
Hello everyone! It's been a while since I posted anything on AFF and I have some explanations for it. Sorry for that by the way, hehe. 

As of recently, I've been focusing a lot on Uni considering that most of you know that I was on academic probation. I'm just a taste away from being removed, my .75 going up to a 1.68 while I need a 2.0. In order to raise this grade, I decided to take a summer class in hopes that it would lift it just a smidgen, which is why I'm not as focused on continuing any stories that I may have at the moment. 

Along with that, I have recently been prescribed anti-depressants, and unfortunately, there are some side effects that are scaring me and I'm in the process of trying to get that fixed before something bad happens. Not saying anything will happen, but you know, just to nip it in the bud now. 

Because of my medication, as aforementioned, I've been feeling unlike myself and not interested in things that once interested in. I feel bored most of the time and I spend most of my time sleeping and listening to music. That being said, any fic I have isn't my main concern at the moment and for that, I truly apologize. 

I hope you are all patient with me as I figure out what the  is going on with me. I'm a little scared, honestly, haha. But I know this will pass in due time. 

Til then, I thank you again for being patient with me. Keep an eye out for an update or two! You never know when I random spurts of inspiration.

much much much much much much love,



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How long have you been taking antidepressants? It takes around 6 months before you can tell if it works for you or not. I've had trouble with my first few medications but eventually my psychiatrist found one that worked for me. Now I'm prescribed with a stable dose. Kudos for you for setting your priorities. Your health and well-being is obviously more important. Good on your studies! I wish the best for you!