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remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameZumanayowahlena MahikomaTrupatka
other names

— Zuma - He prefers to be called Zuma, which is his earth name. He figured that it would be a mouthful for his earthling teammates, so he used a short named to ease the awkwardness.

— Stormy - It basically describes his attitude when he is ticked off. He literally creates an impending storm from his hands or shoots lightning bolts from his fingers.

birthday The years are very different on his planet, but he is at the physical age of 26.
birthplace Beautus
hometown Earth (s
ethnicity Beatan
languages spoken

— Klangae [Kl-ah-ng-a-ee] ;; It is his native language and everytime he speaks it, it would be mostly too himself. It depends on his mood sometimes, but when he speaks it with a certain expression, you can tell that he feels a certain way.

— Other languages ;; He learns it through the use of his fingers. He twirls a stream of wind around a person who speaks a certain language and then he brings it back to himself by taking in the stream of air through the mouth.

face claim Lee Donghae of Super Junior. On beatus, their are a mix of looks, which are similar to the mixture of ethnicities on earth. He ttakes on the look of an asian person (specifically Korean). His eyes are completely white which people mistake him for being blind but he sees others perfectly. He has a lot of tatoos on his muscular body that symbolizes him being a soldier and the powers that he has which is the control of the weather. Also, his skin is blue like the water.
back up face claim Cho Kyuhyun of Super Junior
height5 feet and 9 inches
gender Male
ualityBiual [Leans towards women]


personality traits

— [ positive ] Articulate, Calm. Brilliant, Pleasant, Honest

— [ neutral ] Crisp, Enigmatic, High-spirited, Intense, Mellow

— [ negative ] Brutal, Aloof, Impulsive, Fiery, Grim,

Origin story

Zumanayowahlena was a newborn on beatus, who's powers ignited when he reached the physical age of one years old. You may think that it is because of a certain gene in his body that is activated, a newborn beatan focuses on his or her growth before their powers kick in. Zumanayowahlena was a little more intense when he reached the age of one years old. His planet Beatus is separated to certain sectors, depending on an element they have or even a mixture so the mix does not elicit chaos. It's not like Beautus believes in separationism, it is simply for safety reasons...especially for newborns.

Zumanayowahlena, born with the power to manipulate the weather, is a perfect example of a newborn who is a sector for families who have a mixture of powers. It's not a mixture of everything under the sun, but simply the mixture of elements that create the weather. Zumanayowahlena remembers how after a few seconds of his birth, his cry caused lightning to strike loudly in the sky. Usually, when a newborn is born in the sector of people who manipulate weather, rain falls but a lightning strike means that the newborn has a large advantage, or simply meant for better things. To a Beatan's belief, when lightning strikes, the individual is above the rest and is destined to be a champion to the Beatan race.

As he grew from a newborn to an adolescent, he immediately jumped into training because a member cannot positively contribute to society when they have no control of their abilities. Zumanayowhalena had no qualms with learning because he was determined to live up to the expectations his people had of him, not intending to let him down. Now, you may think that it is insane for a young adolescent to be trained like a soldier, but it was a part of his society. He had no time to enjoy life as a normal child. It was combat training, multilinguism, battle tactics and even public speaking. It is normal and necessary, to which he has no problems completing.

As he reached the physical age of 25, he was a veteran member of the Beatan military elite. He is responsible for defending the sector and his people. He must speak with other soldiers of different sectors, politicians of his sector and even other members who travel from other planets. He has grown to be an eloquent member of the military elite, whose reputation has brought him to high ranks and high regard. He was very content with his life and simply served to protect his family and the people around him until an attack from the soldiers of miseriae was inflicted upon them.

All Zuma remembered was screams of terror, loss and anguish filled the skies, blood was shed everywhere along with lifeless bodies. Zuma and many soldiers of their sector fought against the soldiers of miseriae with all their might but was overpowered. He had to  retreat and find his family, but too his horror he found his mother murdered right in front of his eyes. His anger made the sky dim and he used his abilities to shock the soldiers around him at a high percentage, inflicting immediate death upon them. He, ought of anger went on a rampage to kill the miseriae soldiers who brought violence to their sector, while protecting as much as he can along the way.

As the attack simmered down, he noticed his father wailing in pain, holding his dead wife in his arms while the pain ignited outward the city. Survivors holding their dead loved ones, while others trying to find others that were apparently missing. He began to search frantically to find Key, but alas...he could not find him in the aftermath of his sector. Distraught and angered from the loss of the most important people in his life, he vowed to find and kill those who inflicted harm on his planet. Well, only if he has to....the experience only intensified his desire to protect those who can't protect themselves.

After learning that the attack has spread onto different sectors, the remaining soldiers were chosen to travel to planets that were enemies or targets of the miseriae. Zuma was chosen to go to earth as it's protector, in case a fleet decides to plan an attack on the humans. He was reluctant to leave his father behind and wanted to plan an appropriate burial for the woman who raised him, he had to fulfill his duty. After saying his goodbyes to his father, he got onto a ship and made a mission towards earth and find shelter in the midst of the human race.

