
I wrote a one shot but i'm to scared to post it. I wonder if, will it be okay to post it? or I should check it multiple times ?


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You should have more confidence in yourself :) If you feel like posting it than you should . Believe in yourself believe more in your work. Take this opportunity to learn and also evaluate your own progress . All the best to you. Don't be afraid give yourself the chances that you need to grow and shine
I agree with CristinelsVIP -- just post it! The readers of AFF are very supportive people and if anything it'll be a great learning experience. I know it's scary to push that button and publish your work on the web (trust me, I need to give myself a little pep talk every time I update), but in the end it's worth it :)
Post it. Then see what's the result later. Just be confident about your work. Everyone is a working on progress. ☺