A very long rant

Sorry for not being around I've been busy with life. Okay so to start everything of I want to apologize for the long overdue AWOL. Okay I am now working and most of my days circulates around disappointed parents and a demeaning job.


I am currently 20 years old and I am suffering with my parents treating me as if I am still 12. I am now working I earn money for myself I help every now and then even my salary is below minimum. I even sacrifice my sleep and wanted freedom so that I wont disappoint my parents especially my mother. I know she just wants to protect me and all but I just dont get why I should be treated as if I am a guard dog of the house. She takes over my life she brown noses everything. Even privacy (I even hide messages just so she wont be mad at me) she just wants me to stay home and forget about my social life. I chose to take a seat back after graduating because all of my chefs told me to "take a rest" January of this year she got me a job. I didnt even knew about it until there was like a week left before I would start. I was okay with it since I would earn money for my own but the real reason behind this sudden job was for her to have her eyes on me. 

I dont even get why she doesnt trust me at all sure I am like everyone else I lie so I would get out of trouble. I made like a few lies my entire life but she treats those lies like I should be imprisoned or something. She even tells everyone how I was back then how she showcased to everyone she knows like I am a deliquent. I was 9 back then of course I would learn from my mistakes but I was offended when she told everyone she knew that she almost punched me because I answered back. 

I have to be honest here. I dont receive any affection from her. I became so used to see her more as an authoritarian than a mother. She always sees my faults and ignores all of my glories in life. I graduated and like nothing happened she was just there no anything. Posts on social media just to have something to post. I have so many things I want to say but she is still my mother. Even though she treats me like this. I feel like a deliquent because she makes me feel like it. I am still thankful for her even though I feel like this. 

I would end this here but expect more rants tomorrow :( 


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