35 Questions For Writers and I Have No Idea What I'm Doing. Hi?

1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?

I remember when I was a kid (hoohoo I'm so old) and I used to hang out on DeviantArt a lot (lmao shoutout?), and there was this cosplayer whoms username really struck me and stuck with me, even for years after I stopped visiting the site. BehindInfinity was the name (Lmao I totally just looked it up. Took me a while, but yes. That was it. I was really into Naruto back then, and their photoshoots were amazing) For some reason, I think it was really romantic and poetic (?? Still do hahaha—) and I wanted something that gave me the same air or, uh... Mystery? Beauty? IDK. It ended up being Littleshimmerofhope. Makes me think of a shooting star or something. COOL RIGHT? HA—


2. What is your most subscribed to story?

My god, Not Entirely Normal (N.E.N for short hue hue)


3. Why did you pick your user photo/thumbnail?

My current one? Hm... As I recall it, I was very busy when they released this photo of Wonwoo on the Vlive+, and looking at it really gave me a sense of tranquility (Seventeen, at it again. #always_healing) And I thought it fit my profile well, so I adopted it~


4. Who is your aff bestie?

She knows!! Bunso-Pi~ (I'm sorry I'm so busy lately... But I still think of you~) We have, erh... Very long conversations. That's mostly my fault though, haha...


5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to again and again?

Tragedy will forever be my guilty pleasure. I love it.

Ah... Currently, for me, I was really moved by Strangers With Memories by rjdgopiso. It is so well writen and I just cry  love it everytime I read it.

Back when I was into Axis Powers Hetalia, I was a er for American Dreams in an English Village by ButterFish. Also really beautiful work. (If you're into A.P.H, I reccomend you check it out on fanfiction.net)

Another beautiful work, but this time in the Haikyuu!! fandom is But For Me, There Is A Storm by Authoress. It's a Pacific Rim AU and I think this story was one that changed me and my writing for good. I will even go as far to say that it is most definitely one (if not the one) of the most impactful fanfictions I have ever read.

Also, I guess I have to mention the one fic that makes me anticipate every update, and that's Reckless, Wild Youth by woozifi. It's gorgeous, and really indulging, and I can't get enough of it.


6. How many stories are you subscribed to?

Erh... I'll check...?

....... *whispers* 20....



7. What AU do you find yourself writing the most?

AU? Oh, wow. I like to indulge in all different universes when I brainstorm, but I guess most often it comes back to just regular/normal every-day life AUs, like college, or slice of life, and just two people falling in love in some way or another. (Haha, ey... So vanilla.)


8. How many friends do you have?

I'd say I can about count them on both of my hands, but that's talking about people that I hold dear, close to my heart and woud offer my life for. However, I have a lot more people I consider my friends. (Believe it or not, I'm a pretty friendly person! But at the same time I'm Swedish, so I can also be awkward when I interact with some people PFFFH—)


9. Is there something you'd like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it)

Erh... Sometimes? I mean, as a writer you sometimes think of really weird while brainstorming, but I wouldn't say it's something I'd be afraid to publish or fear people judging me for. But currently, no.


10. Is there anything you would like to be better at on AFF? Writing, graphic design (posters), replying to comments, updating regularly, etc..?

Of course ones writing is always in line for improvement, but other than that, I guess I'd say update frequently *sweats* and maybe publish more of my sotires here. (I have a lot haha)


11. How many subscribers do you have?

Just under 300 ? I know. Get on my level *airhorns* *explosions* *puts on sunglasses* *dabs out*

... That was sarcasm. Also that's unique subs? In total, as of right now, it's 330 (If you are subscribed, thank you~)


12. How many stories have you posted online to this day? (finished and unfinished)

As of today, on here, 4 for Seventeen, back in the days on Fanfiction.net, 18 for mixed mangas/animes. You look at that scale and tell me if I'm getting more productive or not, haha.


13. How many stories do you have in your writing program?

Hah. Hah. Haha... Hahahahaha... Are you really curious? Are you really asking me this? Do you really want to know?? Alright. Here goes. On my computer 63, and on the writing application on my phone... Dumroll, please.... 197. Yup. You read it. I daydream and make up a lot of stories, okay? But it's literally just drafts. I wish to get around to publish the ones I like some day.


14. Do you write down story ideas or keep them in your head?

I write as much as possible down. Sometimes, I get too ambitious though and make my drafts too detailed, which is a pain, because when I want to write the story for real it's... messy, and hard to find a style to stick to (since my drafts tend to be on the level of 'he walked out. Boy A was angry. Boy B questioned life.' ... so... Not very eloquate or profound, even though I want the finished story to be just that.)

