An Update on My Life

There's no reason why I haven't updated in a while. I just...I think I've lost my writing mojo.

For those of you who don't know, I lived in Korea for the last 2 1/2 years. In that time, I taught English to elementary and kindergartgen students and I had a great time. In the last few months, I met a guy, had my first kiss (with the guy), left Korea, and now I think the guy is avoiding me. o.O

Anyway, I have some stuff written but it doesn't seem up to the quality that my other work used to be. I'm planning on returning to Korea next month so maybe I will post something before then.

I don't know anymore. In the mean time, I'll just stick to watching animal shows and Netflix.


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Relatable, sometimes we got this feeling that we lost interest in something but it doesn't mean we totally Lost it. So authornim take ur time, have fun and have a safety trip back to Korea : )