So today on tumblr, many people have come across some kpop scenario blogs ualizing minors.

This has been the third time a blog has ualized minors (aka nct dream) and it needs to stop.

Also, I'd like to say that once Mark Lee and others turn 18, please DO NOT jump to your keyboards and begin writing about them, because some people living in other counties have different consent ages. So if you wanna write about someone, please wait and check to make sure their age is 20-21. 

Does anyone else think differently? I'd like to just discuss this with you guys :)

Update: I know the consent age in South Korea is 19 to 20. So At least wait until they're 19, if not, just don't write about idols when they're under 18.


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I agree wholeheartedly. It's actually kind of disturbing. I mean, yes, I get that especially at a teen age is normal for their hormones to be all over the place, kind of adds up the pressure of how young they are tackling an artist career AND still go to school etc etc but that won't make it okay for elder women to ualize boys who are barely adults yet. This is why I never understood the whole noona thing that lots of Korean boys aspire after. You know what's hypocritical? That if a man does it, he's a pedo, but if a woman does it it's "hot." I don't understand the double standards, but I digress. It's actually a good thing you're bringing this up for discussion because it shouldn't be ignored. Those erted people need to tone it down. There are so many other idols to write y about. Really.
so, today i was on tumblr as well, when i come across a post talking about another blog who had posted haechan . (typing those two words together made me lose faith in humanity but we can discuss that later.) naturally, i'm trying to figure out a way to block or report or do something against this blog, until i see some messages. and the messages were telling the author to keep doing what they were doing because there was "nothing wrong" with ualizing minors and that "it wasn't like teens don't have ".
okay, back up. first, i recommend you get your head out of wherever it's been stuck to wake up and SEE THE WORLD. OPEN YOUR CURTAINS. GET SOME SUNLIGHT. VITAMIN D IS ESPECIALLY IMPORTANT.
second, these are minors that have had their childhoods snatched from them. i'm the same age as the majority of nct dream, and despite the fact that we should be leading virtually similar lives, we aren't. i go to school, and so do they; that's practically the only similarity between us. i don't have to practice not only vocals and dance for performances, but i don't have to practice for shows or memorize scripts. i don't have to deal with unwanted publicity, upholding an image, fanservice, minimal sleep (alright, i do, but let's disregard this as my own doing), getting pictures taken, getting screamed at, getting videos taken of me, dealing with the stress of a career along with the normal stress at this age. but they do. and the last thing they need is to be ualized.

you are correct, my friend, about comments like "i cant wait until so and so turns 18". but there's gonna be people who do it anyways, or think that ualization of minors is no big deal.
idk i kinda regret for sm for having created a group of minors. i feel bad that they can't experience a normal childhood without these unnecessary stressors. and it angers me even more that more bull is being piled onto their already full plates :/
Mmh, I agree that it's disturbing they're being ualized, especially by adult fans but ... The different consent age is kind of ...
I think 18 is a fine agreed age, to be honest. 18 seem very ... universal. I know not all countries would accept that but still.
If I was to write a story about a minor using the consent age here I would have to write a story about someone 14 or younger because the consent age here is 15. I definitely agree, though, that that would be far too young for a story, especially with how gross people can be with kinks - so I think 18 is a fair age to sort of decide on.