NAME: 이륙 , lee ryuk.
OTHER NAMES: augustin lee, rookie, yi.
DOB / AGE: 31st october / 15.
YEAR: first year.
BIRTHPLACE: new york city, new york, usa.
HOMETOWN: seoul, south korea.
ETHNICITY: korean.
LANGUAGES: english ⌈100%⌋, korean ⌈80%⌋.
FACECLAIM: 윤산하, astro
박지성, nct.
STYLE SUMMARY: long limbs, skinny figure and a giant head towering over most of his seniors in school. he's 181cm tall and still growing, his clothes becoming too small after only a couple months of usage, thus he doesn't have the luxury to own anything expensive. a peek into his wardrobe and you'll find: graphic t-shirts, khaki shorts, tapered jeans, mismatched socks and a pair of worn out sneakers with various neon shoelaces. he's born with light, natural curls that remain frizzy when he's too lazy to untangle the mess. on most days, he takes an hour to look presentable, his best friend being a bottle of hair gel. otherwise, he keeps his style to a minimum and doesn't pay much attention to his appearance.

ebullient, observant, gentle, dauntless
meddlesome, clumsy, fickle-minded, deceitful
"good morning, sun! good morning, trees! good morning, everyone!"
the human form of a buoyant puppy — perpetually optimistic. he starts each day with a cup of homemade almond milk and throws a blinding smile at anyone who crosses his path. he's the useful guy that helps his (much shorter) peers reach for things and goes "no problemo, amigo!" afterward, his valuable presence always around yet never palpable. he's more tender than any woman he knows and provides comfort like a grandmother would, uttering things such as "you deserve better, sweet pumpkin. want me to cut up some fruits for you, love?" despite his naive exterior, however, he's smarter than the average student population. he prefers to work quietly in the background, always critical in the matter of improving himself. contrary to his first impression, he's remarkably mature. he knows how to judge a character and differentiate between good or bad intentions. deep down, there's an undying flicker of competitiveness dwelling within him, but he never makes it apparent. hypothetically considered, if a dangerous situation surfaces and a volunteer is needed, his dangly arm would be the first one to rise. 
"i saw your sad tweet last night. did something happen? your boyfriend totally dumped you for that pretty senior, didn't he?"
completely unfiltered once he's piqued with curiousity, it's not an odd sight to see him bombarding personal questions towards someone he just met — as long as he's genuinely interested. he's unreliable; a true mess both literally and figuratively. he trips on air like it's natural, can't eat without leaving stains on his attire, snorts too loudly when he laughs and looks awkward no matter how comfortable he feels. he doesn't face any difficulties making friends, but he trusts none. he lies about the most trivial things (i.e. saying "no, sorry." when someone asks if he has an extra pen during an exam seating) to the most significant matters, like convincing others he's alright no matter how wounded he is, pretending to take someone's side despite disagreeing with them and pulling the innocent card every now and then, allowing himself to get away with almost anything. 

0 til 11, new york city.
ever since the day he graced the earth (full cheeks and a piercing shriek that caused a ruckus in the hospital), his entire world was loud. talkative dad, busy mom, rowdy twin sisters — all under a cramped apartment in the heart of new york, ten stairs away from their family's korean restaurant. his mom's a retired witch, the subject of magick itself being a big taboo in the household. "ask again and i'll turn both of you into pigs." she would say the second his curious sisters have a little query. naturally, he wasn't given the opportunity to be aware of his own powers, so his childhood was somewhat normal. he'd watch cartoons and play basketball with the neighborhood kids, escaping all kinds of responsibilities since he's the cherished last child.
12 til current, seoul.
adapting to a new country wasn't that big of a challenge for the young boy, considering he grew up with korean parents that never left the comfort of their heritage despite being over six thousand miles away. the big discovery happened on his 13th birthday. he's clad in all white, dressed up as his favorite fictional character: hannibal lecter. it was halloween night and annually, his parents would throw a small horror-themed party to celebrate. that particular year though, only his little cousins were invited and he was left in charge to babysit. a small accident involving a finger burn later, everyone's freaking out (himself especially) because he magically healed the 8 year old's injury. his mother was very disappointed by the news, predictably. they had a long talk about his ancestors, how badly things ended for them and how much happier he'd be if he never acknowledged that side of him. "keep it a secret even from yourself." she'd remind him.
there has always been a sense of shame in being part supernatural, at least from his own perspective. he does get curious, undeniably. but the crestfallen look on his mother's face when she found out he's been reading about potion making kept him away from any form of practice. 

