The heart

The heart doesn't know how to lie,  it always tells you the truth.
Your truth,  people's truth,  the world's truth ,  the truth that you keep on running away from it، the one that you deny no matter what.
Sometimes wishing you were one of those people who are dump enough to not understand their hearts.
The heart hurts, and the pain kills you,  not that hurt that can be cured by a doctor,  not even by changing hearts, it's the heart in the soul that gives you those shocks,  leaves you in a million shattered pieces,  killing you inside out,  making you feel the pain all over and over again. 
And all you are left with are small tiny crystal peices,  thrown every where,  blown out by the wind off this life's storm,  sticking to every scarred soul out there,  just to make you feel more hurt and pathetic. 



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