Tenebrosum Anima High - Apply

Application Form


The Creator:

AFF Name: --icecream--
AFF Profile:  Click here!
 How often are you online? (1-10 | 1- being rarely and 10 - everyday! ) 8.

This is me:

Birth Name: Miyako ‘Alice’ Tsukiyomi
Nicknames: Miki – her nickname which her friends and family calls her
Birthdate: (dd/mm) 25/12
Birthplace: Biei, Hokkaido, Japan
Hometown: California, America
Ethnicity: (don't go crazy about this!) Full Japanese
Age: 17 years old
: (male/female) Female
ual Orientation: (straight/biual/gay/lesbian/tranual/etc.) Straight
Height: (in cm) 161cm
Weight: (in kg) 47kg

Imagine Me:

Ulzzang/Model/ Name: Jang Hae Byeol (with blonde hair)
Pictures: (4-6 Links)

> http://30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lrqzhqAzwz1r1ed5mo1_500.png

> http://data.whicdn.com/images/15117586/40950175_large.jpg

> http://ulzzzang.tumblr.com/post/9845361633

> http://broidek.tumblr.com/post/9861404653

> http://ulzzzang.tumblr.com/post/9845361633
Back-Up Ulzzang/Model Name: Do Hwe Ji

That's my Style:

Casual: (min.4 - max.7 Links) one || two || three || four || five || six || seven
Formal: (min.4 - max.7 Links) one || two || three || four || five || six || seven
Night Out (Clubbing): (min.4 - max.7 Links) one || two || three || four || five || six || seven
Sport: (min.4 - max.7 Links) one || two || three || four || five || six
Home: (min.4 - max.7 Links) one || two || three || four || five || six (without trench coat) || seven

Any Tattoos/Piercings?(min.4 - max.9 Links)

(1) one Helix Piercing on each ear

(2) one Rook Piercing on each ear

More about me:

Family Background: (1-2 paragraphs) Miyako comes from a well renowned family in both the human world and the supernatural world. In the human world, they are very wealthy. In the supernatural world, they are powerful. Many powerful remembered people were from their family. Crow demons and syraghs have a lot of significant powers. So ever since a marriage between the next-in-line for the ‘master’ of the crow demon race and a mysterious yet has a lot of unknown powers, they have been a lot of gossip going on. About what their child will turn out to be and how they even met.

 Since young, Miyako never thought she wasn’t human. She played with her friends and did things the same as any other human. Since she was still a kid, no one bothered if she was mute or not because they would use pen and paper. Only when she turned six, did she know about her powers. She accidentally used one and luckily, nothing major happened. Feeling weird, she consulted her mother whom decided it was time to tell Miyako. When her mother broke the news of Miyako being a half crow demon and half syragh, Miyako has been avoiding others. As she grew up, more and more people cared about her being mute and used it to make fun of her. But she didn’t care about them and lived her own special life among the many other normal ones. She has listened to her mother’s warning of ‘never use your powers’ well.

Family Members: (state name,age,job,relationship and a short personality)

Father= Hiroshi Tsukiyomi ||  52 years old || CEO || He is a well known figure to the human and the supernatural world for being a tycoon and the head of the Crow Demon family. He has a split personality. While doing work/business, he is strict and demanding. He appears to be emotionless and scary. To his family, he is loving and the ‘joker’ of the family. He is very stubborn and impatient though. Whenever he wants something, he tries all means to get it. However, he is still the sweet and caring father to Miyako. He is a romantic and it is still unknown how he and Ayumi met.

 Mother= Ayumi Tanaka || 50 years old || Housewife || She is mysterious to the public. To her family, she is sweet and caring. She has mood swings. She was an orphan Syragh so she understands problems very well, seeing that she herself has passed through many problems herself. Ayumi behaves like a teenager sometimes. She calls herself ‘weird and random’ since she just says anything on her mind. She is quite negative though. She is very sensitive and easily jealous of others.

What type of being are you? (look on the list in the foreword under glossary)
(if choosing werewolf,shapshifter,etc. put some links so i can imagine them better) Half Syragh Half Demon
What type of element can you control? (Chose only TWO from the list in the foreword) Mental and Air
Powers: (min. 2 - max. 4)

(1) Annihilation = the ability to destroy/kill any being. She can also stop or use one’s power.

(2) Mentalist = the ability to communicate mentally. She can see into one’s mind and memories if she wants to. She can also control one’s mind and make one do actions. Sometimes, she sees ‘videos’ of the future and the past. She can control whatever information is being sent to the brain. (ie. This cake is tasty or your hand is burning)

(3) Movement = the power to control anything, be it vehicles, beings, water, air, energy, electricity. She can control where to move something by moving either her hand or her head. While moving, the thing she is moving will have a ‘shield’ to prevent it from using its powers or anything from hurting it.
Abilities: (min. 2 - max. 5)

[1] Shield = the ability to create a shield to protect any being mentally, physically or both. Using this twice against a power would render Miyako immune to that power.

