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Amarantha Zukas

remplace with face claim 120*120

birthnameAmarantha Leontine Zukas
other names

— Amara or Mara ;; If Amarantha is a mouthful, then you can call her Amara or Mara. However, she will only allow you to call her this if you are friends with her.

— Paramour of Magic ;; It is a title that is set upon her due to her immense talent with her magic skills.

— The Amazing Amarantha ;; During her shows, that is another title of hers whenever she displays her artistry in public.

— Ahtnarama ;; It is basically her name backwards.

birthday April 25, 1989 + 28
birthplace Vilnuis, Lithuania
hometown New York City, New York
ethnicity Lithuanian
languages spoken

— Baltic;; Being born in Lithuania, it is the first language that she has ever spoken in public and with her family. <-- Native

— Latvian: It is the second language she has learned to speak from her father's side of the family. <-- Fluent

— English ;; She has a foreign tutor, which helped her learn english. She picked up english very well and it allows her to communicate with citizens in america. <-- Fluent

— Backwards ;; It may sound a little odd, but she speaks backwards in order to efficiently execute her powers. <-- Fluent and second nature to her.

face claim Shanina Shayk
back up face claim Sibylla Deen
height5 feet and 8 inches.
gender Female


personality traits

— [ positive ] Confident, Intelligent, Resourceful, Loyal, Kindhearted

— [ neutral ] Dignified, Relaxed, Intuitive, Ambitious, Emotional

— [ negative ] Stubborn, Fiery, Abrupt, Confidential, Harsh

Origin story

When it comes to Amarantha, she wasn't the kind of person who earned her powers after her birth. She was born with it. The Zukas family is a line of homo magi beings, capable of manipulating magic however they please. It is in their blood and most importantly, it flows through them even when they take their first breath. Amarantha was no different from them.

Amarantha is the oldest child of the Zukas family, the daughter of Darius and Janina Zukas. She is the older sister to Oberon Zukas, who is a teenager who aims to be a professional musician like Amarantha. When Amarantha was a child, it was a tradition for the newest child born in the Zukas family to be visited by the relatives before her and sending gifts to ensure her protection.

Although she wasn't sure as to why the gifts were supposed to protect her and her brother, she finally saw an answer when she was 13 years old. On her thirteenth birthday, she was visited by an evil mystical being named Delilah the Dreadful, who was a master of necromancy. She saw Amarantha and Oberon as a possible threat, which prompted her to use her magic in an attempt to kill her. However, her uncle Maneul pushed the two out of the way, which meant costing his life.

Seeing her uncle risking his life to save her and her brother, was one push to give her the motivation to use her powers for good. She did not want to end up like Delilah the Dreadful, taking lives with spite, no remorse and a simple lust for power. In the end, she decides to stay on the side of life to properly honor her uncle and the family members before her. 

After many years of training, she has reached in her mid-twenties and began to do magic for her family members that are starting fresh in their family. In addition to that, she had to help train her younger brother in the art of magic, Now and then they would have some slip ups but after one misspoken spell, a demon was summoned and she had to act by using a spell to banish him back to where he beloonged.

Besides a demon, she had to fight vengeful spirits who had a vendetta against her family which helped her display her mastery in the art of magic.


important relationships

Darius Zukas  | Father
Amarantha and her father has had full involvement with her practice in the magical world. Although she knew that the magical was dangerous, he had the most confidence in her to carry on the Zukas name. He is a fool for her daughter and she is his world. He stood by her side, always teaching her the nooks and crannies of magic. Although

Janina Zukas | Mother
Janina and Amarantha are very close with each other, She looks up to her mother for everything that she has been through, because being a female homo magi in the Zukas family. It was much harder for the women because they weren't taken seriously as the men. It was simply a gender bias, but it made the women in the family work even harder to measure up. As her mom, she made it her job to help Amarantha grow.

Oberon Zukas | Brother
Oberon is Amarantha's little brother, who would always try to act like he is a grown up but balways gets embarrassed when Amarantha intervenes. They basically have the typical sibling relationship. Amarantha is the mature older sister, who tries to keep her reckless little brother on the right path and to not use magic for personal gain. Besides magic, she makes it her job to embarrass him.


— Direct eye-contact tends to intimidate people, especially with her appearance.
— She has a really mischievous smile, when she has an idea.
— She uses motions when she uses magic.

— She loves sea-food.

—She tends to tap her nails onto the table when she is waiting patiently.

