The Romantic & The Idol ; Mikki & Bobby

Park, Mikki
birthname mikki park
name kiki
nickname tokkiki & mikki mouse
birthday 12-23-1991
birthplace seoul, south korea
hometown seoul

etnicity korean
spoken english, korean,japanese, french
face claim cl of 2ne1

bakel up face claim jennie of blackpink
height & weight 5'4 & 48kg

group & position leader of 2ne1

apperance   Day One - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Night One - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Day Two - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Night Two - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Day Three- Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Night Three - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Day Four - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Extra - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr
Extra Two - Image result for cl winter fashion tumblr

Positive - decisive, goofy, extrovert, funny
Neutral - fashion guru, playful, flirty
negative- can get angry easily, prideful, competitive, kind of boyish which makes her scary


Who is the baddest female Seoul has ever seen? In everything Mikki does, she is always decisive with what needs to go down. If she likes someone, she doesn't mind taking it and if she is contemplating who to choose, it isn't hard for her to figure out what she wants within seconds. She has always been an extrovert, not ever shying away from the camera or from people. She likes the attentionand the attention is what madkes her the funny and goofy person she is today,. She likes to do weird antics and tricks to make peole laugh which is why she is exceptional in variety shows. 

Mikki is nothing short of amazing. Her fashion is jaw-dropping. Her appearance is breathtaking. Her skills are unmatched. There is no one else in this world like her. She is playful with everyone, her sunbaes, hoobaes, everyone, she can't help but be a little prankster at times. She is also quite flirty but most of the time she is just teasing the person in a flirtatious way to see them either blush or cringe. 

Mikki, sadly, has more testosterone than most male idol groups. One music video is all it will really take for you to experience the fierce badass that she is. A lot of people find her too scary and threatening.  But sorry, you should be terrified of her. She gets angry easily from things not going her way or jealousy but mostly when people say she acts toomuch like a boy, it annoys her. She is quite prideful of herself to the point that if someone tries to talk her down, she won't allow it but the scariest part is how competitive she is. If she likes someone and finds out someone else likes them as well, she is ready to do whatever it takes to win, no matter how damaging it may be for the other. 

Extra : Despite Mikki being some talent prodigy, the real her is sweeter than candy. She is kind to her seniors, and beloved by all who know her. She looks after 2ne1 despite being one of the youngest, and takes on the huge responsibility as 2ne1’s leader seriously.

Mikki has a fantastic personality. She is a professional, and extremely mature as 2NE1’s leader. However, when she doesn’t have to be as venomous, her adorableness shines. She uses her aegyo as it should be, and has a surprisingly naturally cute personality. It’s hard to hate her when you realize what an absolute sweetheart she is. She’s extremely grateful for her fans and you can always feel her sincerity.

background Mikki began her journey to being an idol at the age of 15 and by the age of 19 debuted as leader of 2ne1, a fierce group of girls who soon ran the charts. on stage, she is charismatic and plays no games yet, in reality, a complete softie and romantic at heart which brought her to the romantic & the idol. she has always wanted to try dating out but due to the date ban at yg, she hasn't experienced it and hopes to doo through this show.  

  1. Her favorite colors are Black & White.
  2. Mikki's most common English phrase is ‘you know’ which fans find cute.
  3. She is featuring in many songs, The First song was “Hot issue” from Bigbang 2nd mini album.
  4. Mikki revealed that she used to wear boy school uniform to school since they don’t have pants for girls.
  5. She used to live in Japan but left it for France when she was 9-10 years old. 
  6. When she was younger she wanted to be a nun. 
  7. Mikki is an extrovert.
  8. Mikki is very smart and she impressed fans with her thinking skills and speed during a quiz on running man.
  9. She’s a clean freak.
What do you think about this program?   This program is a great idea for those idols who want to date but possibly have a dating ban in their company such as i. you can use this opportunity to make some long lasting friends as well as getting to know other idols are a friendlier basis than just business.

ideal type?  My ideal type would be..g-dragon? he is a total badass on stage but is really sweet and goofy off stage, like me. i like someone who is close to the same as me but i also find gd oppa like an older brother so it is hard to imagine dating him huh? *laughs* 

what did you hope coming to this show?  i hope to experience dating someone as well as getting to meet some nice people that i can call friends later on. 

Anything you want to say?  hwaiting! *she looks around a bit before bursting out in laughter, her cheeks tainted red* im oddly shy right now.
Image result for jay park nicknames
birthname jaebeom park
stage name jay
nicknames the fresh prince of seoul
birthday april 25, 1987
height & weight 5'7 & 60kg
group & position solo rapper

Day One - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Night One - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Day Two - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Night Two - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Day Three- Image result for jay park airport fashion

Night Three - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Day Four - Related image

Extra - Image result for jay park airport fashion
Extra Two - Image result for jay park airport fashion

Positive - decisive, goofy, extrovert, funny
Neutral - fashion faux pas master, playful, flirty
negative- can get angry easily, prideful, competitive, too friendly


He’s as similar as you see him on TV. Pleasant, funny, active, truthful, honest and unpretentious… He is recognized and loved by many people but he’s still humble. He makes people comfortable even though he’s a popular celebrity. He is quite decisive when it comes to himself and his company. He strives for the best when it comes to his brand. Goofiness and being funny go hand in hand as he always has been the kind of guy to even make jokes about himself to get the crowd going. He was especially a bigger jokester when he was in 2pm. It is obvious he is an extrovert, he doesn't mind getting all up in your face for you to notice his presence nor is he shy unless around a super pretty girl, he also is very confident in himself. 

His fashion sense is quite nice but he isn't afraid to try some fashionable acts that aren't all that great. He has even in the past dyed his hair every color of the rainbow just for fun. His playfulness can sometimes be translated into being flirty but in reality, he is just trying to make friends and he can't help how other people take it. 

He can get pretty angry easily, especially when it comes to jealousy. He is someone who can become jealous simply by a person getting too close to his friends or someone trying to take his shine. He is prideful to the point he may be considered too opinionated. He likes to have his way in most situations and doesn't mind arguing you down for it which brings me to his competitive side. He must always win, if he loses he is a bit of a sore loser but sooner or later he gets over and moves on as sif he never lost until the next competition comes along where he will showcase just how much he must win. The being too friendly aspect correlates with him being flirty. Anyone can misintepret what he is trying to do which makes him seem over friendly when in reality to him, he wasn't doing ins such thing. He is also kind of bad at social cues and will at times burst someone's bubble because he didn't notice they wanted to be alone. 

first meeting The first meeting will be great since they both have similar tastes in music and fashion. they will be over talkative to the point they look more like good friends than a potential couple. 
interaction they tease each other, like a big sister and little brother would. they stick their tongues out at one another and from time to time do silly things like pull pranks. 
ending mikki will get her feel for every guy to the point no one will know who she will end up with but jay keeps his eyes on her and never sways so they end up together. 

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