Fic Tag (stolen) [includes all my twice fics]

1. Which is your favourite of the fics you've written?


It usually changes over time but right now it’s probably Don’t Feel Lonely (Because You Have Me). I liked that the feelings that the protagonist (mina) goes through here is pretty much relatable to just about everyone. Loneliness is a very common emotion and I wanted to write about it because I thought it was an emotion that made someone vulnerable and very human. You could have all the friends in the world and still feel lonely and in mina’s case here, it stems from herself. I always want to write about some kind of self-realization and discovery for my protagonists.

2. Favourite piece overall?


An snsd fic called Blue Veins by Jorgenzen.

3. Which was the hardest to write, in terms of plot?


Probably Cigarette Daydreams because I tried to do a different take to it by incorporating a lot of flashbacks. If anyone actually noticed, my fics are usually quite linear so that was quite a challenge. It was still fun though, because it was not something I did often and trying to smoothly insert flashbacks is not an easy task. I didn’t want to be like most people and just have a label ‘flashback’ and just write it. I wanted it smooth, not abrupt like that.

4. Which has the most "you" in it, however you'd define that?


None of my twice fics have ‘me’ in it because when I was writing for snsd, I wrote two fics based on my non-existent love life, called When I Met You in Summer and You’ll Never Know. When I read back the stories after quite some time, I found it rather over-the-top and I think I made the protagonist aka me too pitiful. That’s when I realized that if I write about myself, I will most likely exaggerate stuff because I feel strongly about it but it might not exactly be what the fic needs. People liked it, I guess, but I didn’t after a while. I’m still glad I wrote them though, because I guess it gave me some kind of closure after years of pining for a love that never happened.

5. What is an image/set of images that you're particularly proud of?


Any picture that has Twice OT9 on stage.

6. Idea that you always wanted to write but could never make work?

Soulmate!AU lmao. I tried, believe me. Maybe in the future I might try again but lol not now.

7. Least favorite plot point/chapter/moment?

Someone in a room, all alone lmao. Now that I look back, I think I overused this too much HAHA. (It’s a sign that I need to get out of my own room more lol)

8. Favorite plot point/chapter/moment?

When the protagonist moves on from hardship/unrequited love/breakups etc. I think I touched on this in White Lies (No, Cowardice). It’s pretty much what I love to write, especially at the ending of a story. It is also partially the reason why I named my Mina one-shot collection ‘Light’. It’s a cliché ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, ‘guiding light’ kind of thing, but honestly, it is a word that means the most to me out of the whole English dictionary.

9. Favorite character to write?

I quite enjoyed writing Nayeon in Politeness and Prejudice. It’s not canon to her personality in real life so I held the reins and I could decide how to develop her. In the story, she is someone with no ill-intent, really, that is why she blames herself a lot when there is a disconnect between her emotions and her brain. In the story, she feels jealous of Mina and she knows it’s wrong to feel these things and thus she has an internal conflict and unintentionally shows a mean side of herself. I wanted her relatable this way.

10. Favorite line or lines of dialogue that you've written

The Pavlov’s Bell one AHAHAHA if you’ve read it, you’ll probably know why.

Chaeyoung isn’t quite sure why Mina looks at her the way she does and she finds it hard to describe it even. As someone who writes her own raps, words fail her when it comes to Mina. When Mina’s eyes find hers, she looks like a child who received presents on Christmas day, with her eyes shimmering, like there are stars in her eyes.

Chaeyoung wonders if Mina looks at everyone this way.

The girl beckons Chaeyoung and she cannot find it in herself to walk away. Like a lured prey, she finds herself gravitating towards Mina automatically, plunking herself down beside her. The red-haired girl laughs softly – intimately, like it’s a song only meant for Chaeyoung.

So Chaeyoung listens – and the rest of the world is silent.


Her heart starts to beat the way it does whenever Mina is near. She turns and Mina is grinning at her mischievously (like she wants to play). Chaeyoung does a double take because the penguin is looking at her the same way she did when she was still pining over Chaeyoung, like Chaeyoung is her favourite person in the world. Mina’s eyes are bright with the stars in her eyes again and the warmth is back in her eyes.

Chaeyoung now knows that Mina looks at everyone the same way.

But she smiles anyway, “Nothing much. What’s up?”

“Want to help me with the choreography of Truth? I can’t seem to get one part down and we have to film the dance practice soon.”

Mina pouts and Chaeyoung finds herself gravitating towards Mina once again.

“Anything for you, unnie,” Chaeyoung admits says.

Mina laughs softly, like it’s a song meant only for Chaeyoung to hear. (It’s not.)

So, Chaeyoung listens – and the rest of the world is silent.

11. If I'm showing off just one of your pieces to someone, which one should it be?

Maybe White Lies (No, Cowardice) because it seemed pretty well-received?

12. What WIPs do you have going now? Are you excited about them?

Really excited about the Mitzu/Mimo one I’m writing now because I thought a lot about Mina’s character here and how I wanted to portray her. I didn’t want to write canon nowadays because I feel like I’m going to keep reverting to the same Mina in Don’t Feel Lonely—the soft, shy personality.

13. Are there any things that might have happened in any of your stories, but you changed them at the last minute? (So-and-so dies, they don't actually kiss, main character has long extended ballet-based dream sequence, etc.)

In Sunny Sunday Smiles, the last part when Chaeyoung wakes up beside Mina and kisses her, that wasn’t supposed to happen HAHAHA.

14. Does font matter to you when you're writing a draft?

I always write in times new roman, size 11. I’m not sure why.

15. 3 favorite comments ever received on fanfic.

 I don’t particularly remember any, but the long ones of course. The ones which actually analyse my fic and talk about the elements that I intended for readers to notice, those are real satisfying as a writer.

16. Any mean comments? How'd you deal with it? Who laid the smackdown?

So far, I actually haven’t received any. I guess I’m lucky I write for kind fandoms. Kudos to sones and onces.

17. If you could go back and revise one of your older stories, which would it be?

I might revise One in a Million because I wrote that with no plot in mind, hence the directionless fic LOL.

18. Do you make up scenes at work/on the bus/at the gym? Who are the characters that pop up the most? Do you write them down?

I make up scenes anywhere I go. Something could hit me and I’d just type it out in my phone and wait till I get home to expand the idea. The second question depends on the location. If I’m on the bus alone, Chaeng pops up because I tend to imagine her as the artistic loner type HAHA (not that she’s like that in real life).



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