The Habit Tag!

Thank you Mel for tagging me~! <3

5 Habits you do in school (college)

1. I doze off quite a lot, especially if it's lecture hour first thing in the morning
2. If I see someone else walking to the door, man or woman, I speed up so I can get there first and open the door for them xD
3. I tend to sketch and draw when I have paper in front of me. One time I drew an anime face near my name on my test and my professor wrote and asked if that was her xD
4. I smile and nod when my professor speaks~
5. Hm Idunno if it's a habit but I feel the need to email and tell my professors if I'm going to miss class or leave early.

5 habits you do at home

1. I talk to myself. 
2. I wink to myself in the bathroom mirror. 
3. Everytime I eat, I always have something to watch whether it be youtubers, korean variety shows, k-dramas, Steve Wilkos, animal documentaries, gang documentaries, shows a.k.a The Walking Dead xD 
4. I drink constantly throughout the day. It's a habit now to buy cases of soda, water, beverages and just set it near my desk so I can reach for it and drink it.
5. It used to be a habit of mine to have my fan on throughout the night, every night of the year despite the season. Because it was loud and somehow the sound keeps me asleep. When someone turns that thing off, I immediately wake up. I just couldn't sleep without it! But now it's all good, though it's still standing by my bed xD

5 habits you do at the mall

1. Maybe it's because I'm more open minded now compare to my judgemental teen days, but I constantly visit every shop in the mall no matter what it is (clothes, games, merchandize, candies, stickers, make up though I don't wear them, lotion and soap though I don't use anything special, etc) but of course only if I have time. xD
2. I noticed that I tend to walk freely..? Like I know no one is watching or looking so I just walk with my head held up and don't give a fudge... xD
3. Food! I always got to get food whenever I'm with someone at the mall! It's a must!
4. Once again, dunno if this counts as a habit but I'm always amaze at everything in the mall xD Even the lights amazes me. 
5. So because one of my work place is near the mall, me and a few of my co-workers are familiar with two of the mall securities. So whenever I go to the mall and see them walking around or 'patrolling' I'd greet them and once we held a decent conversation.

5 habits you do before & while sleeping

1. I normally go to sleep with three blankets because...well Idunno why xD But I tend to kick them off and is usually only left with one when I wake up 
2. Before I fall asleep, I would have toss and turn about four times before I can find that right angle >_< Even if I'm dead tired, I can't sleep until I've turned about that many times T_T
3. Before I sleep I like to do a final check up if that's what you call it xD But basically I check my AFF, FB, and a game I play for any new updates. 
4. Ah and I can't sleep unless I've brushed my teeth. I know some people does it somehow but I can't do it xD I'd stress and stress until I get up and brush them xD
5. I live in the bathroom for about an hour before sleeping. That includes using the restroom, cleaning up, checking my updates xD

5 habits you and your friends have common

1. We make weird noises and at times would keep those weird noises coming and going for no reason (of course this is only a certain group of friends) xD
2. We are all either students, part/full timer workers, or both xD
3. I'd say the majority of us are connected through social media instead of having each other's phone numbers. 

4. We're either cat or dog lovers xD
5. We make racist jokes to one another and I'm willing to tell you two of them. They're quite 'harsh' so brace yourself if you want to hear read it. So I'm Asian and I had this co-worker, we're still friends and keep in contact, but anywho he's Mexican and the joke was, so we had ran out of beef and he said somewhere along the lines that "if Kaihlee was manager and someone said we're out of beef she'll say MAKE MORE RICE!" Now here's my joke to him, "So Martinez (his real name isn't Martinez but it sounds more Hispanic) when does your green card expire?" and "Why are you still here? You should be deported." I know we're sick in the head but gah it made work so much more fun and the day just went by faster >_<

I'm guessing the rule was only to tag five people but nah everyone's invited xD


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lmfao you and your friends are wild and vicious omg
"2. I wink to myself in the bathroom mirror."
Why is this so cute and funny~? xD

You're eating while watching walking dead..??!!! 0.o

"3. Food! I always got to get food whenever I'm with someone at the mall! It's a must!"
Eung~!! Food is number one~!! ^-^d