— Her eyes glow yellow, when the magic is flowing through her.

— She told her parents that she was lesbian and they were okay with it.

— She is seen as an intimidating person, but when you get to know her she is really sweet.

— Amarantha is not a flirt, but she likes to be playful with the women that she likes.

— For missions, she doesn't mind putting the charm on for men even though she doesn't go for men.

— She will be like the older sister for the others.

— Amarantha is a feminist.

— She tends to swipe her tongue along her top ridge of her teeth.

— She doesn't curse at all.

— She does not like giving up, especially in the face of an enemy.

— Amarantha likes to smirk in the face of danger.


Alright. Good morning, my name is agent cameron adams with the united nations. my specialty is in military psychology, so i'm here to determine if you'll be a good fit for our project. Now, Can you tell me about yourself?

Amarantha struts inside the room with full and undeniable confidence. From what her parents experienced, it isn't something new. So, she knows how to handle herself alone, especially around stiff and serious men in suits. Her honey brown eyes flitted up to meet Agent Cameron's and a full smile graces her lips. She firmly shakes his hand. "Good morning, yourself." She greeted politely but with a hint of mirth. When she was asked to describe herself, the bite her lip gently before looking back to the man.

"Well, I would describe myself as a rising performer in the world of magic and illusions. The world is getting to know me and how I do my thing every where I go." She laughs a bell-like laugh, before continuing herself. "Besides that, I work at a bar part time. I already finished my schooling at NYU with a degree in mechanical engineering. So..--" She grinned once more, but with a little more mischief. "I know a thing or too about machinery. I know I look hot, but I am not an airhead." She states directly, wagging her pointer finger to and fro,

i understand that you have some special... abilities. Can you describe what those are for me?

"Well for me, my abilities vary at a certain level. I am not like some celestial god, but I have come very far to do what I can do what I can do." Amarantha states simply, but honestly since she knows her limits and what she can't do at the moment. "I can manipulate magic, which splits into different sectors. I can use magic for attacks, I can make forcce,fields, I can heal myself, I can use it to get information, I can control people and even stop time if I wanted too. The list goes on, due to strict training that I have gone through with my family."

"Although I am a human, I inhabit the blood of the homo magi race that can execute magic. I come from a long line of magic users. My brother and I are the next in line. I don't intend to let them down or fail to carry on the blood line."


(She basically have powers similar to Zatanna from DC <3 )

do you have any weaknesses that i should know about?

"First, when it comes to power related, I have a limit. While I can do a various amount of things, I will say again that I am not god like. I can not necromancy, which means I can not bring people back from the dead, or anything else that has to do with manipulating the dead. If pain is inflicted upon me, it can prevent me from speaking backwards to conjure up my spells. Even covering my mouth can render me helpless, at times." Amarantha shrugs, but speaking honestly.

What would you consider your "origin story"?

"I grew up as a normal girl, but I've practiced magic only around my family. I've learned about my blood line, which is the homo magi blood line and the people who came before me as some of the most powerful magic users in their lifetime. Now, as the next member in line, I want to carry the tradition to the best of my ability." Amarantha looks Agent Cameron in the eye, but with a smile. "My brother and I are the next generation, so I pitch in to help him grow with his abilities as a magic user. My little brother O, he is a little antsy to learn, but I am willing to help."

"Nothing out of the ordinary that has happened in my life, besides my parents passing down the torch to my brother and myself. The only thing that we've done was live our lives among human children."

Can you tell me about your family, friends, and work or school relationships? anyone important or close to you in your life, really. There's a confidentiality agreement at stake, here.

"It's only my family to be honest." Amarantha smiled softly at the thought of them. "I've had acquaintences in school, my shows or at my job as a barista, but they've never stuck long enough for me to consider them as friends."

is there anything or anyone in your life, past or present, that may compromise you or project hero in any way?

"Well..." Amarantha sighed, before answering the question. "After many years of learning about the woman who killed my uncle. I would consider her my nemesis. Delilah the Dreadful..that immortal who has been after my family for decades. She tried to kill my brother and I and vowed to come back for my family. I am ready for that to come back and I will finally settle the score." Amarantha answered with determination along with a smile that weaved onto her pink lips. Her eyes filled with danger, as she knew that she had the chance to take her down for the pain that she has inflicted on the Khoen family.

let's change the subject. what can you do for project hero?

