To Everyone

Okay so I just wanna take this moment to not be a shy kid and tell this to everyone.

So I've always had problems and always happen in my life, it feels like talking is usually a solution to my problems. Talking to anyone, like a friend, a family member, or just anyone... It's become a big help to me, sometimes I need advice, sometimes I just need someone who I can vent out to, sometimes I just want someone to listen to what's up with me. 

I've usually blogged about my feelings here and I usually vent out on people almost everyone if my buds in Twitter (My Twitter account is no exception), and well, it kinda helped, I now officially feel a whole lot better than usual and yes, the dark cloud I usually have is gone (but not permanently bc it usually comes back) 

So, now, I want to reach out to everyone here.

Some of you may have seen my blogs, about me being sad and , being emotionally unstable, and well, some of you also comforted me during those times.

I saw a lot of blogs and well, some of you may have problems, or anything.

I just want you to know that, if y'all ever need anyone, to vent out to, to ask advice from, I'll be right here. Even if I know some of you may be shy to tell me anything, don't worry, I never judge anyone, y'all have your reasons. I just want everyone to know that I'll always be right here if you need anyone to talk to. Whether we don't know each other, or we know each other, even if we haven't talked for a long while or even if you only know me from my fics or blogs, I'm here to be a friend ^_^

My PM here is always open for you if you need anyone to talk to, I'm always happy to be a friend to someone.

Because I know how it's like, to not have a friend who'll be there to talk to you or to be the person who'll comfort you.

My other social medias are also open if you need a friend! 

I just wanna help you guys, and yeah I admit I wanna make more friends, and I want them to feel like they have a friend, a real friend.

Now you may just ignore this but it's okay, I just want to tell this to everyone.

Anyways, I'll be here (and on Twitter most of the time tbh)

Bye byee~~



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Hi? :) I'm so awkward but you seem so nice.