Sometimes I do keep ideas in my head though. If I can't come up with how I want a story to progress I usually think about it before I sleep, and if I'm lucky, I find a solution or a way to go about the continuation that appeals to me right before I drift off. (The challange is to remember it the morning after HAHA.)

What do you mean my prosecution is flawed??


15. Have you ever co-authored a story?

Erhhhh no? Not that I can remember. I would really love to some day though~!


16. How did you discover AFF?

Uhm, I used to hang around a lot on Fanfiction.net when I was younger, and then a couple of years ago I found Archive Of Our Own (which was much better *dodges bullets*) And I think that after getting into Kpop and discovering Seventeen I was digging around for fanfics about them (like a creep) and I happened upon some story on AO3 that mentioned cross-posting the same story on this site. Obviously, I decided to check it out, and here I am! What drew me in was that I actually really liked the 'cover'-idea that AFF had. It looks hella dope!


17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author on AFF?

One fo the best, baby.

... No. (But I can aspire to be one day, can't I?)


18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?

*gasps* Nooo...... But I want one..... Glimmers? Because it's a synonym for shimmer, and I'm Littleshimmerofhope, (which makes me think of a shooting star – something you can make a wish upon, therefore the hope, etc...) so my readers can be the glimmers to my shimmer? (Like the stars in the sky?) OK — I'm sorry, I'm getting out of line. But thanks. Now this idea is stuck in my head.


19. Was there an AFF author who inspired or encouraged you to write?

Not really, no. Of course, there are countless of amazing authors who write gorgeously and worthy of admiration, but no one's ever been my inspiration to write. I guess it's just me, myself, and I.


20. How many karma points do you have?

528?! More than I thought. I'm not very... active, or sociable, really ;;;;; And I still don't really understand how that works, HAH—


21. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?

*Warning for uneccessarily long text*

Don't be afraid, and do not hesitate to write your own story (figuratively and literally.) I think seeing all of these really talanted writers can sometimes be intimidating, but my advice would be not to care so much, and not compare either. Start out big or small, whichever you want to go for, and jut have fun with it. Write what you want to write, enjoy yourself, and be brave. Have the courage to publish something, even if it's scary or nervous, and never be discouraged from keeping at it. Practice makes perfect. It really does. Writing is a skill too, and if you keep practicing, keep honing it, one day, maybe you will be someone another writer will look up to. I also advice finding writers to admire, and if you already have those, try to depicit what exactly it is that makes you drawn to their writing and take notes. Challange yourself, push yourself to grow, and try new things every now and then. Accept critique, and always aim to improve.

This was very long and maybe you think it is stupid, but my genuine advice will always just be 'have fun'.


22. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go?

Both? Both? *nods* Both.

Nah, but I do plot my stories. I want a story with a beginning, a middle, and an end, with a red thread to follow throughout the story. However, this does not mean I don't take liberties while meeting those ends. Most of all, I want to enjoy my writing, and more often than not, the characters walk their own path and carve their own story as you go, so sometimes things don't always work out like you thought they would. It happens.


23. Have you ever gotten a bad review or comment on a story? If so, what did you do?

I think I have, actually. Not here, not for any of my Seventeen fics (everyone is really sweet gdi), but I got one that I can still somewhat recall on one of my old Naruto fanfics. It wasn't criticism on the writing, or anything constructive, it wasn't really an opinion either, but it was this long, serious rant (And I mean LONG) to me about making the characters act out of character and that they 'wouldn't act' the way I had written them. I remember getting really ticked because of it and writing a long reply where I just told them (very politely, actually) that it's fiction, and since it was my ficition, I was free to write them however I liked. I don't even think it was like a serious story or anything, more like a crack one, but they still got really offended. *smh*


24. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, , etc..)

I get so caught up when writing. Sometimes, one sentance can take me up to ten minutes to get right, just because I want a certain feel to it or want it to be worded in a specific way. I know. It's WEIRD. But, I wouldn't say any particular 'scene' is hard for me to write. I'm just too focused in general sometimes and make stuff harder than it has to be. Also, I think as someone with English as my second language, I can sometimes be slower than usual when trying to word myself.


25. What storie(s) are you working on now?

A few. I alternate between brainstorming new ideas into my phone and polishing the ones I have on my computer, but really, what I should be focusing on is N.E.N. Hahaha. Sorry, I am, but I'm also really focused at school right now so, please be patient a little while longer~


26. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?

I always work on multiple stories at once. Be it on my phone, on my computer, or just in my head. Creativity can't be controlled.


27. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?

My god, I wish haha. Truth is that while I'm good at making schedule's, I'm not as talented at following them *throws self out of window*


28. Do you think you've improved as a writer since you first started?

Definitely. Considering I started writing when I was maybe eleven? Holy , that's ten years right there. The answer has to be a big, fat, YES. At least I really hope so! Hahaha


29. What is your favorite story that you've written?

Wow, uh. No. I wouldn't say I have a favourite. I don't think I can. I have a lot of works that I'm proud of, every step on the way on a journey matters, you know? So I think I will mention some that I am proud of and that I feel like I accomplished something with my writing in.

