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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Black house!

Welcome to the fun house, AKA the Black House. The place where everyday is different from the previous!The house holds a spacious and elegant design that is just at eye-catching as it's house guests.

Results are based off of your collected hearts.


meet the house & the head of the house, kai!
please scroll down to read more information

House Values

Growth, serenity, self-respect and courage.

The best way to describe this house is that it's composed of people who have a good balance between their mature and childish sides. The people here are a range of introverts and extroverts. Most of whom are bubbly and very open minded who are also not afraid to unleash ther inner dork/geek. People who would fit in this house value comfort especially in close relationships. They value relationships built on similar traits and hobbies but are also wiling to accept another person's different habits. Values support greatly, although the effort may not be obvious at times.

Black House


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