"Oooh. I love that question!" She cooed with pure excitement, while tapped her perfectly manicured nails on the arm of her chair. " I do a lot of things. I am a natural when it comes to dealing with magical or mystical problems, however I can apply it with people who intend to not play nice. I can charm the pants off of them, or blast their ugly or fine asses to another dimension. You can say that I am a dynamo that can clear the path for my teammates and in project hero." She expresses pure confidence, but not arrogance.

how do you work best? do you prefer working in a team or alone?

"Honey, I am a team player." She grins playfully, while crossing her legs. "I can pull my weight, as long as the people around me do the same. If the people around me can do that, then we will be a kick team. Simple as that." Amarantha holds her hands out in a shrugging motion.

you're one of very few to get to this stage of screening to be a hero. Why didn't you reject our invitation?  why are you here?

"I am sure you will need someone who can tap into things that no regular human can discover. Besides, I can handle the monsters that hide under the bed of reality. I am your girl who can handle that." Amarantha leans back, while looking Agent Cameron straight in the eye. " Vampires, zombies, demons, mystical creatures far and beyond human comprehension. Anything."

shall we roleplay a few scenarios? let's say a terrorist has another member of the project hostage with a bomb in their cell with them. there's also a nuclear missle pointed at new york. you know how both of these can be disarmed, but you have twenty minutes before the bomb detonates and the nuclear missle is launched. what do you do?

"There are times where I can take risks, but I want to do this kind of scenario with less damage and blood shed as much as possible. As much as I like a little dazzle,--" She emphasized the word dazle with a purple mist that appears from her hands."--I intend to do a mission with less blood shed." She shudders with a little exaggeration. "First, I will use my wand to manipulate the mind of one little puppet who is guarding my teammate, we teleport inside the cell, he unties my teammate while I rocket both the bomb and missle outside our world's solar system so it does not affect any of our planet's sattelites or make an asteroid head towards earth."

"I time and position myself perfectly because we don't want to solve one problem only to create a new one, now don't we?" She asked, with a perfectly trimmed brow quirked upward..

the project has reason to believe that one of four individuals is the leader of a major crime ring. There isn't enough evidence to identify which one, but you and another hero have a hunch that points to one of them. we're informed that the crime ring plans to violently murder a large number of innocent people in 48 hours. what do you do?

"While my powers are centered around magic, I can manipulate a few people and probably absorb information from the past just by touching them. I can also manipulate memories of anything that may lead to the person that is the leader of the crime ring. I am not big on torturing people, but I can weed out the truth by putting a little dazzling in my mental abilities." Amarantha smirked a little. "I can do that while the group divides into two groups and interrogate each one as quickly as possible."

you're sent on a solo mission to a remote location to gather information about new military weapons a terror group is designing. while on the mission, your cover is blown before you go in, but you know where and how to get the weapon designs. what do you do?

"I slip in and slip out, to be simple. I may be a little OCD, but I don't like making a big mess of things. However, I will if I have too. I would simply teleport to the place where the weapon designs are. If I have to sneak in, I will create an illusion towards the security cameras to make it look like I am not even in the room."

another hero tells you that they've fallen in love with you. you return their feelings. what do you do?

"Ah. La belleza del amor." She perfectly rolled her r's, as a genuine smile graced her lips. "Although I enjoy the single life--" Her tone laced with pure, unadulterated honesty. "--being able to do what I wish to do. I am a er when it comes to love." She answers honestly, while twirling a lock of hair. "I would make sure that we can come to an agreement so our time of love doesn't interfere with our job. If we can do that, I will love her all day and night, to the moon and back."

She states honestly, as her smile grew. "Honey, I am a magician. I can ignite the fire within the people I love a add some dazzle in their lives."


alias Sybil


< General  -- > <3

< On the field -- > <3

Costume enhancements

— On her headpiece, she has a screen that allows her to see through buildings and find the exact spot that she needs to get the job done.

— Due to the fact that magic can not mix with science, Amarantha has the pads of her fingers enhanced to check the status of a teammate.

type of powers Magic Manipulation

use of powers

— She waves her hand to teleport from one place to another.

— Amarantha can use magic too heal any wound.

— She makes a tapping motion to stop time.

— With her hands, she can create a shield or project against the enemy as an attack.

special training

— Without her magic, she knows martial arts well which serves as a back-up

— Limit: three different things

— Examples: martial arts, firearm shooting, sword combat, computer programming, chemistry, medicine

remplace with love interest 120*120

anything i missed? n/a

scene requets

— I will leave it up to you ^^

character's theme song <3



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