WARNING, READ BEFORE PROCEEDING TO MAIN POST: This contains a piece of my CRUDDY PAST, I REPEAT THIS HAPPENED IN THE PAST. I understand that you guys can be protective of your fandoms (particularly the one I'll be indicating here, I praise you, please protect our dear idols but not in a harsh and scary way please, and let us respect other fandoms and idols too, ok) but guys, this happened in the past and I'm just sharing it and I'm a part of this fandom as well now, so no negative comments please. If I see one negative comment, I SWEAR TO OREOS AND CREAM GELATO I WILL politely explain what is happening in this post and what is up with it now and stuff and how it all happened in the past. Anyways, please continue...

Hello hello!! Oppastotheright here, about to tell y'all a story about my crappy kpop past as a fan.

So... I admit, I wasn't always a SONE.

Believe it or not, I once disliked SNSD, to the point where I used to bash SNSD in front of the irl SONES in school with my fellow irl BLACKJACKS because they were also bashing my main fandom back then, which was 2NE1.

Now some of you may say "But Author-nim, you love SNSD. You love writing Taeny, you love the gorgeous dancing queen Hyoyeon, how could you?"

Well, first off... I was so immature back then.

Being a kid, around 9 or 10 years old probably, I wasn't actually a mature thinker. Like I still believed that I'd get a pet polar bear back then.

Second off... I believed that I was "protecting my fandom"

Stupid as it may seem, but in my school way back then, BLACKJACKS and SONES are at war. I don't really know how it started but when I told my friends that I was into 2NE1 at that time, I was in the war.

So, I admit, I was an SNSD hater back then. As time passed, I happen to encounter an old video wherein I saw them training I think... I don't remember but anyways, I was beginning to think...

"What's the point in all of this?"

I mean, why the heck should we fight about who is the best, right?

I then realized that SNSD worked so hard to be where they are, just like 2NE1. Both deserve equal respect because they deserved to be where they are.

So I stopped, I stopped bashing and hating SNSD, instead of bashing them, I respected them, as my favorite group's seniors.

Because think about it, without the senior groups, where the hell would our faves be?

So time passed, I was beginning to like SNSD. It probably started from "The Boys" era, then it just continued until, I truly began liking SNSD.

I apologized to the SONES in school for being a jerk, I admitted my mistakes and hey were pretty cool, telling me it's fine and welcoming me into their fandom and apologizing for bashing 2NE1.

So, I guess what I'm about to say is that never ever bring a group down when it comes to protecting your fandom, it actually tarnishes or ruins your fandom's name. The death threats you send other idols, the trolling and the bashing and the pettiness you show to another fandom just ruins your idols' name. Instead of trying to murder other idols just to protect your idols and make them even more famous, just let all those haters be. They're just IMMATURE like how I was back then, let them be and let them realize their mistake. Everyone deserves a chance to change their perspective on things so just let them be and kill them with kindness of course, let them feel the guilt that way.

Now, look. I'm a SONE and a BLACKJACK, I love both groups and respect them. 

We shouldn't bash each other's fandoms and bring the others down, I mean we're all having fanwars here, meanwhile our idols are actually good friends.

Like 2NE1 and SNSD.

Now you may ask "So why did you make a post like this?"

I'm so tired of seeing fanwars right now. Fandoms sending death threats to each other's idols and ruining their names tire me. I'm a very multifandom KPOPstan, I love a lot of KPOP groups out there and seeing some of my fandoms fighting is definitely a bad thing.

Think about what your idol would say if they see you doing those things.

Another lesson, I learned to respect SNSD and love them as well amidst all the bashing and the wars, EVEN IF I WAS A HATER BEFORE.

So what I'm trying to say now is, let others realize their mistakes, let them be. If they hate something, or in this case, someone, you like, let them be. Because they will see what they did wrong and reflect on them so that they won't do that mistake, they'll learn to respect that someone and eventually stop hating on them and start liking and respecting them.

To be very honest I was supposed to make this post back then when I saw SONEs bashing SEVENTEEN's Wonwoo (My bias) because of his past after he APOLOGIZED.

I MEAN, sure he did wrong , I should know, we had the same past. But he learned too okay? He RESPECTS THEM now and he isn't hating on them anymore just leave him be.

I know I'm supposed to let go of this because this happened ages ago but I can't.

Think of how he'd feel if you keep on bringing this up and making him feel worse.

I saw myself in him that time, so I understood how he must've felt, because even if some accepted me before, I was bullied by others because they think I was a fake fan and I shouldn't be in their fandom because I hated SNSD BEFORE.

Sure, I hated them before, but I CHANGED, I LIKE THEM NOW. So why would they stop me from liking them? I also apologized and regretted everything so they should've just let go because it was in the past.

Let go of the past and just keep on moving forward. The past doesn't really matter anyway, it ALREADY HAPPENED, what's more important is that you should mind the future instead and let all those negative things go and just focus on the positive.

You learned two things in my storytime!!! Yay. So, I know you may be a bit... Confused but don't worry, I'm still a SONE and I'm still a Blackjack. I don't care if anyone would say that I'm not because I am, I'm a fan of those two groups, SNSD and 2NE1, so just shut up, you can't change me, only I can change myself.

Once again, I am sorry for all the SONES out there even if you didn't know what I said and did, I'm sorry that I once brought our girls down. I love them now don't worry and I will protect them.

Okay guys so, that's it for my Storytime. THANK YOU FOR READING THIS I'd appreciate it if you don't leave any negative comments but do feel free to comment and please let's all not fight and be in fanwars, for the sake of our idols.

Bye bye~



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you're right. it's bad that you acted that way before, but what matters is that you've changed.