Habits (tag: glances, mizusora, and 404 other friends on my friendlist!)

Thank you my dear friend, blu3wind for tagging me.

5 Habits you do in school  Office (Gonna change this to office as well XD)

1. Headset on from 9 to 5 (basically the start of the work until the time to go home)
2. My hands always itchy to open YT every time and I ended up watching instead of working (which procrastinate all my works)
3. I always works in hurry and cursed to myself when it close to the deadline and promise to myself I won't do the same ever again bcos duh I have like 50 designs to finished in one day that crazy and in the next project, I did the same again and again, its vicious circle (I need help!)
4. Altho I mostly coming to office late (15 to 30 minutes), I always am the one arrived first. Amazing.
5. I chat more in line with friends than to my co-workers.

5 habits you do at home

1. Dinner in front of the laptop while watching Korean variety shows/dramas.
2. Open fridge from time to time to find food altho the fridge is actually empty....
3. When it's 8 pm I get into my room to having binge watching until 11 or 12 max.
(Yes I have a lot to watch)
4. Karaoke at the bathroom while doing my business (since I can't focus on either one I spent like more than an hour inside. Luckily my house has more than one bathroom XD)
5. Ate fruits every after dinner 

5 habits you do at the mall

1. I barely check my phone (Unless I'm alone)
2. Checking out every shop with sale logo XD
3. I walk fast 
(it's too fast sometimes I ended up walk alone and the rest walking side my side with themselves)
4. Just wandering around especially after a big eat/lunch/dinner
5. Must visit the toilet 
(My digestion is not good) 

5 habits you do while sleeping

1. I sleep without blanket which around 3/4am I will be awake because of the cold and cover myself to back to sleep again
2. Can't sleep with the lights on.
(My sis is the opposite so I always sleep with blindfolds on)
3. Can't sleep after drink a glass of green tea in the evening.
4. Having nightmare
(altho it's not always but when I had one, mostly consisted murder, being chased, ghost etc)
5. Crying so I can sleep better(not crying, crying but you know when you yawn tears forming in your eyes? I do that alot so my eyes will be soaked and when it does its freaky easy to sleeepp, when my eyes closed, the tears works like glue XD)

5 habits you and your friends have common

1. We're k-poopers
2. We're pretty much dirty
3. We breathe 

4. We sleep
5. We eat

The rules say I can only tag 5 people, so I TAGGING EVERYONE WHO READS


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Open fridge from time to time although it is empty... I laugh the loudest at this!
"Headset on from 9 to 5 (basically the start of the work until the time to go home)"
Poor your ear.. let it resttt..

"Can't sleep with the lights on.(My sis is the opposite so I always sleep with blindfolds on)"
Highfive with your sis~!! xD

"Checking out every shop with sale logo XD"
Hahahaha~ me too~ xD
Office #5 so sad... Hahahahahha

Home #1 oh yaaaa i do this tooo at office and home! Forgot to mention it.
#4 ewww i am eating while i read this. Why do u always talk about this when i am eating?! XD

#5 tuh kannnn!! I'm still eating xD

friends #2 uuhm dirty..? Like not showering dirty? :3
ahahah sAME for number 4 in home habits xD and yaS I go find all the sales at stores LOOL