A year later, after reaching the physical age of 26, he has been watching over earth, undercover as a mysterious vigilante. He lived amongst a small town of people, while having to do certain things to survive. He can eat human food and breathe human air, but he had a device that changed his skin color that resembled a human asian man. Specifically, korean. It was the night times, where he used his powers. He used lightning to affect the cars functional system, which allowed him to save pre-teen girls that were kidnapped and was about to be used in a trafficking ring. He, in the comfort of his hideout, used his water powers to bring rain for a family who was suffering a drought in their farms.

He did other things, but only in a discreet fashion to keep him hidden.

Love? He hasn't really thought about it, since he is almost reaching the physical age of thirty. However, he hopes to find someone to have a connection with.

important relationships

Liamapatunarayahma Numaka Trupatka | Mother - Deceased (Murdered)

Zuma was the apple of her eye and the child who lit up her life. There is no other woman who influenced him with kindness and empathy like she did. He always held a memory of her with the necklace of the wind symbol around his neck to remind him that she is always with him. He just needs to feel the warm wind around him.

Noahlemaquamelatulo Grindoah Trupatka  | Father - Alive

He is a soldier who watched over Zuma from birth until now. Even after the devastating murder of his wife and Zuma's mother, he took this bad experience and used it as an influence to encourage him to use his powers for good. He never remarried due to the fact that he was so attached to her when they were young adults.


Keylomatramunezolamiyanay Machoto Teotka  | Best Friend - Assumed Dead(Missing)

Keylomatramunezolamiyanay or Key is Zumanayohlena's "Zuma's" best friend. They both originated from the same sector who is a complete opposite of him. Zuma is more reserved and serious, while Key is the life of the party who simply puts the fire under the military's asses from time to time. They always had each other's backs, until the attack on their sector, leaving many people dead and Key presumably dead. Zuma always thinks about his best friend and he has that hopefulness that he will reunite with him once again.


— Due to his appearance, he is strangely attracting attention.
— He is not a flirt by any means, especially with women.
— He has been attracted to both men and women.

— He can eat a lot if he wants too and not gain weight. He is very active, so he can easily burn it off.

— He doesn't really care if people stare at him. He is an alien, so he doesn't expect anything different in terms of a reaction.

— He doesn't talk as much, but he only does when he has something to contribute to the team. He is like a silent ninja, when he is on the field.

— His fighting style is a mix of kapoeira, jiu jitsu, krav maga and even with an addition of free running.

— He doesn't really get humor as much.

— His speech is very eloquent.

— On earth, he really likes jamba juice. A neighbor bought him one for doing a favor (like a chore for them).

— When it comes to affection, he is not handsy. He is very respectful and gives space. He only follows when he is given permission.

— He remains calm under pressure.

— It takes a lot to piss him off. You would have to do something really bad to piss him off, when you do....run like hell.

— Although he experiences attraction, he has no clue about human intimacy.

— When he explains things, for example , he gives every detail which can be a little too much.


Alright. Good morning, my name is agent cameron adams with the united nations. my specialty is in military psychology, so i'm here to determine if you'll be a good fit for our project. Now, Can you tell me about yourself?

Zumanayowahlena strides into the room like he is walking on air. His completely white eyes becomes fixed on Agent Adams who becomes a little uncomfortable with the lack of eye color or an iris. He bows in greeting, before reaching out and shaking his hand firmly. "Greetings Agent Adam." He addresses Agent Adams in an even and monotonous tone, but his words were smooth like silk. "My name is Zumanayowahlena of Beatus, but my earth name is Zuma. It is a pleasure to be in your presence and I am honored that you have recuited me." His voice doesn't change in note, but with his fixed gaze makes Agent Adams a little curious about his way of speaking. Zuma notices his gaze piercing towards his eyes and he smiles a little with a soft chuckle. "Do not be alarmed, Agent Adams. I am not blind, my eyes are what has been passed down by my father. It is a rare gene, if you must know." He explained rather bluntly.

i understand that you have some special... abilities. Can you describe what those are for me?

"I can manipulate the weather, which gives me the ability to manipulate the natural phenoma that is present in any environment. I can control the meteorogical patterns, create rain, snow, sleet, fog and even change the natural temperature. I can survive in hot and even cold temperatures." He explains clearly with a little display of lightning from the tips of his fingers. "I can manipulate natural phenomena of electricity which can be useful in the means of disarming technological weapons or devices."

do you have any weaknesses that i should know about?

"To be rather simple, a term that you humans use, my emotions affect the intensity of my powers. I must be mentally balanced in order to use my abilities in a productive manner. If my emotions are unstable, the effects of my abilities can end in natural disasters or be fatal towards individuals or wildlife that cross my area of proximity." Agent Adams looks to him, wondering what he means by fatal. "I can kill anyone who is close to me."

What would you consider your "origin story"?

