Rude people

So I last updated my story on 1st April. It's not like I dont want to update (I really want to), Im just a bit busy and struggling with my health. 

And then there's some people who told me that I dont even read their comments, cursing at me for acting snobbish and worst, telling me that I better off with my story. Hellooooo, you're not the one who's struggling with physiotherapy and in need of eating meds 5 times a day! Or had to sleep 13 hours per day due to fatigue. Hmph. Or had to stay in the hospital like it's your second home!

I'll try to update soon. Please be patient. And if you think that my story better off, then y dont u from my story? Enough said. 

On the bright side, my left hand is getting better! But I cant say the same to my right arm. Hmm.


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It's rude but ... you know, I really think it would help if you replied to comments. It's almost just as important and updating and people will definitely be able to understand that you're struggling to update if you just give a small appreciation in terms of writing just a simple "Thank you" to their comments or reacts in one way or another. ;;
I hope you get better. ;;
Id just read this kind of prob with the other author that i subscribed their story hours ago. God why some ppl are just rude. Dont bother with them, just block them is better. Stick to your loyal readers and explain ur situation to them to avoid misunderstanding more.

I hope you will recover soon with ur health. Keep fighting and dun give up :)