[2] Healing Factor = the ability to heal rapidly and generate a new part of the body. (eg, a cut-off arm is replaced with another new arm)

[3] Revival Trial = the ability to revive a being temperarily. During that short revived times of 10 minutes, the being is able to act like how it was when it was still living. It can still talk, move around and hit people.

Personality: (max. 1-2 paragraphs) She has the impression of an introvert. In actual fact, she is a really cheerful and hyper-active kid. She would have won the ‘Most Hyper’ award if there was one. She is very enthusiastic about everything and she shows it through her actions such as jumping around excitedly. Her hyper level and ever-smiling face just seems to always lift you spirits up. Just having her around makes everything less awkward. She is a positive person, she likes to think positive and on the bright side of everything. Unfortunately, she has this habit of being sarcastic. This is one point which people hate about her. Another flaw of hers is her obstinacy. She doesn’t change her mind easily. Such a nice girl won’t dare to kill or hurt anyone would she? You are so wrong. When someone, anybody, hurts her family and friends either physically, mentally or both, she will dare to kill. She becomes a ruthless killing machine. All she wants is to kill. She is loyal and trustworthy to her true friends and family. She will never betray them. Though sometimes, she likes to joke around with them. Yes, she is fiercely loyal to whoever she trusts in. She is respectful towards her elders though and is very polite towards them. Because she is positive, she doesn’t take bad comments about her to heart. Actually, she doesn’t care about what others think about her. She is confident in whatever actions she does.
Likes: (min 5 - max. 8)

(1) Clouds/Moon/Stars/Rainbows

(2) Cheesecake/Jelly Beans/Sandwiches/Green Tea

(3) Music – any kind except for folk music, her favourite is Electronic and Pop

(4) Sleep

(5) Reading books/manga

(6) Teddy bears

(7) Skinship

(8) Hoodies
Dislikes: (min 5 - max. 8)

1_ Waking up

2_ Being in the dark and all alone

3_ Polka dots

4_ Clowns - she has a phobia of them

5_ Lime

6_ Thick Make-up

7_ Two-faced people

Hobbies: (max. 7)

1# Readingbooks/manga

2# Playing games (outdoor/indoor)

3# Goofing around with her friends

4# Listening to music

5# Drawing anime/manga characters

6# Listening to music

Habits: (min. 4 - max. 7)

1” Being sarcastic

2” Smelling things before touching them

3” Hugging her knees when she sits down

4” Puffing out her cheeks

5” Saying ‘Hi!~’ and waving to anyone who she sees

6” Doing the ‘peace’sign

7” Sticking out her tongue and saying ‘Meh~’

Trivia: (min . - max. 10)

1: She sleeps a lot; 7 hours is the minimum for her, any lesser and she faints

2: She has a huge appetite and she doesn’t gain weight. (Don’t be jealous since she’s underweight)

3: Animals come to her naturally

4: There is one thing that weakens Miyako’s powers greatly, maybe even make her lose all her powers – an eclipse

What's your darkest secret?(1-2 paragraph) She is the incarnation of a mysterious yet known-to-be the most powerful creature ever in history. That being is still somehow ‘alive’ in her. Whenever she gets into a killing mode, it comes out and takes over her body. Her eyes glow silver-ish and she turns into a killing machine, killing whoever made her friends or family angry. It has never been observed by others since she is a positive person. This 'sign' somehow represents that creature. But, the creature and Miyako have become really close friends. It comforts Miyako sometimes and Miyako does talk to it when she has problems.

My effin School Info:

Which year?(1st Year (Freshman/- meat) | 2nd Year (Sophomore) | 3rd Year (Junior) |4th Year (Senior) ) 1st Year - Freshman
School Reputation? (ex. School Jock,Nerd,etc.) Somewhere between an outcast and a normal student.

Best Subject? (State 3)

[1] Gym (Sports)

[2] Art

[3] Dance
Worst Subject? (State 3)

(1) Literature

(2) History

(3) Geography

I love them:

Partner:(max.3 and state name,age and relationship to them - ex. Crush,Friends with benefits,etc.) Kim Myungsoo AKA L || 18 || Normal friends
Triangle Partner:(optional) Lee Byunghyun AKA L.Joe
Her/His Personality: (keep it short!)

1+ Kim Myungsoo AKA L: He is a emotionless and cold person. He doesn’t talk or help any stranger at all. He doesn’t even care about them. Despite his rudeness to others, girls still come flocking to him because of his looks. He is an athelete. And because of that, there is another reason for his fangirls. When he is only with his friends, he becomes this mischeivous yet nice and understanding person. He fails in the ‘kindness’ part.