I will start off by saying that all of the stories that I have posted on this site are some that I am very happy with. I really like the writer I have turned into as of the latest year — I'm comfortable with the tone, and I'm able to read through my own work without getting stuck on too many minor details or faults. (I still find spelling mistakes sometimes, and that can bother me, but in general) I'm happy that reading something that I've made myself has become something enjoyabe, so I would say that I am really happy with all four of them so far.

I've got a bunch back on FF, and there's one I wrote for A.P.H. waaaay back in the days that is just, pure crack, but still something I can laugh about today. It was called something like "Arthur, did you just fall?" And literally makes no sense whatsoever. But I was fourteen or something, so it's excusable. Still cracks me up when I read it though. (What was I doing? Hahaha)

I wrote one for SasuNaru (OTP forever) that was kind of angsty, and I actually think it was the first stepping stone to my writing style as it is today, now that I think about it. It's called Meant To Be, and it was a Oneshot about one of them getting married even though they loved the other. Sad. Tragic. Yup. Definitely started me off down the track of heartbreaks and sorrow.

Last one is called Sleepless, and was also a Sasuke and Naruto fanfiction. I actually wrote it in one sitting on my phone over a night when I couldn't fall asleep, and it was cute and silly, about two boys falling in love on the subway because one of them always fell asleep while riding the train and the other couldn't help but notice this. I still really like that one for some reason.


30. What is your least favorite story that you've written?

Oh, man, I think I have one. I don't think it was bad personally — it was a really great idea I had in my head for months, and I wrote it just how I wanted to. But it didn't do very well, and I suspect it was because I was being veeery poetic and melodramatic in my way of telling the story, which... makes it a bit boring, sometimes, and hard for people to follow. So... Yeah, it didn't do very well, but I am still happy with it. But sometimes I think that maybe I should've just kept it for my own.


31. Where do you see yourself(as a writer) in 5 years?

I hope to still be writing — be it novels, fanfictions, or poems (I've really gotten into poetry lately) I can't say for sure where I'll be, or even if I'll still be writing, because you never know what life has in store for you, but I would like to think that I will continue like I have now and continue to write for a long time, since it brings me happiness.


32. How many upvotes do you have?

Like the number of the question before this


33. What is the easiest thing about writing?

Getting the ideas. Coming up with a story. (reminder: 197 drafts on my phone)


34. What is the hardest thing about writing?

Putting your idea into the document/get it into words. Sometimes the start of a story, the leading lines come easy and naturally, but a lot of times I struggle with it. I think the intro is very important, and how you chose to prosecute it sets a tone for the entirity of the continuation of your story. It is also how you get a reader interested, so I definitely think it's important. Also, making things fit together. I'm a perfectionist, and I want everything to make sense, or for small seemingly unimportant dialogue turn out to have a greater impact than what a reader would expect, I want all loose ends to connect in the end. IMO, that's often what makes a really, really good story.


35. Why do you write?

I've never truly been good with communication. Don't get me wrong, I like to talk, and I talk a lot (as my teacher has so kindly pointed out ;;) but when it comes to connecting with people, I tend to fall short. That's where writing comes into the picture. People can feel foreign sometimes, and I don't always know how to say the right thing to their faces, but with writing I feel confident. I can express all of my thoughts and worries freely and I can tell stories for hours and hours through my texts. I really love writing, I love expressing myself through words, and I love when I have an impact on someone. Whenever I'm upset or my emotions get the better of me, I also write to vent. I've found that it works well for me. I think I also love writing because, sometimes, reading a book or reading other people's stories, moves me. I can cry, or laugh, or I think about things that I've previously never thought about, and I think that's a really beautiful and magical thing — a gift that just a couple of words on pages are able to give me, and that's just amazing. Therefore, I'm drawn to writing. The idea of moving someone, or connecting with people really appeals to me. I love it. I don't have or need a better reason than that.


I did all of this mostly because I wanted to~ This is my first blog, and I'm not really sure how exactly it works (?) But I had fun~ For N.E.N, please be a little more patient! I promise to get it out before the end of this month.


As usual, lot's of love!


(Can I call you guys glimmers now? I really want to ㅋㅋㅋ)



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Omg, I saw my name! (⁄ ⁄>⁄ ▽ ⁄<⁄ ⁄)b
I learned a lot about you in this single blog post icb ㅋㅋㅋ We'll wait patiently for your update, author-nim. /waves non-existent glimmers' light stick ㅋㅋㅋ
I miss Not Entirely Normal! Hope you are well and your life in another country is OK :)