Sad author

My story isn't getting any new comments, it's getting subscribers tho <3 I feel sad that I haven't had any comment since last month, I feel really depressed and sad, even though I always note my subscribers to comment :'( :/ What should I do


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Gosh I read your story and sorry if I didnt. But your subs are increasing so thats a good thing! It isnt easy to convince your subscribers to comment. I know. It takes time. It will be well
I know youre sad that nobody comments on your story but then again, by the end of the day the real reason you are writing is to write out the imagination in your head hahaha

even if you do write for the sake of comments then patience is key ;) you'll get some comments soon! just dont force hahaha thats a no-no!
Sometimes story is good enough to subscribe to but you don't feel like dropping any words on it. It just happens. You gotta accept and roll with it, asking for comments may throw people off