kara Seong 
lucky 13!
the weather witch


 BIRTH NAME  kara seong
 KOREAN NAME  송지아 (seong jia)

   keh-rah. not really a nickname, but more of a mispronunciation of her birthname. some of her peers can't correctly pronounce it, especially at first try. for the record, it's pronounced like sarah but with a k.
     tower. she's tall, so her friends started calling her this. unfortunately, it stuck, and nearly everyone in school calls her this
     heartbreaker. when you look like kara, expect suitors lining up on your feet. despite all the boys chasing her around the school, she never did accept any of their proclamations of love, hence the nickname.

 BIRTHDATE  december five
 AGE  eighteen years of age
 YEAR  third year; senior

 BIRTH PLACE  new york, usa
 HOMETOWN  manhattan, new york
 ETHNICITY  korean



 FACE CLAIM  pristin's roa
 BACKUP  wjsn's dawon

 HEIGHT  175 cm
 WEIGHT  50 kg

anyone with eyes will admit that kara is a pretty girl. she fits korea's beauty standards almost perfectly. she's tall, at 175 cm, and has a nice body thanks to her frequent trips to the gym. her clear and pale skin is something most of her peers are jealous of. well, that's genetics for you.

she's the type girl who scours pinterest or any other form of social media to keep up with the latest trends. she really likes keeping her closet up to date with the trendiest clothes. she likes to wear clothes that flatter her well, and after years of practice, she has mastered shopping for her body type.



cunning, manipulative, ambitious, loyal, protective, confident

if kara was to be sorted into a hogwarts house, she'll probably be sorted to slytherin. she has the house's core traits ingrained in her personality. she's ambitious, cunning, and occasionally manipulative. actually scratch that, she's always manipulative, you probably can't catch it with all her cunning ways. she knows what to say in the right moment to make people think that she's a perfect angel. she knows how to distort people's perception of her (probably why everyone thinks she's an angel) and how to wrap everyone around her finger. not that she has to try a lot, though. with a face like hers, she practically already have a fanclub chasing after her. right now, she practically has the whole school eating at the palm of her hand. she's part  of the "popular clique" too, her friendship with cho nari helping her in that regard. 

but, there is another side to her. something that only comes out when she's with friends. she gets attached easily. to friends, clothes, or whatever you can think of. she's not actually very friendly, if you think about it, but on the rare occasion a friend tears down the walls she makes around herself to protect her "ooh, aren't i so perfect" persona, she gets attached quick. she's probably the type of girl to do everything to keep the friendships that matter to her for an eternity. she also gets awfully protective to the people she absolutely cares about. like "jump-in-front-of-a-gun" kind of protective. 

born at the beginning of winter in manhattan, kara is the second daughter of seong jungho and jiyeon. their whole family, including kara's older sister, julie, has lived in upper east side, manhattan ever since kara was born. just judging by this fact, you'd be able to guess that the seong family is quite affluent, and you'd be right. her parents were quite successful businessmen, and all throughout the siblings' life, they've been getting the best of the best. studying in a preppy private school, getting designer clothes, and julie even got her own car on her sixteenth birthday. they had the perfect life. had is the keyword.

it was a few months before kara's sixteenth birthday. kara didn't even notice it happen until there were papers being signed in front of her. it was a very very messy divorce. somehow, kara ended up with her older sister to a one way plane to south korea, practically leaving everything behind in manhattan. technically, her mother was the one who got the custody to kara, but julie, already an adult at nineteen, decided that it was best to get her little sister away from the messy marriage for a while.

south korea was very different compared to manhattan. the two sisters decided on getting a nice two bedroom apartment in the heart of seoul using the large sum of money their mother let them have while they stayed in seoul. julie got a job as a really famous photographer's apprentice(like she always wanted), and kara enrolled in gildong, a public school. why a public school like gildong and not some fancy private school? god knows they can still afford it. it wasn't like their mother cut them off or something. simple, kara wanted to find out what it was like to study in a public school.

turns out, it wasn't really that much different. what was very different for kara was the work ethic and the language. the student worked so much harder in korea than in america. in korea, they spoke korean, and kara admittedly wasn't that fluent in korean. of course, she mastered the language (more or less, she still had to smooth over some rough patches), adapting to her advantage. even as a first year, she rose to popularity quickly, the fact that she was a pretty foreigner aiding this rise to popularity. she met cho nari and they've been inseperable quickly. her life was going so well, she almost forgot about the fact that her parents were tearing each other apart in america.

