I'm not with the "group" anymore, but I don't care.

Okay, so a very unpopular girl at my school was across the track, she is a little on the heavy side, and she was running and she fell. Everyone was laughing at her. Well, the girls I was walking with were laughing too, so I told them to shut up. One of them told me some comment about how she made an earthquake when she fell and I just lost it right there. So I slapped her across the face and told her to shut up again. This time she and the others listened. So I went to help the girl, her name is Haley BTW, and the girl i slapped, my ex-bestfriend, said if I walked one more inch I was out of the group, but I just kept on walking and me and Haley became best friends today.

I don't like bullies so yeah, if your a bully, STAY THE AWAY FROM ME! XP


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2min_Dreams #1
Good for you!!!!
chocoluv #2
Wow you have courage. Good on ya :D
Lol i would sooo do tje same thing~
I hate bullies too...
Omo! I'm so glad for you!!!! You don't need friends like that. I'm so proud and happy for you!!! Why do I suddenly sound like an umma?! *big clueless eyes*