I'm going to harry potter world today and I know it's stereotypical for me to be excited but I am. I am so excited because Harry Potter is special to me like it is to thousands or millions of other people.

The reason why it's special to me is because when I was ten turning eleven I saw the first harry potter movie. It's my first time see kids fighting evil at the age of 11. The movie had action and comedy and no stupid romance. It was about friendship and I loved that.

I ran home and I picked up my older sisters book and the rest was history.  Every time a new Harry Potter book would come out my mom and I would go to the midnight premier. Every year there would be more and more people there. 

J.K Rowling made me love reading again after a couple of years of turning my nose up to books.  She reminded me of my dream I had since I was a child to be a writer. Even though I'm not that great at it yet.

I also love the fact that you can go up to anyone and ask them their house and within seconds you know their personality. Can you guys guess what my house is?

I will let you guess now.







Can you figure it out?






No, I'm not a Slytherin.








Nope, I'm not nearly as smart as a Ravenclaw.









Yes, we all know everyone picks Gryffindor.






Okay I'm going to tell you right now.....















You thought I was going to say Gryffindor right? Everyone says Gryffindor and honestly, I thought I was one too. If you think about it Hufflepuff and Gryffindor have some similar traits. 

We are both Loyal and Brave.

Yes, Hufflepuffs are brave no matter what. 

But what is different is I don't really like being the center of the attention and I don't rush into dangerous things to get the glory.

I'm usually easy going, friends are my life, and I like to think that I'm more loyal than most people. I honestly think I do things in life and I take a step back and I'm just like wow I'm such a Hufflepuff.

Like even if I love another kpop group I will always be loyal to Infinite.

There is a guy in Produce 101 that I liked first and right now I'm not a huge fan of him but I cannot support him because I liked him first and if I leave him then other people will leave him. Then he won't have any support. Yes I know I'm weird.


But to be honest I'm scared to go. Recently my heart has been pounding more than average and even though I told my parents. They just said it's anxiety. But what if there is something wrong with my heart and I go on a ride and then....you know I die.

I know I'm being overly dramatic but hey who knows. I guess I'm such a worrywart.  I know.

I don't wanna not go on the rides since I'm bringing my niece and it's the only two of us. So I can 't not go on the ride. I think I'm just worrying over nothing but just in case anything happened I just wanted to leave something here.

Wow that turned dark,



Ah, I have to get in the car right now. If you see spelling mistakes sorry. I don't have time to reread this post.









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