
I was always thinking why do people chose to end their lifes when problemes are to much to handle. I know life is hard and for others is harder but why end it when you can ask for help and solve them. I see young people kill them selfs, teenagers falling of a building and others drinking to many pills. I know how it is to come to an end and to not know where to got and how to solve your problemes, my mom had those thoughts when we moved to my grandparents's house because they were ill and needed someone to care for them, but they were torturing her more then me and my dad, because they were her parents and they wouldn't agree and like nothing she would do for them, when me and my dad were at work she would go into a depression and have suicidal thoughts, but Thank God she didn't do it. He keept her safe.

I  think everything can be solved if you have the will to fight to get out of the mess you're in.

So friends any opinions about these things?


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It's not that easy for everyone. I have a friend who is depressed but when she tried to get help they told her come back when she is "sick for real". And then another friend of mine, she did get help, but her psychiatrist actually told her that she should lose weight. Excuse me? Especially when she was there because she was badly bullied because of her weight...And then there are those people who don't want to talk to person they don't know but also don't want to worry their friends and family.
Some people chose to end their lives because they think that it's better off like that, when your dead, you got no problems. They end their life because life itself makes them quit. Life is harder than we think mostly when we got no one besides us, who we can talk to and who'll cheer for us. So, please, tell your Mom alway that you love her and that you'll always be there for her. And so to your grand parents and friends because we dont know what they really feel. Let's give love and hope because that's the only thing that keeps people alive.