WELL, this is slightly irritating.

okay everyone. if you have read my past blogs, then you should remember one i posted about my current focus, Chaewoon, and about a girl that really bugs me because i feel like she's trying to take Chaewoon away, even though he's not even mine.

well, i'll call her Sophia again. but this time, she pissed me off even more.

okay, so Chaewoon is dense. i mean, really dense. he doesn't notice that i stare at him because i like him, he just doesn't notice anything at all. and i liked that, because that made things easier for me to try and approach him without him getting a creepy impression about me. i mean, it's not like he doesn't stare, i catch him at times too. but i liked that he didn't know how i felt, because then it would makes things harder for me to talk to him.

well, since Sophia knows that i like him, and she claims to like him too, she told Chaewoon that i liked him. and now he knows. but why tell him in the first place? it's not her concern, it's mine. who does she think she is to tell someone about MY feelings? they're mine, and ONLY mine to discuss with him. it's my job to communicate them to him. but she told him, and claimed that she thought he already knew about my feelings.

but she knew he didn't know. she knows how dense he is, and how it would've taken him eternity for him to realize that i like him.

now i feel like that reward i was going to get when i confessed to him is gone. i can't see his surprised face, or if he is happy, i can't see that either. because he already knows, and it won't come as a surprise anymore.

that really upsets me. it doesn't bother me that it was her that told him, it bothers me that i can't see his reaction anymore. well, actually, i lie. it does bother me that it was her who told him. i feel like she's trying to break me down, and she's hiding in her facade of being a sweet person.

did she really have to tell him? no. there was no reason to. we're not friends. so why take it upon yourself to tell him about my secret? i really want to punch her, because to me, that was a huge move. i have never done anything to her, and yet she is trying to get to me.

do you know how pissed she gets when a girl talks to Chaewoon? very. and it makes me mad that she acts like he's already her property.

i'm just really upset right now.

i'll just go and write up some updates.


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OMG DAT . She's acting like that because you like him. If you didn't, it wouldn't be that interesting. I know lots of girls like that. Just go and talk to him!!!
yeah, girls are very greedy when it comes to boys. -.-
i've been through a similar situation, which i decided upon that i hate females in general; they're mostly greedy es, except the ones who deserve their interest. and those are underestimated coz other witches usually make their moves first lol
wacks-and-macs #4
it's alright, atleast he doesn't hate me. c:
see, but you did it with good intentions, and the guy knew your friend right?
Chaewoon didn't even know i existed.
well, that's an exaggeration, but he never talked to me, he would always just catch me looking at him.
atleast he would walk next to me when he didn't know. now that he knows, he seems troubled, and i didn't want that.
Don't feel bad you didn't mean to
Oh my god, o_o Now I feel bad./: Because I told my friend's crush that she likes him T^T but i didnt mean it to be mean. besides, he was all "really?" and was happy and asked her out. Now they're together. but my friend's holding a fake grudge on me.(: but i feel bad because I told him.): *sigh* .........what if Chaewoon likes u?(:
i just want someone that will make me happy, and if he's cute, has amazing hair, or has an amazing body, it's a bonus. c:
Haha who doesn't love a guy with rockin hair? 13 minutes :)
yuussss. i'd be such a romantic. and a dork. because that's what i love in a boy ^-^
With awesome hair. Ugh 17 minutes
yep. i hope that in my next life, i'm a boy.
Oops I meant makeup