Should I contact this guy?

We were friends.

He secretly liked me. Or well not so secretly.

I kinda overreacted and we stopped being in touch.

We were 13 and he was getting too close.


For the whole time I've known him, he has been a bit... rebelious, I would say.

He had a girlfriend, actually he has had many, you can easily get 20 girls he's been with and then all those only he knows.

But anyway, at the same time he flirted with two of my friends.

I decided that it's better to make friends with him again, because it seemed like he was going to date my friend.

But obviously it ended in tears.

So I had to stop noticing him, because I wanted to be a good friend.


Now one of those girls, the one for who I left him, has stopped even knowing me.

We were friends as long as she took advantage of it.

Another friend of mine is much more understanding and she thinks I'm allowed to be friends with whoever I want to be with.


Everyone thinks he's a , who cheats and plays, he only has one friend but that friend is the most loyal and real person you'll ever find.

Then I heard two girls talking about him.

How in the elementary school  they humilliated him in front of everyone.

The whole school was bullying him,

Not taking him with.

I also heard them talking how they pushed him to the ground and kicked him.

And no one did a thing.


Or well, I didn't hear them, they told me.

One of them was ashamed, the another one proud.

And they're probably the nicest people I know. 


That friend of his was the only one who didn't bully him.

The only one who stayed, when everyone else left.

When I left.


A bit after he broke my friend's heart, he sent me a message.

My friend told me to delete it without reading.

And so I did. 

And I regret it.


Should I contact him, after all these years?

I see him at school every day but I'm too shy.

I don't want to make him feel bad or that I would pity him, I just want to be friends again.

He was such a good one. 


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ZDK358 #1
You can just say face to face with him and tell him you want to be his friend again. Tell him what happen. Say that you'll be by his side. Say you trust him. Try to comfort him and everything will be ok. I promise you
Maybe awnd him a small message and see how it goes?
*brainstorming in finding an idea* *brain explodes*
I'd say talk to him face-to-face, maybe talking about school stuff first and slowly other topics as well
maybe he moved on
Galaxy_98 #5
you have your own answer: go hit the send button after typing hi.
be friends with him. and let the rest take its own course. : )