I'm Killing My Friends ; Song Iseul.


 b`bang bang !Song iseul.


━ the number one princess, don't forget it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` username ; shawmoo

` your name ; Lizzie

` activity level ; 7.5

` do you check your aff mail ? Yes.

━ beautiful girl, all over the world . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` character's name ; Song Iseul.

` nicknames ; Sullie.

` place of birth ;

  • Born: Seattle, Washington.
  • Hometown: Hong Kong.

` race ; Korean-Chinese.

` age ; 18

` birthday ; 01/02/1994.

baby, you're the whole package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` ulzzang name ; Choi Seo Hee.

` appearance ; one | two | three | four | five .

` style ; one | two | three | four || five | six | seven .

i never needed you to be strong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` personality ; How would you honestly describe this young girl? Perhaps something along the lines of 'distant', 'quiet', and 'a loner', would fit her personality the best. Iseul is the type of girl that chooses to be alone; she chose to be distant with others. Even if others approach her and speak to her, she would just glare at them weirdly-- then walk away. She does this because 1) she absolutely hates it when people talk to her and 2) it's weird when someone randomly comes up and tries to befriend her.

For Iseul's whole life, she has always been socially awkward with everyone she's met...even with her parents. No one exactly knew the correct answer for her not speaking, but they didn't exactly care since everyone treated this young girl as a mute. When their neighbors and friends asked, the most simple and easiest answer would be for them to say, 'My daughter was born as a mute'. Iseul didn't care that others treated her as a mute; she was no different from a mute, therefore others calling her that didn't bother her. Frankly speaking, she enjoyed it; it made her life easier, especially in class. Though for those who knows she's not mute, will attempt to speak to her.  Also, they would tell others that she's a fake, she's not really mute and often spread rumors behind her back. That's the type of people she absolutely hates and will do anything for them to disappear.

With everyone, including her parents, she would rebel against. She feels like they never loved her, that's why she refuses to listen to them. If they tell her to do something, she will make sure she wont do it and will for sure create a bigger mess than what they all imagined. Despite her rebelling against her parents words, she actually-- deep down, cares for them. She hates to see those who took care of her, suffer. Iseul is also a very lazy girl-- especially at home. She locks herself in her room all day long, sleeping, and when she's not sleeping, she does whatever her heart wishes. Her room is very messy, with clothing, books, paper, and pencils all spread across her room like a piece of toast with ten coatings of butter. She's the type of person who feels safe in her room, so she keeps a small little refrigerator along with a portable gas stove, paper plates/bowls and a few pair of chopsticks in her room.

You can't really say Iseul is totally 'normal'. She's the type of girl that will practice strange voodoo's and believes in spiritual things. Though, other than that, she's somewhat normal...to some extent. She's a young teenage girl who is lazy, procrastinates, stubborn, and determined. That's what a lot of teenagers are, right? Also, surprisingly, Iseul is naturally smart. She clicks onto new things quickly and remembers them, though sadly, she refuses to do anything involving the things she learned in school.

Iseul would always carry a small little notebook with her at all times. She calls this her 'diary' and makes sure that no one touches...or even looks at it without her permission. She protects this 'diary' more than she protects herself; she feels that this book is worth more than herself. The reason for this is because that book of hers has all the voodoo she practices and all the names of those she wants gone; basically, it's a hit list. That book, is her life.

` family background ; Iseul was born into a family of five: her parents, an older brother, and an younger sister. Financially, they weren't doing too well, though they still managed to make it through. Her parents, Song Dongyul and Song Yuan, happened to put little to no food everynight on the table for Iseul, Song Jae (older brother), and Song Jongmi (younger sister) to eat. They did this by selling a few of their unneeded belongings for money, then using that money to buy ingredients to make Tteok (Korean Rice Cakes). Though this didn't happen until they began their new life in Hong Kong.

Before they moved to Hong Kong, they lived in Seattle, Washington. Here, financially, they were doing quite well. Dongyul had a job as a cashier at a gas station while Yuan had a job as a waitress at a small little restaurant. Despite their small paycheck, they were still able to buy decent food for them and their kids...though that was until Dongyul got involved into gambling. Like any Asian male who wants to make fast money, he learned that gambling might do the trick. At first, everything went well and accordingly to his plan, but slowly, as his gambling addiction got worse, so did his plan. He quit his job and went out gambling every night with his fellow friends he had met at the casino. One night, Dongyul was winning quite a lot of rounds compared to everyone else he played with, so he thought his luck would keep going, thus causing him to go all in. Normally when people go all in while gambling, it never turns out pretty-- and that was what he got. He lost all his money in just one single night.