2+ Lee Byunghyun AKA L.Joe: He is a erted and cheeky boy. He likes to flirt and has a sweet tongue to attract ladies. Although he doesn’t really have to use them, he can just use his looks instead. He likes to fool around and tease others. He can be quite rude to strangers. But, with his friends, he is a nice yet charismatic guy. He can be a romantic and protective of his friends and family. One bad point about him is his arrogance.

How did you meet? (1-4 sentences!)

1= Kim Myungsoo AKA L: He was just reading a book under an oak tree which faced the field after school. Miyako decided to stay back to run since she badly wanted to exercise since her house had no field and the sports complex was quite far. Miyako didn’t notice the quiet L sitting under the tree and staring at her. The field was abandoned because it was quite small and the school had another larger one built. He had thought no one would ever come here. He decided to play a little trick on her so he ran after her and whispered ‘Boo’ in her ear, making her scream in shock.

2= Lee Byunghyun AKA L.Joe: He was trying to flirt with her during one night at a club. He failed miserably since she didn’t even react to him and his friends all had a good view of the ‘flirting’. However, he got interested in her since it was the first time a girl hadn’t be all over him and cooing ‘Oppa~”.
How long have you been together? They aren’t together yet!

Best Friends:(min.2 - Max. 5 and state name,age and how you met them)

(1) Lee Chaerin AKA CL | 18 years old

(2) Kim Hyuna | 16 years old
Their Personality:(make it short for each of them!)

[1] Lee Chaerin AKA CL: She is a hot-tempered girl who will kill whoever messes with her friends and family. She is the unnie Miyako has always wanted. She is quite funny. Sometimes. She becomes the 2nd ‘umma’ of Miyako since she is really caring.

[2] Kim Hyuna: She is a flirt. She likes to flirt with boys, attract them then dump them. It’s her favourite pasttime. Like CL, she can be really protective over her friends and family. She is a sweet girl who always helps Miyako.
How did you meet them? (keep it short!)

(1) She was the one who led Miyako to the office on the first day since Miyako was lost and didn’t know where to go.

(2) She is the seat partner of Miyako.

Friends:(min.2 - Max. 5 and state name,age and how you met them)

[1] Lee Joon (MBLAQ) || 17 years old || He was sitting on the bleachers, getting his break while his teammates were playing basketball. He heard Miyako, who was sitting at one of the benches near him, mutter about the techniques and skills and what each person should or shouldn’t do. He got quite interested in her and had a small crush for her. But now, they’re just friends.

[2] Jung Soojung AKA Krystal (F(x)) || 16 years old || They are classmates. They got to know more about each other after a game of netball and Krystal accidentally hitting Miyako with the ball.

[3] Seo Joohyun AKA Seohyun (SNSD) || 16 years old || They are classmates. They only got to know more about each other at the library. Miyako was trying to reach for a book but she couldn’t, Seohyun appeared and helped her to get the book.

[4] Cho Kyuhyun (Super Junior) || 19 years old || They met on Starcraft. He battled Miyako and was 100% sure he wouldn’t lose but in the end, he lost. He wanted to know who was so good at the game to have beaten a ‘professional’ like him. After a few meeting between the two gamers, they became good friends.
Their Personality:(make it short for each of them!)

(1) Lee Joon – He is another arrogant athlete. Besides that bad point of his, he is a romantic and loves skinship. He likes to tease others too and likes to make them jealous. However, he is very trustworthy and reliable.

(2) Jung Soojung AKA Krystal – She is a cold and ruthless person. She doesn’t show her true self to others, except her friends. Never mess with her friends or die. In reality, she is a warm and cheerful girl who always fails epic-ly in making of jokes.

(3) Seo Joohyun AKA Seohyun – Seohyun is the kindest and puriest girl ever. She puts ‘study’ as the first thing to do and strongly belives in education. She is very polite to everyone and is also very optimistic.

(4) Cho Kyuhyun – He is a prankster that loves to tease and ‘bully’ his hyungs. His ‘wife’ is Starcaft. He is, however, the worst choice to confide in as he’ll let the whole world know your secrets. Other than that, he is a sweet guy who has a crush on Seohyun.

My last addition

Rival(s):(optional. | max.3 | state their name,age and why are they your rival) None.

Other Relationships?(Exes,Role Model in School,etc.) Her ex-boyfriend is G-Dragon. They were a nice and loving couple. But they broke up because they realised they only had those kind of ‘sibling’ feeling to each other.

Password:(You should have read the rules ;D)


I’m going to give you extras~ Since I’m bored. XP





Any comments/requests?:(optional) 


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