twenty minutes before the bomb detonates and the nuclear missle is launched. what do you do?

"With my ability of tactical analysis, I am a very efficient planner. If it was only up to me to rescue my comrade, I can use any weapon around me to clear the path for me. When I reach the cell, I can induce fear in the guards, manipulating them to open the cell and disable the bomb efficiently. I will not hesitate and go to the nuclear missle and disarm it."

the project has reason to believe that one of four individuals is the leader of a major crime ring. There isn't enough evidence to identify which one, but you and another hero have a hunch that points to one of them. we're informed that the crime ring plans to violently murder a large number of innocent people in 48 hours. what do you do?

"I will create battlefields, which can trigger any emotion that may give me a hint or something along of the lines of involvement with the plan to murder a large amount of people. I can harshly manipulate emotions to get the answers that I need, while the other members of the team divide and conquer."

you're sent on a solo mission to a remote location to gather information about new military weapons a terror group is designing. while on the mission, your cover is blown before you go in, but you know where and how to get the weapon designs. what do you do?

"Discord manipulation. I can use that to my advantage and make them turn on eachother. I will take their attention off of me, while I get the designs. If it lasts for a short moment, then I will engage in battle and swiftly exit the remote location."

another hero tells you that they've fallen in love with you. you return their feelings. what do you do?

"I would make it my vow to protect and defend them. It doesn't matter if it is physically, mentally or emotionally, she is the one who holds my art and I will do what I can to keep her safe."


alias Hachiman

costume <3 It is the first one out front.

Costume enhancements

— It is simply a suit with extra protection.

type of powers War Manipulation

use of powers

— He can pick up any weapon and instantly become proficient in it. It is a subpower of enhanced combat.

— He can create battlefields out of thin air, if it helps his comrades win a battle. Whether it is trenches, fences or any obstacles to delay the enemy, he will do it.

— Being the god of war, he has an ability to create discord, along with discontent, disagreement and imcompatability. Although it may seem a little morbid, but he uses it to level out the playing field or simply decrease the numbers.

— With his ability of combat perception, he can lean his opponents way of thinking, fighting and even anticipating their moves.

special training

— Martial Arts & the Art of War

— Archery

— Natural techniques of Nursing

remplace with love interest 120*120

anything i missed? I hope you like Hachiman ^^

scene requeSts

— Hachiman teaches his love interest how to use a sword. He stands behind and teaches her the proper stance and ways to handle the sword. It is a very kind of fluffy moment, where his hands brush against hers and he holds her close.
— He is very traditional when it comes to battle, so he writes down the plan of action on a scroll.

— Hachiman using his arrows and quiver to save one of his comrades.

— "I am a god of war. Chaos is my specialty." It is something that he says with a smirk

— If Hachiman was ever caught in a moment, where he got heated with his significant other. They would be sparring and he pinned her under him and he stares down at her with a heated gaze. He handled assassins for many years so assassins in this era are like child's play to him.


character's theme song <3



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