↪ kara's parents do love their children very much, but they were always too busy to spend time with them, so they're not close to each other
↪ she's fluent in latin and english, and only semi-fluent in korean
↪ she learnt latin through reading magickal tomes all by herself
↪ she's actually very smart, and if she wanted to be, she could be a top student, but she doesn't care much about grades. she just does enough to pass
↪ she doesn't like animals much, so she doesn't have a pet
↪ she's also allergic to fur, so that's part of the problem
↪ her favourite colour is red
↪ she doesn't sleep a lot, she sleeps late, and wakes up early



 THE BEST FRIEND  cho nari; 18; eunwoo of pristin

since the day they met, the two of them has been inseperable. neither of them could explain how they've come to be best friends, it just happened. the two rely on each other greatly, and they've been through everything together. they're basically inseperable. they have all their classes together, and they always sit next to each other when there's no seat plan. they spend a lot of their time in class chatting quietly about whatever they can think of. kara is awfully protective of nari. one bad word about nari, and kara will have your head. despite their closeness, they never told each other about the fact that their witches. shame, really.


 THE RIVAL  jung yoonmi; 18; eunha of gfriend
yoonmi is a sweet girl, really, she is. unfortunately, that's not the case when she and kara are in the same room. somehow, the two of them bring out hte worst in each other by just being in the same room. no one knows why, not even the girls themselves, but since the day they met, they've been at odds with each other. whenever they cross paths, they'd exchange snide comments. they would glare at each other every time their gazes meet. they make everything a competiiton, from comparing scores on a quiz, to who can finish their soda quicker. it's ridiculous really, but that's how the two of them are. it may have something to do with yoonmi specialising on dark magick. kara has always detested dark magick. oh yeah, they know that their both a witch.


 THE ANNOYING UNNIE  julie seong; 21; jisoo of blackpink

meet julie seong, korean name, seong jieun. she's kara's older sister. she's pretty into art, photography and the like (probably why she took that apprentice gig), but really not into magick. she's never even tried to cast a spell. magick is just not her thing. despite this, kara and julie are very close. sure, they get into annoying catfights, but if you've ever had a sister, you'd know that it's just part of having a sister. the two siblings are very protective of each other, but neither would admit it. it was julie's idea to move to seoul, away from the mess in manhattan, and kara followed because she trusted her sister very much.


 SPECIALTY  weather
 SUB-POWERS  combat magick, alchemy, ceremonial magick
 WEAKNESSES  black/dark magick

both her parents were witches, but the seong family was never big into their magick. well, except kara. kara was fascinated with her magick since day one. on her thirteenth birthday, she dug up every magickal text she could find and studied them with vigour. she even found a grimoire, which basically is a book of spells, potions, and everything magick related. after practicing magick where ever she can without being seen, she found out her speciality.

she was especially good with weather spells. it came to her naturally. with a bit of research, she found out that most of her ancestors specialised in weather as well, so it made sense. she can manipulate the local weather with ease (which she does once in a while to mess with the weather people), and she could muster big storms and other large weather occurences with a lot of effort (though she'd probably faint from exhaustion right after casting the spell).

she's also versed in some ceremonial magick, thanks to her grimoire. she's probably read the tome a thousand times in the last five years. she can do some pretty advanced combat spells, and she's pretty well versed with potions and the like.

she's also very bad at dark magick. she can't cast a dark spell even if she wanted to, and she doesn't want to. for some reason, she's especially weak against dark magick.  if a black spell was cast on her, she would succumb very quickly, and it's effects would be magnified. this is primarily because some of her ancestors were victims of dark magick. not that kara knows any of this, but this is a tidbit of information you must know, miss jomi.


heyyy! i hope you like kara! i got inspired to make this app after watching pristin's black widow (vampire ver) cause minkyung was so gorgeous, i couldn't not.

i'm also thinking of making another app. this time for jung yoonmi, her "rival". i don't know if i'll ever get around doing it tho, so don't get your hopes up too much.



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ey bish where r my creds 4 helping ur sorry