First day at work

Hey guys,I am interning at my mom's school for about 2 months as I just graduated  and today was the first day at work.So,a list of a few silly things I learnt today:-

-My mom is a troll(she hung ballooons and a little Happy Birthday banner for her colleague even though it was not his birthday)

 -The staff is actually pretty chill and likes to joke alot.

-I shouldn't have dressed to the nines because it was a sports day (i was trying to impress the boss kay,who also happens to be my mother)

-I should grab a sweater tomorrow coz I was freezing my off.

-No cute male teacher or anyone around my age.

   I can't think of anything else and I'm friggin tired.

Goodbye.Thank you for reading.




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Hahaha!! The first thing even I would look for is cuties!! Sad there aren't anyone.. Good luck interning there!
P. S sorry for commenting so late.. I just saw this! :P
Wow your mom must be the chill fun type of boss to joke around :)
All the best. Teacher
No cuties around??? Well, good luck playing with kids.;)
You're a teacher?
Wow cool
how rich r u