activated! — healing, potion making / herbology.
undiscovered? spell casting, regeneration, mediumship. 
his powers are 100% healing-based. he doesn't completely reject the idea of using violence, but his knowledge and skills are still lacking. in terms of herbology, he's more advanced than anyone else. he's able to differentiate between magical plants and their uses with ease, the process of actually making the potions still an immense challenge for him. in conclusion, he's an amateur, but a fast learner.
due to his origins, inheriting his mother's powers was highly unlikely to begin with. he will, however, discover that his abilities lean more towards white magic.

˗ˏˋ 이름 ˎˊ˗  he goes by the name rookie more often than augustin or ryuk in both korea and nyc.
˗ˏˋ 클럽 ˎˊ˗  he's a member of the english club, environmental club, mathematical olympiad and basketball team.
˗ˏˋ 채식 주의 ˎˊ˗  currently in practice to be a full vegan. he prepares his own meals and doesn't trust anyone else to handle his food. this also excludes him from having to help out at his family's new bbq restaurant.

˗ˏˋ 여자 친구 ˎˊ˗  a ladies' man, in the most platonic way possible. he gets along with girls better than guys, especially those who are similar to his sisters (aka troublemakers).
˗ˏˋ 고양이 ˎˊ˗  though stereotypical, just like other witches, he has a thing for cats. sadly he's allergic, so he calls his pet tortoise 'ms. puss'. 















*hover for explanations! 

a man enters the room, fills up space in the isolated armchair and begins his practiced speech. "you'll be asked several questions for assessment. everything will remain confidential, so please be honest." a thick, tangible silence follows before he carries on, the student opposite him scarcely sparing a reaction. "alright, first question. do you prefer solitude or being in a team?"
"team, definitely." there's a sense of finality in his response. the interviewer writes something down and rookie drawls on, providing explanation. "i think i'm pretty good on my own, it's not like i need people for support, but. things get done faster when you're in a team, you know? everyone has a responsibility and there's no room for error when you're not just doing it for yourself."

"what sort of role do you think you usually play, then?"
at that, he pauses to gather his thoughts, contemplating. the reverie is cut short when a broad, disarming smile spreads all the way to his eyes, taking his company by surprise. "probably the big baby." his answer melts the ice between them.
the man laughs, proceeds with a clear of his throat. "let's say, a team member is injured, but you have to leave the scene in order to stay alive. would you stay behind to save them or move on?"
"depends on how important this member is to the team. if their survival leaves no certain impact in the end then.. why bother?" he talks over the sound of scribbling and sits back, not a tinge of ambiguity detected. "making rash decisions due to emotional purposes does not make one a hero."
"last question. how competitive are you in terms of leadership?"
"extremely. but," his last syllable hangs in the air for a moment too long. then, he jolts the collocutor with a loud slap to his knee, strings of laughter leaving his lips, a strange snort resounding as he speaks. "i'm the worst leader ever."
FINAL NOTES: ok so!! left out the relationships section bc he's kinda bare there considering he's an awkward first year (but if anyone wants to collab, hmu!). other important infos that weren't included: his sisters (이미자, 이민아) are 24, but neither of them have any powers. their fcs can be crayon pop's choa and way.
CREDITS: layout inspired by this and this.


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