6 Years on AFF and Reasons I


Well, It seems it's that time of year again... Aka me realizing how long I've actually been on this site and how little I've done in contrast to that lol

My 6th anniversary is apparently in... (checks my phone calendar because i'm an idiot on top of everything) exactly two weeks yeeee

which just so happens to be my finals week at university which is GREAT (because I constantly feel like I'm going to fail)


But that's beside the point. I know that no one really reads these (plus I deleted all the other cringe worthy ones... which evidently was all of them).

Yet here I am lol.


Do I even have a point? I don't even know tbh.


I think I might do something special??????? not sure really what and if it will be before or after May 12 because I'm currently drowning in work/projects/portfolios etc at the end of school but if anyone does see this(unlikely)


Comment below your thoughts :)














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Omg, Everyone is always late for their AFF anniversaries. I don't think I've seen a single blog where it was celebrated on the same day! Lol. Happy 6 years, you oldie!
Happy anniversary :) all the best in your exams never give up
Also,All the best for your exams
Happy six years. I didn't even complete my first year here.