Grow the up, spoiled little brats.

This fandom is one of the most toxic communities I have ever been ashamed to be apart of. Nevermind kpop fandom and the stupid wars, but the immaturity of children or adults who still behave like children carrying their ignorance over to role playing is just as tiring. The constant account reporting, for what? People on the internet *cough*Tumblr*Cough* cry about oversensitivity and 'triggers' and anti-bullying, yet people online are one the biggest bullies I have seen. At least bullies off line have some courage to do it in your face, unlike the anonymous bullies on the internet who do what they want on here because its the only power trip they can get in their pathetic little lives.

Seriously, I want people who go around reporting role play accounts to get hit by buses, and anti-fans (who, to me, have the same disgusting mentality) to be eaten by sharks. ing scum bags.

I don't know which is harder to deal with. A bed bug infestation or half of the spoiled brats who act like this on the internet. 


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Say it louder for the people in the back, fam. Aaaaaamen!
Preach it!
These people really need to learn some manners and ethics. They shame our whole fandom and even our Idols. I have never seen or heard people so immature and in need of counseling. Lord, bless them with some brains.