[IMO] Fans are ruining KPOP

I'm starting to hate KPOP.

Yup, there, I said it. I've been a KPOP fan for a number of years now, I'd say five years. Yup, I use to be those hardcore, intense fans (isn't that why I'm a fanfic writer?), but now as I grew up, I look at fans and honestly, I think it's kind of pathetic.

If you're the type to be easily offended, quit reading.

I think I noticed it when I was at the BTS concert. For one, I wasn't even super excited for it. I respect them, but the things I did and sacrificed to get to that concert (I got into a car accident on the way there, I spent 70% of my paycheck for this), made me regretful that I decided to go in the first place.

 I felt extremely out of place, I just didn't fit the 'vibe'. Girls screaming and nearly passing out for music videos they've seen hundreds of times, for once, I understood what the security guard thought of us.

They thought we were crazy.

Even I thought we were crazy. I stayed quiet for the most part, only shouting when I was really pumped up, but even more, I sat down for most of the show. I was embarrassed.

That's when I realized that I was past my KPOP stage.

Even now, I scratch at my head, staring at my albums, wondering what to do with them. Before, they were a treasure, a rarity, a proud symbol of my love. Now they were just annoying me because I didn't have space for my newer books on the shelf.

So why? 

For me, the number one reason were the fans.

In KPOP, there's just this undying rage of pride spread across the fandoms and it's completely unnecessary. They want their idols to be number one, and anyone else is inferior and irrelevant.

I think my friends showed me this the most. I had been, slowly over the course of years, been fading away from KPOP, listening to American music. I still listened every once in a while, but I occasionally, I'd get annoyed that I didn't understand what they were saying, or that I wanted to sing along but couldn't.

I remember one specific moment with my friend, when I told her I hadn't listened to Twice or any new KPOP songs lately.





One thing I absolutely hate is being forced to do something. I hate being forced to watch videos, forced to listen to music to please someone else.

"Maybe another time." I reply, trying to be nice.

She looks like I just offended her great ancestors. 

"Ok, I'll send you the link then." Of course, I never checked it.

That's one thing I realized was different in American music culture.


"Hey have you listened to Passionfruit by Drake?"

"Nah not yet."

"Oh it's good. You should listen to it sometime."

Done. That's it. There's no force, just a recommendation. There's no screaming or inappropriate comments about physical attributes with an idol. 


And I absolutely hate it when KPOP fans smear their awards across your face like you're suppose to give a damn. "OMg did u kno they won like 2 internet awards against kanye west? lmao kpop is soo popular!!"


It is because it's becoming infamous. And fans are the number one reason why. The more a group becomes famous, the more I rear away from them because of the huge attachment of delusional fans that come with it.

It's blind devotion without any bit of basic rationality.

Fans are beyond defensive and triggered easily. They're close-minded as hell and completely immature.

They get completely offended if you don't like a certain group's music and force themselves onto you. At this point, it isn't even about music anymore. 


Think about it like this. If someone doesn't like baseball, that's okay, because there are other sports they can try out.

The wrong thing to do is force them into it, shoving your pride and dedication in front of their face, all the while telling their own sport is inferior.

No one sport is better than the other because they're completely different in gameplay and rules. It's like comparing a car to a table. There's no correlation.

Basketball, Soccer, Tennis -- they're all different music genres.


 Now hate me if you want. I'm an , I know. Just needed to rant because I'm tired of people shoving KPOP in my face. I was once a fan like that too, so I wasn't fully innocent. I understand not every fan is like this either. Still, I'm annoyed.


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KimTY_99 #1
sadly, the generation of fans we have right now in Kpop aren't really the best compared to the 1st and 2nd generations U - U i completely understand your point of view and i agree that nowadays, the meaning of music in Kpop is just..vanishing and Kpop is just all about visuals and competitions and fame,it . there are just a handful of groups that still is holding onto the traditions of Kpop. i've been stanning one group and one group only; and after that, i don't think i'd continue with Kpop anymore xD i understand immature fans are irritating and are a pain in the and complete pollution in Kpop's name but just saying, not all fans are like those :)
Kpop fans to me are like Justin Bieber fans, 1D fans, etc. Mostly preteens ands teens like them hence the immaturity that is protrayed in fan culture. It's weird because Kpop idols are equivalent to Disney stars or to be specifec geared mostly for teens and kids.

I've loved kpop since '07 and it seems like I'm never gonna get out or really grow out of it. Now, as an adult I'm mostly just in it for the music and not the pretty handsome faces. For me I don't care how famous a group is as long as I enjoy the product they come out with then its all good haha. I've discovered Khip-hop years ago and damn that's some good sh!t right there. I recommend you listen to Khip hop songs more if you're into RnB, hiphop, rap and so forth.
Yes, the cutesy stuff (AKA aegyo) is just plain annoying now, the fashion (sometimes a hit or miss) got better hahaha compared to them colored skinny jeans and pop color shirts, them Shinee mushroom hair that people still wears on nonpromotional days, the debate on who got his eyes or nose or jaw or whatever body part done, the blown up scandals to cover political scandal instead lol, and many more ed up sh1t; these are what still keeps me interested til this day.
Maybe when I get more older and have my own kids and family, I'd probably make my kids listen to these XD.
I stayed away from the fan culture as much as I could after 2010. I just enjoyed the music, the pretty music videos and variety shows. I'm not really a fan of kdramas (urghhhh makjangs and cheesy actings plus bad kissing scenes equals a no for me).

I'm blessed lol or more like fortunate to never have become one of them crazies who put their Kpop idols on the pedestal. I think those are just the worst kinds.
tipco09 #3
I have never been good fan material because I would like a certain song or music and not care about who sang it. Girl's Generation was an aberration for me. I became interested in them as persons quite apart from their music and cheered for their every achievement - They're like my little kids that I'm proud of. Maybe thats why I have never been a k pop fan. Just a fan if Girls Generation. I look to them as having worked hard for what they've achieved and I will cheer them on until they fade into oblivion as all people will eventually. I'm happy that others get the limelight too. Hard work deserves success. I can neverbegrudge others their achievements.

Your description of fans just is so spot on. The intensity is something that tends to burn itself out only to be replaced by a new set of immature rabid fans. Its a cycle Wynteral . And its best not to be entangled with any of it.
gumball999 #4
I like Kpop because of their music. Their physical attributes and their personalities are just a bonus. I agree that kpop fans today are much different from before, they're all about competition. But not all of them are like that, there are some decent ones too. I dont care about those imma fans, ill stick to my music
Once i stumbled upon someone who's fighting bout who has the biggest fandom in kpop, and i was like, if they're not twelve, they must have disease somewhere in their brain. Think of it this way, kpop fans nowadays are basically kids, so they're not mature, they'll hate anything that is not bout their fav. If you really like certain group, just ignore the immature fans, and listen only to the music, not to the naggy kids.