"I was born on a planet called Beatus, which is outside of the solar system. I originated in a specific sector where a specific gene in newborns are activated, which awakens our supernatural abilities. I was molded to a soldier, from my first year of birth until now while I attended a school that has strengthened my knowledge, syntax and the acumen to carry out military and combative proticols like a soldier is required to accomplish."

Can you tell me about your family, friends, and work or school relationships? anyone important or close to you in your life, really. There's a confidentiality agreement at stake, here.

Zuma looked down for a moment, as Agent Adams mentioned the word family and friends in his questionnaire. A woeful grimace was weaved onto his lips, before looking up to intiate eye contact with Agent Adams once more. "A war with an enemy planet has taken the lives of my mother and my comrade. The only family that I have is my biological father, who is safe on my planet. He is safe and has survived through the toughest times, but if anything were to happen..." He sighed a little, stopping his words for a moment.

is there anything or anyone in your life, past or present, that may compromise you or project hero in any way?

"My comrade Keylomatramunezolamiyanay, or Key to be simple, dissappeared after an attack from the Miseriae. I assume that he is dead, but I am unsure if it is true." He answered softly, as his hands weaved together.

let's change the subject. what can you do for project hero?

"I am a long distance fighter, who can take on targets from a distance. However, I can be an efficient fighter. Hand-to-hand combat is second nature to me. I can navigate the other members to specific locations and I can also be an efficient medic to those who are injured. It was required on my planet to be efficient in nursing."

how do you work best? do you prefer working in a team or alone?

"I am a perfect candidate to working in a team, but I am capable of handling solo missions."

you're one of very few to get to this stage of screening to be a hero. Why didn't you reject our invitation?  why are you here?

"I am here to guard the people of earth from extraterrestrial threats."

shall we roleplay a few scenarios? let's say a terrorist has another member of the project hostage with a bomb in their cell with them. there's also a nuclear missle pointed at new york. you know how both of these can be disarmed, but you have twenty minutes before the bomb detonates and the nuclear missle is launched. what do you do?

First, I will take care of the missle by using my technological knowledge to disable the missle efficiently, then with my knowledge of using weapons and even my long-distance fighting skills, I will take out any guards by using shock blasts to render them unconscious. I will use a small stream of air to pierce through the lock and use my air abilities to bust the gate open. I will do the same procedure with the bomb, as I have done with the missle to disarm. I will grab my comrade and fly out of their in less than twenty minutes. I am capable of working quickly."

the project has reason to believe that one of four individuals is the leader of a major crime ring. There isn't enough evidence to identify which one, but you and another hero have a hunch that points to one of them. we're informed that the crime ring plans to violently murder a large number of innocent people in 48 hours. what do you do?

"Divide and conquer? I am incapable of manipulating the minds of others, but I can be used as a forceful tactic to make them talk."

you're sent on a solo mission to a remote location to gather information about new military weapons a terror group is designing. while on the mission, your cover is blown before you go in, but you know where and how to get the weapon designs. what do you do?

"I am usually a soldier, that is used to making clear entrances and exists. However, if I must result into clearing my path by using a strong level of my abilities....then very well."

another hero tells you that they've fallen in love with you. you return their feelings. what do you do?

"I will have to ask them to show me...I do not have the slightest idea to initiate intimacy. It is embarrassing actually. I have focused on being a soldier, but I have never spared a moment in my life to find a significant other. I will be honest and say that I have witnessed the beauty that is earth men and women." Zuma answered honestly, while thinking back to the time he has caught sight of a young, blonde-haired female. Emily, is it?


alias Twister

costume <3 <---It is the medieval version of Vision.

Costume enhancements

— It is a sturdy suit for him. Although he is more durable than an average human, he uses it for bigger threats.

type of powers Weather Manipulation

use of powers

— Creates tornadoes and storms to whisk her enemies away due to his strict concentration on how much power that he emits.

— Shoots lightning out of his hands, which can be useful to shortening out electrico-magnetic fields.

— Can affect the temperature from either hot to cold.

— Hardens water to ice, which can be used to be projectiles for her attacks.

— He can sense the weather in order for his team, specifically for commuting towards mission spots.

— Uses weather as combat, which makes him one with the air around him.


special training

— Martial Arts

— Navigation

— Medic

remplace with love interest 120*120

anything i missed? He can change is body temperature, to adjust to environment around him.

Oh, and I hope you don't mind me mentioning your character! It is basically him finding your character attractive, but not knowing how to approach her like a human male would. If they could be love interests, their relationship would be awkward, yet cute XD

scene requeSts

Zuma is asked on how he gains his abilities to speak different languages.

"When you say you speak languages by absorbing the air, wouldn't that be too difficult? Why don't you kiss them?"

"If I did, that would be considered ual harassment on your planet."

Zuma speaks in Beatan, before being recruited. He is approached by agents when he is fond at his landing spot. He circles a gust of air around Agent Cameron and takes in the gust of air by the mouth before speaking english.

character's theme song <3



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