Dongyul then got involved with Loan Sharks. He constantly borrowed money from them and never payed them back, so he and his family had no other choice but to run away from Washington...or better yet, from the United States. When Iseul was two, her brother, Jae (4), and sister, Jongmi (1), was forced onto a small little ship with roughly about thirty other people on there; their destination was Hong Kong.

After living in Hong Kong for half a year, they finally managed to slowly get settled and began selling their belongings to make Tteok. With the help of Jae, who watched the stand, and Jongmi, who made the Tteok, they managed to earn a little money. Iseul at this time didn't do anything. She refused to help her parents and she refused to speak to anyone, so there was nothing for her to do. Eversince then, her parents would constantly praise Jae and Jongmi, while they would criticize Iseul. Slowly, they found out that criticizing didn't do both parties any good, so they decided to slowly leave her alone and let her be.

When Iseul turned ten, her whole entire family moved to South Korea because her father, Dongyul, wanted to learn how to make more Korean dishes. Despite him actually being Korean, he knows little to nothing about dishes since he was raised in America. There, Yuan enrolled her three kids into school. It was a little late for them all to begin school, since Jongmi was nine, Iseul was ten, and Jae was twelve, but Yuan figured since she slowly (when she had free time) taught them the things she knew and learned when she was in school, that they would be able to catch up with other students there.

` likes ;

  1. Sleeping.
  2. Eating food.
  3. Reading books.
  4. Watching sports.
  5. Playing violent video games.
  6. Rain (thunder and lightning).
  7. Listening to music.
  8. Needles.

` dislikes ;

  1. Loud places and group gatherings.
  2. Cats. (She absolutely despises them. If she happens to be a driver in a car, and she encounters a cat, she will do whatever she can to run that thing over.)
  3. Girls and guys who act cute.
  4. Talking to others.
  5. Anything girly (pink, lace, etc.)
  6. Romance books and movies.

` habits ; 

  1. Bounces right leg up and down when she's getting tired of waiting.
  2. Bites her lower lip (left side) when she's nervous.
  3. Punching or kicking something when she's aggravated.
  4. Touching either her eyes, cheeks, or forehead when she's stressed or tired.

` talents ;

  1. Technology.
  2. Hiding. (Perhaps she can be a hide and seek champion? XD)

` fears ;

  1. Heights.
  2. Human burials. (She believes that humans are burried alive and they'll come back to haunt those who go near the place they were buried.)

` extra ;

  1. Favorite color: Purple, black, and blue.
  2. Has to to eat rice at least once a day.
  3. Only drinks water and Green Tea.
  4. Is extremely awkward with males...especially those she feels something towards.
  5. Has never dated before. (Can you guess why? XD)
  6. Lacks in common sense.

━ first i was afraid, i was petrified . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` best friend's personality ; This is the part that surprises everyone-- including Iseul herself. Her so-called 'best friend' is the type of girl that is very supportive. She was the one that approached Iseul every single day and would talk to her, although she knew she was being ignored by Iseul, though she never gave up. She is an optimistic and happy girl who understands Iseul...that is when she actually is willing to tell her friend her problems. She never, not even once, judged her and is willing to help her regardless of whatever situation she's getting herself into.

It's weird how these two get be friends, huh?

` other friends ; Not applicable.

` love interest ; Sunggyu - Infinite .

` relationship with him ; Strangers.

` how you fell for him ; Iseul has always been the type that is attractive to those she knows will never look at her. She's weird while the guy she falls for are completely normal and no where near being...anything like her. He is a very blunt and easy-going guy who will talk to just about anyone who is willing to reply back to him. Whenever he catches her staring at him from afar, he would slightly smile, though Iseul knows that he is obviously creeped out and probably doesn't want anything to happen to him or that pretty little face of his. That's perhaps why she fell for him; his smile. People, especially guys, usually wouldn't smile or even look at Iseul. Another reason would probably be because he has an interest in music and knows how to sing and play an instrument.

` his personality ; Oh shoot, I think I slightly combined his personality along with the reason why I fell for him. This is what happens when I do this two in the morning. Though I didn't really explain his personality in depth...so?

━ everyday is pon, everytime is pon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

` pick a number from 1-25 ; 22.

` what's in your bag ;

  1. iPod.
  2. Reading book
  3. A 'diary'.
  4. A pocket knife.

` comments ; I. Love. This. Plot. XD Did I make my girl a little too weird? Is she too weird? I DON'T KNOW, I WANTED HER TO BE SPECIAL AND UNIQUE...but I guess that didn't work out too well. Iseul should probably be sent to a mental institute or something. -_- I swear, usually when I fill out applications, my character isn't like this. She's talkative and whatnot. T_T


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